第 22 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9322
  Melissa is not only in the garden; but also in the air and in heaven。 Saturn
  is not only in the sky; but also deep in the ocean and Earth。 What is Venus
  but the artemisia that grows in your garden; and what is iron but the planet
  Mars? That is to say; Venus and Artemisia are both products of the same
  essence; while Mars and iron are manifestations of the same cause。 What
  is the human body but a constellation of the same powers that formed the
  stars in the sky? He who knows Mars knows the qualities of iron; and he
  who     knows    what    iron   is  knows    the  attributes   of  Mars。    What    would
  become of your heart if there were no Sun in the Universe? What would
  be the use of your 'Vasa Spermatica''*' if there were no Venus? To grasp
  the invisible elements; to attract them by their material correspondences;
  to control; purify; and transmute; them by the ever…moving powers of the
  living spiritthis is true Alchemy。〃
  '*' Astral germs of subjective life forms:it is the latent; 〃to be〃。
  Thus;   in   a   very   few   simple   words;   we   find   this   master   of   the   art
  revealing   the   whole   arcana   of   that   mysterious science;   which has   for   its
  chief   object   and   goal;   the   discovery   of   the   〃philosopher's   stone;〃   which
  confers     upon   its  fortunate   possessor    the   blessings   of   immortal    youth。
  Therefore;   we   cannot   possibly   do   better   in   the   commencement   of   our
  present    study   than;   to  minutely    examine     each   particular   sentence    and
  endeavor to discover his true meaning; which; like all mystical writing; is
  so apparent; yet cunningly concealed; as to excite the student's admiration。
  〃If   I  have   manna     in  my    constitution;    I  can   attract  manna     from
  Heaven。〃 The manna here spoken of does not specify any particular thing;
  but is of universal application; and is simply used as an unknown quantity;
  like x; y; z in   mathematics。 But; ever since the days of Paracelsus;  half…
  initiated   mystics   and   bookworm   occultists;   have   endeavored   to   discover
  … Page 78…
  what this manna really was。 Some; the more spiritual; were of the opinion
  that; it was spiritual power; or purity of spirit; others imagined it to mean
  special magnetic qualifications; similar in nature to the so…called gifts of
  modern spiritualistic media。 The concealment of the truth is unique; and
  consists in its very simplicity; and; when correctly expounded; should read:
  〃I   am   the   microcosm;   and   all   the   visible   and   invisible   universe   dwells
  within   me;   so   that   whatsoever   power   I   have   in   my   constitution;   I   can
  attract its correspondence from Heaven。〃 Paracelsus must have smiled to
  himself when he wrote 〃If I have manna;〃 etc。; because his whole writings
  strive   to   prove   man   the   miniature   of   Deity。   Further   along;   he   explains
  himself by pointing out the real Law of Correspondence; thus: 〃Melissa is
  not   only  in   the   garden;   but also in   the   air;   and in   Heaven。   Saturn is   not
  only in the sky; but also deep in the ocean; and Earth。〃 The illustrations are
  beautiful;     The    life  of   the   plant;   the  〃anima     floralis;〃   pervades      the
  atmosphere and the interior states of spiritual life; where it becomes in the
  highest degree beautiful; and beneficial to the soul。 A reference upon this
  point to 〃The Light of Egypt〃 Vol。; I; may not be considered out of place。
  Upon page 74 it is written: 〃The flower that blooms in beauty; breathing
  forth to the air its fragrance; which is at once grateful to the senses  and
  stimulating      to  the   nerves;   is  a  perfect   specimen      of  Nature's    faultless
  mediumship。 The flower is   a medium for the transmission to the   human
  body of those finer essences; and of THEIR SPIRITUAL PORTION TO
  THE SOUL; for the aroma of the flower is spiritualized to such a degree
  as   to   act   upon   the   life   currents   of   the   system;   imparting   to   the   spiritual
  body a nutriment of the finest quality。〃
  Thus;   here   is   where   the   knowledge   of   the   alchemical   attributes   of
