第 19 节
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  establishes   the   facts;   while   the   former   occupies   itself   in   their   tabulation
  and deductions。 The science constitutes the foundation; and the philosophy;
  the    metaphysical       speculations;      which    rest   thereon。    If  these    important
  distinctions   are borne in   mind;  all the   apparent   confusion;  contradiction;
  and   other   intellectual   debris;   will   either   disappear   or   resolve   themselves
  into their own proper groups; so that we may easily classify them。
  It   is   at   this   very   point;   that;   so   many   students   go   astray   amid   the
  labyrinths   of   science   and   philosophy。   They;   unconsciously;   so   mix   and
  intermingle the two terms; that nine…tenths of the students present only one
  side    of   the  questionphilosophy;         which     soon    runs   into   theory;    if  not
  supported       by   the   science;    which     they   have    lost   in  their   volumes      of
  You may say; one subject at a time。 Yes; this may be true; if its twin
  brother is not absorbed and forgotten。
  In this chapter; we shall deal especially with organic Alchemy。
  Organic Alchemy deals exclusively with living; organic things; and in
  this connection differs from the Alchemy of inorganic matter。 These two
  aspects   may;   in   this   one   respect;   be   compared   to   organic   and   inorganic
  chemistry;       to   which     originally     they    belonged;      as   astrology      did   to
  astronomy。 Alchemy   and   astrologytwin   sisterswere   the  parents   of   the
  modern   offspring;   known   in   chemistry   and   astronomy   as   exact   science。
  These latter; however; deal with shadows and phenomenal illusions; while
  the   former   concern   the   living   realities;   which   produce   them。   Therefore;
  there can be 〃no new thing under the sun;〃 saith Solomon。
  First;   let   us   deal   with   the   most   lovely   form   of   our   art;   that   which
  pertains   to   the   floral   and   vegetable   kingdoms。   Every   flower   or   blade   of
  grass;   every   tree   of   the   forest   and   stagnant   weed   of   the   swamp;   is   the
  outcome of; and ever surrounded by; its corresponding degree of spiritual
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  life。 There is not a single atom but what is the external expression of some
  separate; living force; within the spaces of Aeth; acting in unison with the
  dominant power corresponding with the type of life。
  If science could only behold this wonderful laboratory within the vital
  storehouse of Nature; she would no longer vainly seek for THE ORIGIN
  OF   LIFE;   nor   wonder;   what   may   have   become   of   the   missing   link   in
  scientific evolution; because; she would quickly realize that; biogenesis is
  the   one   grand   truth   of   both   animate   and   inanimate   Nature;   the   central;
  living source of which is God。 Science would also; further realize that; this
  biune life is ever in motion throughout the manifested universe; circulating
  around   the   focii   of   creative   activities;   which   we   term   suns;   stars;   and
  planets;     awaiting     the   conditions      which     are   ever   present    for   material
  incarnation;   and   under   all   possible   combinations   of   circumstances   and
  conditions;   conceivable   and   inconceivable;   adapting   itself   to   continuous
  phenomenal expression。 Links; so called; in this mighty chain of evolution;
  may appear to be missing here and there; and; for that matter; whole types
  may     seem     to  be   wanting;     but;   this  is  only    because     of  our   imperfect
  perception; and; in any case; can make no real difference with the facts;
  because;   if   such   be   a   reality;   if   there   be   what   we   may   term   MISSING
  LINKS   in   the   scheme   of   evolution;   it   only   shows   that   spirit;   although
  associated with; is ever independent of matter。
  But matterwhat is to become of   it? Is it independent of spirit? The
  kindness of the Divine spirit heeds not the unconscious mind of matter and
  its boasted independence; and works silently on; and at last; accomplishes
  its   missionthe   evolution   of   matter;   the   uplifting   of   the   soul   of   man;   as
  well as the universe。 The blindness of man is dense; and the saddest part to
  admit is that; they will so stubbornly remain so。
  If;   for   one   instant;   the   penetrating   eye   of   the   soul   could   shine   forth
  through the physical orbs of vision; and imprint the scenes; beheld behind
  the   veil;   upon   the   tablets   of   the   brain   of   the   physical   organism;   a   fire
  would      be   kindled     that;   could    never    be   quenched      by    the  fascinating
  allurements of the material; perishable things; of matter。
  That   development   of   the   real   atom   of   biune   life   can;   and   does;   go
  forward;       irrespective     of   the   gradation      of   physical     types;    needs     no
  … Page 69…
  convincing proof; other than visible Nature。
  produced by a series of blind laws; that lead him upward from protozoa to
  man;  as   a   child   climbs   up   stairs;  advancing   regularly;   ONE   STEP AS A
  TIME。 This latter conception; we know; is the theory of exact science; but
  not    of  Alchemy;     not   of  the  science    of  Occultism。     Man;     according    to
  Wallace;     Darwin;     Huxley;     and   Tyndall;    is  what   progressive     stages   of
  physical evolution have made him。 But the very reverse is true。 The fauna
  and flora of past geological periods are what the human soul has produced;
  by virtue of its gradual advancement to higher states and conditions of life;
  so that; so far from man being the outcome of the planet's development;
  such   material   progress   is   the   outgrowth   of   man's   advancement;   proving
  again     that;  matter    is  not  independent      of  spirit;  neither    can   spirit  be
  independent   of   matter   for   its   expressions。   They   so   interblend   that;   the
  dividing line cannot be detected by the untrained eye of the exact scientist。
  But; that time is not far distant; when the scientists will prepare and evolve
  their interior being to take up the spiritual thread; exactly where the visible
  thread ends; and carry forth the work; as far as the mortal mind of man can
  penetrate; while embodied in the physical form。
  God   hasten   this   day   is   my   prayer;   for   then   man   will   become   more
  spiritual   and   aspiring   for   advancement   and   knowledge;   thus;   setting   up
  vibrations   that   will   create   higher   and   loftier   conditions   for   the   physical
  man。 Aye! then they will know that; even the birth of the world itself; owes
  its primal genesis to the desire of the human atom for earthly embodiment。
  Here is where exact science; or the counterpart of Alchemy; becomes
  both profitable and helpful。 Says Paracelsus: 〃The true use of chemistry is
  not to make gold; but to prepare medicines。〃 He admits four elementsthe
  STAR; the ROOT; the ELEMENT and the SPERM。 These elements were
  composed        of  the   three   principles;    SIDERIC       SALT;     SULPHUR;        and
  MERCURY。  Mercury;  or   spirit; sulphur;  or   oil;  and salt;  and   the  passive
  principles; water and earth。 Herein we see the harmony of the two words;
  Alchemy and Chemistry。 One is but the continuation of the other; and they
  blend so into each other that; they are not complete; apart。
  The   chemist;   in   his   analysis   of   the   various   component   parts   of   any
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  form of matter; knows also the proportional combinations; and thus; by the
  Law  of   Correspondence;  could; by  the   same   use of   the   spiritual laws   of
  Alchemy; analyze and combine the same elements from the atmosphere; to
  produce   the   corresponding   expression   of   crystallized   form。   By  the   same
  laws;     are  affinities    and   antipathies     discovered      and   applied;    in   every
  department of Nature's wonderful laboratory。
  Chemistry       is  the   physical     expression      of  Alchemy;       and   any    true
  knowledge of chemistry is:not the knowing of the names of the extracts
  and   essences;   and   the   plants   themselves;   and   that   certain   combinations
  produce certain results; obtained from blind experiments; yet; prompted by
  the Divine spirit