第 21 节
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  of   the   same    production;     in  comparatively       minute    quantities;    of  very
  different; yet often characteristic forms of matter。〃
  From the whole of the foregoing; we observe the exact position to be
  the    one   we   have    previously    stated。   If  such   wondrous      things   can   be
  revealed to us through the physical science of chemistry; what think you
  must be hidden from our physical sight and knowledge by the veil which
  hangs between matter and spirit? Think you not; it is worth the effort to
  penetrate beyond that point where the atom disappears from the view of
  the scientist?
  If plants produce such wonderful phenomena in their life and influence;
  what     must    the   Divine    organism     of   man    have    concealed     within    his
  microscopic universe; to study and comprehend? Plant life is merely the
  alphabet of the complex; intricate; and multitudinous processes; going on
  in the human body。
  And; as the mechanical microscope of physical science cannot reveal
  the why and the wherefore; let us; for a brief moment; disclose some of the
  wonders   that   declare   their   existence;   when   subjected   to   the   penetrating
  alchemical   lens;   of   the   inward   spirit。   The   first   thing   that   intrudes   itself
  upon our notice; by virtue of its primary importance; is the grand fact of
  biogenesislife emanating from life。 We perceive every external form to
  be   the   physical   symbol   of   a   corresponding   degree   of   spiritual   life;   that
  each    complete     plant   represents     a  complete     cycle;  state;   or  degree    of
  interior existence; that it is made up and consists of countless millions of
  … Page 74…
  separate   atoms   of   life;   that   these   atoms   of   spiritual   activity   are   the   real
  instigators   of   the   life   and   motion   of   corresponding   material   atoms;   that
  they ever obey the Divine impulse of co…operative unity; in their chemical;
  as well as their spiritual affinity。 Consequently; everything in the form of
  material   substance   must   be;   and   is;   but   the   means   for   the   phenomenal
  expression of incarnating spirit; the organism of man; a tree; a plant; or an
  animal; being no exception to this Divine; omnipresent law of creative life。
  To    the   true   Alchemist      there    can   be   no   mystery     surrounding       the
  wonderful phenomena   mentioned   in   the   work   we  have quoted;  in   plants
  extracting      from    the   same    rocks;   soil;   and   air;  qualities    so  manifestly
  differentdeadly   poisons;   healing   balsams;   and   pleasant   aromas;   or   the
  reverse; from the same identical plant foods。 Nothing is more wonderful or
  mysterious; than; the same alchemical processes; which; are hourly being
  enacted within our own bodies。 From the same breath of air and the same
  crust   of   bread   do   we   concoct   the   blood;   the   bile;   the   gastric   juice;   and
  various other secretions; and distil the finer nervous fluids; that go to build
  up and sustain the whole of our mental and dynamic machinery。 It is the
  same ancient story of the atoms; each part and each function endowing the
  same inorganic chemicals with their own spiritual; magnetic; and physical
  life…qualities;   by   what   appears;   to   the   uninitiated   observer;   a   miraculous
  transmutation of matter; but which is; in reality; the evolution of organic
  form from inorganic materials; in obedience to the Divine law of spiritual
  progression。 Who could stop with   exact science?   For; when   we come   to
  consider   the   apparent   mysteries   of   life   and   growth   by   the   aid   of   this
  alchemical       light;   the   shadows      flee;  and    all  the   illusions    of  Nature's
  phenomenal   kaleidoscope   vanish   before   the   revelation   of   the   underlying
  spiritual realities。 We   know that   the  plant; being   the  physical   expression
  upon the material plane of a more interior life; endows its outward atoms
  with   their   peculiar   qualities。   THESE   QUALITIES   ARE   NOT   DRAWN
  DIRECTLY  FROM THE   SOIL;   the   soil   only  becoming   the   medium  for
  their    complete      or   incomplete      expression;      as   the   case   may     be;   i。e。;
  supplying   the   necessary   inorganic   atoms。   Hence;   the   deadly   qualities   of
  aconite;     and    the    generous     life…sustaining      qualities    of   the    nutritious
  vegetable; BEING SPIRITUAL LIFE ENDOWMENTS; conveyed to the
  … Page 75…
  material     substance;    abstracted     from   the   soil  and   withdrawn      from    the
  atmosphere; are no mystery; their effect upon the human organism being
  exactly that; which is produced by their spiritual affinity or antipathy; as
  the case may be。 And this also shows and explains; why purely inorganic
  chemical atoms; though they be exactly the same as the organic substances;
  from     a  strictly  scientific   standpoint;    YET     FAIL   TO    SUPPORT        LIFE;
  because   such      chemical    equivalents     lack   the  organic    spirituality   of  the
  interior life; which alone; gives them the power and function to support the
  same。 They fail to fulfill the requirements of the alchemical law of life for
  the support of lifein other words; biogenesis。
  And; too; this inorganic life may be parted from the plant or vegetable;
  if it be too long severed from the medium which transmits the spiritual life;
  from the inorganic world to that of organic matter。 Vegetables; fresh from
  the ground; or parent stem; retain this life if at once prepared for food; if
  not   overcooked;   which   is   so often   ignorantly  done。 This   is   the   secret   of
  sustenance       from    foods。   Nature's    perfected     fruits  and    vegetables     are
  overflowing with the life…giving essences; and; if eaten direct from the tree
  or parent stem; that life is not lost; but transmitted to our organisms; and
  replenishes the wasting system with a living life。 Much less of such food is
  required   to   completely   satisfy   and   nourish   the   body   than   if   the   life   had
  partly departed or been destroyed。
  Briefly     stated;    then;   everything      within    organic     Nature     is   the
  expressional       symbolic     manifestation      of   spirit;   every    form    being    a
  congregation   of   innumerable   atoms   of   life;   revealing   their   presence   in
  material states; each organic form; or; rather; organism; evolving under the
  central control of some dominating Deific atom or soul; which; by virtue
  of past incarnations and labors in its cycle of evolution; from the mineral
  up to man; has achieved the royal prerogative to rule within its own state。
  Man being the highest representative formthe grand finale in the earthly
  dramasums up and contains within himself everything below; and THE
  GERMS        OF    EVERYTHING           BEYOND;         THIS    STATE。      He   is  truly  a
  microcosm;   and   represents   in   miniature   the   grand   Cosmic   Man   of   the
  Heavens。 Every living force beneath him corresponds to some state; part;
  or function; which he has graduated through and conquered; and which; in
  … Page 76…
  him;   has   now   become      embodied;   as   a   part  of   his   universal  kingdom。
  Consequently; all things are directly related to him; in the grand universal
  unity of spiritual life。
  This cannot be realized   and comprehended by  the physical man;  nor
  conveyed to his outer senses by the physical sciences。 He must bring into
  active use the inner man; the real being; which inhabits and controls the
  outer   organism;   and   through   its   instrumentality;   understand   the   interior
  source and   workings behind   the phenomena   of manifested being。 So   we
  see that; exact science cannot take us far; yet; it is a mighty factor; in the
  evolution of the microcosm Man; and in consciously relating him to   the
  Infinite MacrocosmGod; Spirit; All。
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  Paracelsus; the most celebrated of the alchemists of the Middle Ages;
  thus mystically speaks of his art:
  〃If I have manna in my constitution; I can attract manna from heaven。
  Melissa is not only in the garden; but also in the air and in heaven。 Saturn
  is not