  plants; as applicable to man; can be most beneficially utilized。 Plants and
  flowers;     whose     attributes    and    aromas     harmonize      with    the   complex
  organism of   man; should be selected for the house and garden; for; they
  are   mediums   to   transmit   the   finer   essences   and   aromas   to   the   spiritual
  constitution of man; the plant to the physical; and the aromas and essences
  of the flowers to the soul。
  Antipathies in plants and flowers would bring a similar evil influence;
  as the discords of the antagonistic human magnetism。 It would not be so
  … Page 79…
  apparent; but more subtle; yet nevertheless effective in result。
  Our    attention    is  next  drawn     to  the  planet   Saturn;    which;    we   are
  informed; is not only shining in his starry sphere of the heavens; but is also
  buried in the ocean depths and embodied in the stratas of the earth。 It is
  almost needless to add that; our author refers to those substances naturally
  Saturnine   in   their   quality   of   life   and   expression;   such   as   lead;   clay;   and
  coal; among the minerals; and various deadly plants among the flora; the
  chief of which is the aconite or monkshood; so significant of Saturn and
  the isolated; monkish hermit。 After some repetition; in order to impress the
  truth of correspondences; our author exclaims: 〃What is the human body
  but a constellation of the same powers that formed the stars in the sky?〃
  Truly;   what   else?   for;   〃he   who   knows   Mars   knows   the   qualities   of   iron;
  and   he   who   knows   what   iron   is   knows   the   attributes   of   Mars。〃   Could
  anything be plainer? We think not。
  From     the   foregoing;    which     a  long   experience     and    much    critical
  investigation and research have demonstrated as true; we cannot avoid the
  conclusion that Alchemy; equally as well as every other science; religion;
  or system of philosophy formulated by man; resolves itself; ultimately; in
  all its final conclusions; into the one universal parent of all wisdom。
  ASTROLOGY; the Science of the Stars; in unison with the Science of
  the   Soul;   was;   and   still   is;   the   one   sublime   center   of   real   learning。   It
  constituted the sacred fountain of living waters; from whose placid depths
  there rayed forth the Divine revelations of man; his whence; where;  and
  whither; and under the careful conservation of a long line of gifted seers; it
  shone forth to the sons of men; as the sacred Hermetic light in the Astro…
  Masonic wisdom of Egypt's ancient priesthood。
  It is not lost to us to…day。 The same book lies open before us that faced
  our ancient forefathers。 It is standing out clear and distinct; waiting to be
  read by the sons of men。 We can learn its language; and from its pages; we
  ourselves can read our relation to God and our fellowman。 Shall we not
  heed the whispering intuitions of the soul and place ourselves in conscious
  rapport with the whole?
  This sublime Book of Wisdom was written by God Himself; to convey
  to His children the knowledge of His powers; attributes; and relation to all
  … Page 80…
  creative life。 We cannot see that Divine Spirit which we call God。 No; but
  as    long   as   the  finite   form    exists   as   such;   we    will   have    the  spirit's
  manifestations to learn from。 Never will the Book of God be closed to the
  searching   eye   of   the   soul。   There   will   always   be   presented   to   his   vision
  lessons to study; and practical experiments to perform; to lead the soul into
  deeper      mysteries。     Until    man    fathoms      his   own    universe;     he   cannot
  understand       God。    〃Know     thyself〃    is  as  applicable     to…day    as  when     the
  famous; immortal and mystic utterance was inscribed on the porch of the
  temple at Delphi。
  Before this wonderful; divinely elaborated; but complex system can be
  fully   realized;   it   is   necessary   that   the   student   should   comprehend;   very
  distinctly;   the   two   states   of   existence;   the   internal   and   the   external;   and
  become familiar with the laws of correspondences。 And it seems strange
  that of all Sciences; that of medicine should have so completely failed to
  grasp     this   living   truth;   since    every    atom