第 20 节
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  and   essences;   and   the   plants   themselves;   and   that   certain   combinations
  produce certain results; obtained from blind experiments; yet; prompted by
  the Divine spirit within; but; knowledge born from knowing the why and
  wherefore of such effects。 What is called the oil of olives is not a single;
  simple   substance;   but   it   is   more   or   less   combined   with   other   essential
  elements;      and   will   fuse   and   coalesce    with    other   oils  and    essences    of
  similar     nature。    The   true   chemist     will   not   confine    his   researches     for
  knowledge to the mere examination; analysis; and experiments; in organic
  life; but will inform himself equally; in physical astrology; and learn the
  nature; attributes; and manifested influences of the planets; that constitute
  our universe; and; under which; every form of organic matter is subject;
  and     especially;    controlled    by。   Then;    by   learning    the   influence     of  the
  planets upon   the human   family;   and that special planetary  vibration that
  influences   the   individual;   he   can   intelligently   and   unerringly   administer
  medicines to remove disease in man。
  A  familiarity  with   the   mere   chemical   relations   of   the   planet   to   man;
  makes   still   more   apparent;   the   mutual   affinity   of   both   to   the   soil;   from
  which they appear to spring; and to which; they ultimately return; so much
  so that;  we   have become   conscious;   that;  the   food   we   eat   is valuable   or
  otherwise as a life sustainer; in proportion to the amount of life it contains。
  We are so complex in our organization that; we require a great variety of
  the different elements to sustain all the active functions and powers within
  us。   Man;   being   a   microcosm;   or   a   miniature   universe;   must   sustain   that
  universe; by taking into the system the various elements; which combine
  to   make   up   the   Infinite   Universe   of   God。   Animal   flesh   is   necessary   to
  certain organized forms; both animal and man。 When I say necessary; I do
  … Page 71…
  not mean an acquired taste and habit of consuming just so much flesh a
  day; but a constitution; which would not be complete in its requirements;
  without animal flesh。 I am thankful such do not constitute the masses。
  Science would say; you only require certain combinations of oxygen;
  hydrogen; nitrogen; and carbon; to sustain all the activities of the physical
  body。 Apparently; this is true。 Upon the surface it is; but in reality it is not;
  because   if   it   were   really   true   there   could   be   no   famines。   Science   could
  make bread out of stones; as was suggested at the temptation of Christ in
  the   wilderness。     And    yet;  no   one   knows    better   than   the  academies      of
  Science; themselves; that their learned professors would quickly starve to
  death;   if   they   were   compelled   to   produce   their   food   from   the   chemical
  properties of the rocks。 They can make a grain of wheat chemically perfect;
  but   they  cannot   make   the  invisible  germ  by  which   it   will   grow;  become
  fruitful; and   reproduce itself。 They can   reproduce from  the stones in the
  street the same chemical equivalents that go to compose gluten; albumen;
  and   starchthe   trinity   which   must   always   be   present   to   sustain   life;   but
  they  cannot;   by   any   known   process;   make   such   chemical   equivalents   of
  these substances; do the same thing。 Now; if not; why not? Science cannot
  answer this。 A very mysterious shake of the head and profound silence is
  the only answer。 Ask Science HOW THE PLANT GROWS; what causes
  the atoms of matter to build up root; stem; leaf; bud and flower; true to the
  parent species from which the germinal atom came。 What is there behind
  the plant   that   stamps   it   with   such   striking   individuality? And   why;   from
  the same soil; the deadly aconite and nutritious vegetable can grow; each
  producing qualities in harmony with its own nature; so widely different in
  their    effects   upon     the   human     organism;      YET;    SO    COMPLETELY
  IDENTICAL          AS    REGARDS         THE     SOURCE        FROM      WHICH       THEY
  APPEAR TO SPRING。 There must be a something to account for this; and
  this   something;      ancient    Alchemy      alone    can   scientifically   reveal    and
  expound; and; this knowledge lies just beyond that line which calls a halt
  to material scientists; and says: 〃You can go no farther; this is beyond your
  purview。 The end of the material thread has been reached; and unless you
  can   connect   it   with   the   thread   of   the   next   plane;   your   researches   must
  … Page 72…
  Before   entering   upon   and   answering   these   vital   questions;   we   must
  digress a little; and make ourselves perfectly familiar with the ideas and
  revelations   of   advanced   physical   science   upon   the   subject;   and   for   this
  purpose no more trustworthy guide can be consulted than the new edition
  of 〃The Chemistry of Common Life;〃 by the late James F。 W。 Johnson; M。
  A。; England; and revised by Arthur Herbert Church; M。 A。 In chapter IV
  on page 56 of this work; upon the anatomy of plant life; we read:
  〃How   interesting   it   is   to   reflect   on   the   minuteness   of   the   organs   by
  which   the   largest   plants   are   fed   and   sustained。   Microscopic   apertures   in
  the   leaf   suck   in   gaseous   food   from   the   air;   the   surfaces   of   microscopic
  hairs suck a liquid food from the soil。 We are accustomed to admire; with
  natural and just astonishment; how huge; rocky reefs; hundreds of miles in
  length;   can   be   built   up   by   the   conjoined   labors   of   myriads   of   minute
  zoophytes; laboring together on the surface  of a  coral rock; but   it is   not
  less    wonderful      that;  by   the   ceaseless     working      of  similar    microscopic
  agencies in leaf and root; the substance of vast forests should be built up
  and   made   to   grow   before   our   eyes。   It   is   more   wonderful;   in   fact;   for
  whereas;   in   the   one   case;   the   chief   result   is   that;   dead   matter   extracted
  from   the   sea   is   transformed   into   a   dead   rock;   in   the   other;   the   lifeless
  matter   of   the   earth   and   air   are   converted   by   these   minute   plant…builders
  into living   forms;   lifting   their  heads   aloft   to   the sky;   waving   with   every
  wind     that   blows;     and   beautifying      whole     continents     with    the   varying
  verdure of their ever…changing leaves。〃
  Further   on   in   the   same   chapter;   on   pages   62…3;   the   same   eloquent
  writer continues:
  〃But the special chemical changes that go on within the plant; could
  we     follow     them;    would      appear     not   less   wonderful       than    the   rapid
  production of entire microscopic vegetables from the raw food contained
  in the juice of the grape。 It is as yet altogether incomprehensible; even to
  the most refined physiological chemistry; how; from the same food taken
  in from the air; and from generally similar food drawn up from the soil;
  different plants; and different parts of plants; should be able to extract or
  produce substances so very different from each other in composition and
  in   all   of   their   properties。   From   the   seed…vessels   of   one   (the   poppy)   we
  … Page 73…
  collect a juice which dries up into our commercial opium; from the bark of
  another   (cinchona)   we   extract   the   quinine   with   which   we   assuage   the
  raging fever; from the leaves of others; like those of hemlock and tobacco;
  we distil deadly poisons; often of rare value for their medicinal uses。 The
  flowers and leaves of some yield volatile oils; which we delight in for their
  odors   and   their   aromatic   qualities;   the   seeds   of   others   give   fixed   oils;
  which are prized for the table or use in the arts * * * These; and a thousand
  other similar facts; tell us how wonderfully varied are the changes which
  the same original forms of matter undergo in the interior of living plants。
  Indeed;     whether    we    regard   the   vegetable    as  a  whole;    or  examine     its
  minutest part; we find equal evidence of the same diversity of changes and
  of   the   same    production;     in  comparatively       minute    quantities;    o