第 28 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9322
  and   with   the   educated   to   utter   disgust。  The   light   has   been   extinguished;
  and priest and people alike are groping about in darkness。
  It is strange; yea; passing strange; the amount of human ignorance and
  folly that is revealed。 When we look upon this picture and then upon that;
  verily we cannot help but ask the question; is mankind really progressing?
  We   know   that   it   is;   we   are   keenly   alive   to   the   truth   that   the Anthem   of
  Creation   sounds   out   〃Excelsior〃〃move   on;〃   but   how;   and   in   what   way
  (SPIRITUALLY) we fail   to comprehend。 The cyclic   development of   the
  human soul is an inscrutable mystery。
  All   the   considerations   above   presented   must   be   thoroughly   weighed
  and understood in order to arrive at the true value of 〃the dogma and ritual
  of high magic;〃 as Eliphas Levi terms it; because; amid the vast array of
  tinselled drapery; the outcome of man's vain conceit and bombastic pride;
  we shall find very little that can be considered as vital and really essential
  to the   rites   of   magic。 The   show;  the   drapery;   the   priestly  ornaments   and
  instruments; are to the really spiritual Occultist; but; as sounding brass and
  a tinkling cymbal。 That they had;  and still have; their legitimate uses;  is
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  true; but these uses do not concern magic; per se; nor its manifold powers。
  They     awed     the  popular     mind;    and   impressed      upon    the  masses     a  due
  reverence for the powers   that be。 They were  instrumental in holding   the
  untrained passions of the common herd in check; by a wholesome fear of
  summary  vengeance   from  the   gods;  so   that   this   pageantry  of   magic;   the
  outward priestly show; was more of a politic development than a spiritual
  necessity;   an   astute   but;   philosophical   method   of   enabling   the   educated
  few to govern the uneducated many。 And it was only when the educational
  and initiatory rites of the temple became corrupt; and the priest became the
  persecuting       ally  of   the   kingwhen;      in   real   fact;  the   priest   lost   his
  spirituality   in   the   desire   for   temporal   power   and   place;   that   the   people
  began to disbelieve his professions and rebel against his tyrannical control。
  The   powers   that   be;   are   now   wielding       their   sword    of   justice;   and
  unfurling the knowledge of freedom and truth to the aspiring mind of man。
  He has begun to feel his bondage and the yoke of oppression。 The words
  of   promise   and   love;   instead   of   lifting   him   up   to   the   God   he   has   been
  taught     to  worship;    bow     him   down     in  slavish    obedience     to  his   priest。
  Mankind cannot remain in this mental and spiritual darkness much longer。
  Already I see the break of day; the dawn of a new life; a new religion; or;
  rather; the re…establishing of the true; which is as old as Time itself。 There
  is but One Law; One Principle; One Word; One Truth and One God。
  The   original   requirements   for   the   office   of   priest;   and   the   rites   of
  magic; were; as shown; a primitive; i。e。; pure mind; one that had outgrown
  the lusts and passions of youth; a person of responsibility and experience;
  and   even   to   this   day   the   priest   of   the   Roman   Church   is   called   by   the
  familiar     title  of  〃father。〃   And    as   Nature    does    not  alter   her  laws    and
  requirements in obedience to the moral development of the race; we may
  rest   assured   that   the   same   requirements;   of   ten   thousand   years   ago;   still
  hold good to…day。 You may enter your magic circle; drawn with prescribed
  rites; and you may intone your consecrations and chant your incantations;
  you may burn your incense in the brazen censer and pose in your flowing;
  priestly robes; you may bear the sacred pentacles of the spirit upon your
  breast and wave the magic sword to the four quarters of the heavens; yea;
  you may even do moreyou may burn the secret sigil of the objurant spirit;
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  and yell your conjurations and exorcisms till you are black in the face; but
  all   in   vain;   my   friendall   in   vain。   It   will   prove   nothing   but   vanity   and
  vexation   of   spirit   unless   the   inward   self;   the   soul;   interblends   with   the
  outward       Word;    and    contacting     by   its   own    dynamic      intensity    the
  elemental vibrations of Naturearouses these spiritual forces to the extent
  of responding to your call。 When this can be done; but not until then; will
  your magical incantations have any effect upon the voiceless air。 Not the
  priestly robes nor magic sword; not the incantations; WRITTEN WORD;
  nor mystic circle; can produce Nature's response to Occult rite; but the fire
  of the inward spirit; the mental realization of each word and mystic sign;
  combined with the conscious knowledge of your own Deific powersthis;
  and this only; creates Nature's true magician。
  Who   and   where   can   such   be   found? Are   they   so   few   that   the   echo
  answers back 〃Where and who?〃 Yet; there are many such upon the Earth
  at the present time; but the present mental conditions forbid them making
  their identity known。 They would not be recognized and accepted as the
  TRUE   teachers;   but   reviled   and   persecuted   and   dubbed   as   insane。   But
  silently; they are sowing the seed of truth that will spring up and bear fruit;
  where and when least expected。
  Because evil is so active; truth is not lying dormant。 The spirit of God;
  that Divine spark of Deity within every human soul; never sleeps; never
  rests。 〃On and upward〃 is its cry。 〃Omnia vincit veritas。〃
  The   grand   sublimity   of   man's   conception   of   at…one   with   the   Infinite
  Father;    at…one    with   the   limitless   universe     of  being;    at…one   with;   and
  inheriting;     all  the   sacred    rights    and   inalienable     prerogatives     of   the
  ineffable     Adonai      of   the   deathless    soul;   is   the   only   test   of   man's
  qualification for the holy office; for; as Bulwer Lytton has truthfully said;
  〃the loving throb of one great HUMAN HEART will baffle more fiends
  than   all   the   magicians'   lore。〃   So   it   is   with   the   sacred   ritual。   One   single
  aspirational thought;  clearly defined;  outweighs all the priestly  trappings
  that the world has ever seen。
  The success of all incarnations depends upon the complete unison of
  VOICE       and    MIND;      the   interblend    of   which;    produces     the   dynamic
  intonation;   that   chords   with   the   inward   rhythmic   vibrations   of   the   soul。
  … Page 100…
  Once     this  magical;    dynamic;     vibration    is  produced;    there   immediately
  springs     into  being    the   whole    elemental     world    belonging     thereto;   by
  correspondence。 Vocalists who hold their  audiences spellbound do so by
  virtue of the magical vibrations they produce; and are in reality practical;
  even though unconscious; magicians。 The same power; to a degree; lies in
  the    voice   when    speaking;     the  graceful    movement       of  the  hand    when
  obeying   the   will;   and   the   eye   rays   forth   the   same   dynamic   power   and
  becomes magical in its effects。
  These   powers   are   exercised   more   upon   the   physical   plane;   and   no
  better illustration can be given; than; the power man is able to exert over
  the animal when gazing into its eyes。
  Here; as well as in incantations and invocations; within the power of
  the will; lies the success or failure。
  At this point it may be asked; what; then; is the use of magical rites; of
  symbols   and   priestly   robes?   We   answer;   in   themselves   alone;   nothing;
  absolutely   nothing;   except   the   facility   and   convenience   we   derive   from
  system; order and a code of procedure。 To this may be added the mental
  force and enthusiasm of soul which such things inspire; just as men and
  women   may   feel   more   dignified;   artistic;   and   refined;   when   dressed   in
  accordance with their ideas。 So may the average priest feel more priestly;
  holy;   and   consequently;   more   powerful   mentally;   when   arrayed   in   the
  robes of his office and surrounded by the outward symbols of his power
  and functions。 But; in themselves alone; there is not; nor can there be; any
  real virtue。 The same may