第 14 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9322
  eternal destiny in the future。
  Another turn of our cosmic kaleidoscope; and lo! the scene changes
  the play extended; the angles greater; caused by the revolution of our solar
  parent through his celestial Zodiac。 As the Sun passes out of one sign into
  another; or;  in   other   words; forms   a   different   angle to his own   center   of
  force; a new dispensation is born to the world; or; rather; re…born under a
  new guise。 The great Sun…God appears to change his nature and manifests
  an entirely different set of attributes。 That is the way man personified this
  play   of   Nature;   through   his   imperfect   conception   of   the   cause   of   this
  change。 But to him it was; and is; a truth; and man's effort to externalize
  these attributes in a Divine personality was; and is; strictly from the plane
  of his mental development and spiritual unfoldment。
  The     two   pictures    of  this   Astro…Theology;        as  set  forth   in  the   two
  divisions   of   the   Jewish   Bible;   will   illustrate   our   meaning。   The   Sun   had
  entered the sign Aries some time prior to the exodus from Egypt。 Aries is
  the   constellation   of   Mars;   the   fiery;   destructive   and   warrior   element;   or
  force;   in   Nature;   and   we   find   the   Jewish   conception   of   God   a   perfect
  embodiment of these attributes: The Lord of Hosts; a God mighty in battle;
  delighting in the shedding of blood and the smell of burnt offerings; ever
  marshalling the people to battle and destroying their foes and the works of
  his own hands; a God imbued with jealousy; anger; and revenge。 This was
  the type set up by the Jewish savior and lawgiver; Moses。
  After a period of 2;160 years; we find the Christian cosmology ushered
  in。   The   Sun   has   entered   the   sign   Pisces;   which   is   ruled   by   Jupiter;   the
  beneficent father。 The Christ; or mediator; of the Christian Gospel was an
  embodiment   of   the   joint   qualities   of   the   sign   and   ruling   planet。   Gentle;
  loving   and   merciful;   His   words   were   messages   of   love   and   peace;   His
  work was with the poor; oppressed and fallen; he eschewed sacrifices and
  burnt offerings; a contrite heart was the best offering; He taught the people
  that God was their Father; loving all; just; yet merciful。 But a strong taint
  of the old conception has remained with the human race; hiding; at times;
  the beauty of the latter concept。 These are; again; the refractions of eternal
  truths;   viewed   by   man   from   his   material   plane。   The   elements   are   here
  presented; the alphabet and its key clearly defined。 Therefore; let each one
  … Page 50…
  explore   this   tangled   labyrinth   of Astro…Theology  for   him  or   herself;   and
  work out the various correspondencies at leisure。 It is enough to indicate
  the starry originals of all this seemingly confused mass of so…called Divine
  revelation in sacred books。
  They;   one   and   all;   pertain   to   the   same   celestial   phenomena;   and   the
  various   Bibles   are   the   outcome   of   man's   serious   attempt   to   tabulate   and
  externalize this heavenly  order;  to   record his  conceptions of   these   starry
  aspects and movements with their corresponding effects upon the Earth。
  Probably the purest system to us is that which may yet be derived from
  Chaldean   sources。   This   sacerdotal   caste   were   the   most   perfect   in   their
  astral conceptions and complete in their symbolic system of recording; and
  if the great work found in King Sargon's library in seventy tablets is ever
  translated; it will prove of priceless value to the student of these weird; but
  sublime; astrological mysteries。
  In conclusion; as we reflect upon the fourfold aspect of the subject that
  we have presented in outline in these pages; the whole imagery passes in
  review before the mental vision。 We see that the radiant constellations of
  the    heavenly     vault;   with   the   beautiful    reflection    and   counterpart;     the
  shining   Zodiac;   are   the   two   halves   of   the   great   Cycle   of   Necessity;   the
  spiral of eternal; universal life; which binds the whole into unity; and unity
  into infinity。 It is the grand scheme of creative life。 The seven principles of
  Nature;     or  Divine     Activities;   are   the  forces    producing     the   phenomena
  within seven angelic states; seven kingdoms; and; by seven planets; upon
  the external plane; the planets being the passive mediums of the positive
  spiritual forces。 Upon this dual spiral; which reflects the seven rays of the
  solar spectrum is produced seven musical notes; one half of the spiral in
  sound and color being the complementary of the other half。 Man; the Earth;
  and our solar system; are revolving; each orb in its own key; and its own
  peculiar     ray;  meeting     and   blending     with    other   spirals;   and   the  whole
  blending      into   one   mighty     spiral  Cycle    of   Progressive     Life;   revolving
  around   the   Eternal;   Infinite   Ego…God;   ever   involving   and   evolving   the
  attributes;   powers   and   possibilities   of   the   One   great   central   source        of
  It   is   a   grand   orchestra;   pealing   out   in   richest   melody   and   sublime
  … Page 51…
  HARMONY; the grand Anthem of Creation: 〃We Praise Thee; O God。〃
  … Page 52…
  The   Astro…Mythological   system   of   the   ancients;   though   forming   the
  last section; so to say; of the mysteries of the Divine Urania; is; perhaps;
  the   most   beautiful   of   its   general   features;   and   perfect   in   the   complete
  fulfillment of the purpose for which it was intended; viz。: to convey to
  the human mind a lesson; a moral; a truth in Nature; and last; but not the
  least;   to   serve   as   a   basis   upon   which   its   inner   aspirations   and   its   more
  external faith might rest in security。
  When we come to examine the deep; philosophical principles of such a
  wise system; we are almost astounded at the result of our researches and
  the    wisdom     of  human      nature   displayed     in  formulating     such   perfect
  analogies   of   truth;   semi…truth;   and   of   falsehood;   according   to   the   plane
  occupied by the individual。
  Let   us   take   one   instance;   which   will   clearly   explain   all   the   rest;   for
  they   are   built   and   formulated   after   the   same   model。   Aeneas;   of   Greek
  myths and fables; is reputed to be the son of Venus by a MORTAL father;
  upon the plane of reality。 As that of actual PARENT and CHILD; of course
  this is an utter falsehood。 To the rural population of long; long ago; and
  their simple; rustic conceptions; IT WAS A TRUTH。
  Why so? Because they believed it; and to them it taught the required
  lesson   of   obedience   to    the   powers   that   be。   But  if   in  reality   it  was  a
  falsehood; how can it become a truth by the simple addition of acceptance
  and    belief?   Because     it  possessed    a  metaphysical      truth;  though    not   a
  physical one; in the sense accepted。
  Aeneas; son of Venus; whose history is so beautifully preserved by the
  immortal      Virgil;   was   (metaphysically      speaking)     son   of   the  goddess;
  because he was; in his astral and magnetic nature; ruled and governed by
  Venus; born under one of her celestial signs and when she was rising upon
  the ascendant of the House of Life; even as Jesus Christos was born of a
  virgin; because Virgo was rising at His birth。
  Thus    Aeneas     was;   in  strict  metaphysical      reality;  a  son   of  Venus。
  … Page 53…
  Having   satisfied   the   rural   mind;   which   thus;   unconsciously;   accepts   an
  absolute   truth   under   a   physical   disguise;   the   metaphysical   thinker;   the
  philosopher; also accepts the same fable; knowing and realizing its more
  abstract truth;
  But;   again;   we   are   met   with   the   objection   that   such   a   truth   is   only
  apparently      a   truth;   i。e。;  on  the   plane    of   embodied      appearances;      and
  naturally the question arises; where (if at all) is the real truth of the mythos?
  That      truth   which      is   beyond      the   mere     metaphysical        t