第 23 节
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  grasp     this   living   truth;   since    every    atom    of   medicine     administered;
  invariably acts upon this alchemical principle。 When the human organism
  has become   discordant   in   some   of   its parts;   it   is   because   the   interstellar
  vibrations have   aroused   various states   within the   human   kingdom  into   a
  condition   of   rebellion   against   the   supreme   will。   Man's   ignorance   favors
  such   seditious   movements;   and   his   general   habits   and   code   of   morals
  stimulate       them     to   undue      activity。    The     final    result   is   disease
  disorganization        of    the   parts    and     functions;     and    those     medicines
  corresponding        TO     THE     SAME       FUNCTIONAL            DEGREE         OF    LIFE
  WITHIN        THE     GRAND         MAN;      cure   the   disorder;   when     administered
  properly and IN TIME; whereas; if given to the perfectly healthy organism;
  THEY ALLEVIATE;   because   it   is   their   mission   to   either   subdue   or   be
  subdued; and when disease prevails the medicinal atoms; acting in unison
  with   the   natural   parts   and   functions   they   affect;   conquer   or   subdue   the
  inharmony;   and   vice   versa;   as   before   stated。   In   all   cases   of   disease   and
  medicine;   it   is   a   simple   question   of A  WAR   BETWEEN   THE ATOMS;
  and; therefore; the   most potential forces   within Nature are   always at the
  command of the true Alchemist; because he knows bow and when to select
  his fighting forces; and when to set them in motion; for the best results。
  … Page 81…
  Hahnemann; the founder of the Homeopathic system; has approached
  THE NEAREST to this alchemical truth; and as a consequence; we find it
  is in actual practice; the most natural; scientific; and successful system of
  medicine; yet given to the world; based; as it is; upon the well…known law
  of   affinites;   〃Similia   similibus   curantur;〃   〃like   cures   like;〃   being   a   very
  ancient axiom in the astrological practice of physic。
  Bulwer   Lytton;   who   had   become   thoroughly   convinced   of   the   great
  value and importance of uniting ancient Alchemy with modern medicine;
  makes the hero of his immortal story declare: 〃All that we propose to do is
  this: To find out the secrets of the human frame; to know why the parts
  ossify and the blood stagnates; and to apply continual preventives to the
  It   is   a   fact   that;   the   molecules   of   the   body   are   all   changed   within
  twelve months; that every cell in the human organism is born and grows to
  maturity   within   that   space   of   time。   Nature   is   absolutely   impartial。   She
  draws     from    the   atmosphere      that  she   may     reproduce     a  fac…simile    of
  everything she finds upon the surface of the body。 So; if there be a sore; or
  festering ulcer; the atoms which are thrown off attract similar atoms; so as
  to reproduce the ulcer or sore; and thus prevent the disease from getting
  well of itself until it has worn itself out。
  Further; every vein and canal throughout the entire body; from youth to
  maturity;   is   being   coated   with   carbonate   of   lime;   or   lime   in   some   form。
  The coating of the walls of the veins in such a manner; prevents the free
  circulation of the living matter; then; the real vitality of the food which we
  eat;   is   simply   passed   off   through   the   pores;   or   through   the   bowels;   or
  through the system; because it is unable to penetrate through the lime。
  If   that  prevention     which     produces     old  age   can    be  attained;    then
  physical youth will continue。
  The first step to take is to dissolve the lime in the body。 Drink nothing
  but distilled water; in either tea; coffee; or any other form; and drink freely
  of the sweet juices of the grape and apple。
  The food that we eat contains lime in a living form; and it is the living
  lime we need to build up the living bones; for the lime and the magnesia
  … Page 82…
  that   we    take   in  the  water    is  crystallized    dead    mineral;    possessing      no
  responsibility   of   life;   and   the   lime   in   our   food   is   quite   sufficient   for   all
  purposes。   For   everything   we   take   in   excess;   Nature   makes   us   pay   the
  The  first principle  of   long   living   is   to keep   all   channels of   the  body
  perfect and free from coatings of lime。
  The   second   is   that   of   youthful   ideals   of   the   mind。   The   soul   never
  grows old。
  The     third  principle    is  dynamic      breathing;    which     is  storing   up   the
  oxygen in sufficient quantities; to supply the tissues with sufficient fuel;
  for combustion。
  These     three   principles;    acting    in  unison;    contain    the  true   basis   of
  physical life and a means of long living。 Old age is simply the petrifaction
  of the body through lime; and the incorporating of erroneous thoughts into
  the organism。
  It is the true Alchemy of human existence; and the preventives; in each
  and every case must contain the spiritual correspondence to the cause they
  seek to remedy; and; though the followers of Hahnemann base the whole
  of   their   procedure   of   treatment   upon   their   master's   fundamental   law   of
  〃Similia similibus curantur;〃 yet; there may be a few rare cases wherein;
  this undeviating method would not apply with the required effect。 In such
  a case; the Alchemist would resort to the well…known law of opposites; and
  base his treatment upon the dogma of 〃Contraria contrariis curantur;〃 so
  long     the   pet  theory     of  the   Allopathic     school。     They    work     upon    the
  hypothesis that; like attracts like; and; if disease exist; those elements must
  be    administered      to  set   up   the  vibrations     that   will  produce     the   polar
  opposite。 If the body was racked with pain; those medicines would not be
  given that would create or increase similar conditions; but; their antipathy
  would be introduced into the system or applied locally to extinguish the
  So   long   as   mankind   remain   within   the   semicrystallized   state   of   soul
  development;   so   as   to   require   the   aid   of   external   forces   to   support   the
  human   throne   within   its   earthly   temple;   mercenary   troops   will   exist   to
  supply these supposed supports。
  … Page 83…
  Unquestionably;   the   astrological   law   is   the   true   system   of   medicine;
  which treats disease by sympathy or by antipathy; according to the nature
  of the case; and the efficacy of the remedies at hand。 This method is the
  only natural one; and has been thoroughly demonstrated by the numerous
  〃provings of drugs〃 under Hahnemann's law。
  Happily; the time is not far distant when; the incarnated spirit will be
  able    to  use   its  own   slumbering     forces;   and   subdue    all  suffering    and
  symptoms of disease in their very first inception; by virtue of its purer life
  and the dynamic potencies of its own interior; spiritual thought。 Already;
  mental     therapeutics     is   taking   an   advanced      position    among     liberal;
  progressive  minds;   and   nothing   demonstrates so   clearly  and   forcibly  the
  grand;    alchemical     law   of  life…growth    and   decay;   as  the   imponderable;
  invisible forces; which; constitute the materia medica; or remedial agents;
  of mental; magnetic; and spiritual healing。
  Perhaps   the   most    recondite   subject   connected      with   the   healing   art
  divine is; the modus operandi of medicinal action; upon the human body。
  A subject so simple and self…evident to the Alchemist; remains a profound
  mystery to the educated physician of the medical college; so much so that;
  we are tempted to ask of them: 〃Can you explain the modus operandi of
  drugs?〃   Dr。  William   Sharp;   one   of   the   most   advanced   physicians   of   the
  Homeopathic   school;   in   one   of   his   well…   known   〃Essays   on   Medicine;〃
  says: 〃In respect to the manner of action of drugs we are in total darkness;
  and we are so blind that the darkness is not felt。 KNOWLEDGE OF THIS
  KIND CANNOT BE ATTAINED; it is labor lost and TIME wasted to go
  in search of it。 Tr