第 12 节
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  spirit;    as   shown      in   the   first   instance    by    Aquarius。      This    can    be
  accomplished        only    through    pure    desire   and   aspiration。    Otherwise;      the
  unbalanced scales; with floods and cataclysms; will be the results。
  The     Fifth  House;     ruling   children;    etc。;  is  symbolized      by   Leo    (the
  Heart)。 The joys and sorrows that offspring of every kind bring; all belong
  to   this   House   of   the   Heart。   The   sacrifice   indicated   is   too   obvious   for
  The   Sixth   House   governs   sickness;   disease;   etc。;   and   its   symbol   is
  Virgo;   an   Earthy   sign;   clearly   showing   us   that   the   material   form   is   the
  … Page 42…
  matrix;     out  of  which     are  born   disease    and   suffering。    But;   the  perfect
  assimilation   of   the   fruit   of   the   〃Tree   of   Knowledge   of   Good   and   Evil;〃
  transmuting the trials; experiences; sorrows; and suffering of the physical
  and   external   life   into   true   wisdom;   makes   man   master   of   his   material
  universe;   and   the   blind   forces   of   Nature   become   his   servants。   Having
  accomplished the task; and attained the harmonious poise; or balance; in
  Libra; the individualized soul arrives at the eighth step in the journey。
  The Eighth House; or House of Death and Legacies (Scorpio)。 The old
  Adam dies。 The sensuous has no place in the balanced; harmonious being;
  but recognizes sex as the law; the door to regeneration now; and that a new
  legacy is awaiting him。
  The   Ninth   House;   Sagittarius。   where;   with   the   knowledge   acquired;
  self sits in judgment upon the works of the hands and mind; whether or no
  they have been well done; the sacrifice of the lower nature properly made;
  control   of   the   triune   being   established;   the   transmutations   correct       and
  accurate;   assimilation   perfect   and   free   from   dross;   harmony   gained   by
  loving obedience to the higher law of being; and thus becomes ruler of his
  kingdom;       the   long   journey     almost    accomplished;       so  far   as  Earth    is
  concerned;   perceiving   and   understanding   that   all   sciences;   philosophies;
  and religions; have their origin from one primal source。 Having penetrated
  the    depths   in   reverent    obedience     to  the   Divine    law   of   creation;   and
  evolved   the   attributes   of   the   dual   constitution;   the   forces   of   his   being
  become       crystallized。    He   has    reached    the   culmination      of   his  earthly
  pilgrimage; and stands forth the perfected human reflection of the higher
  The Eleventh House is represented by Aquarius on the human plane。
  Friends surround and welcome him。 These friends are the pure thoughts;
  noble impulses; lofty ideals; and generous deeds。 The bread cast upon the
  Waters of Life returns to nourish and sustain him in his encounter with the
  secret foes; symbolized by the Twelfth House and Pisces。 The idols; false
  ideas;  and vampires   of his   own   creation;  are   to be   cleansed   and   washed
  away by the Waters of Love; the universal solvent that is ever seeking to
  bring about change and new forms; born again of water to make the round
  of    the  astral   Zodiac;    until;  having     again   reached     the  equator     of  the
  … Page 43…
  ascending are; where he is reunited to the missing half of his soul; the true
  friend of the Edenic state; the highest point in the arc of human progress
  won; the honor and glory of a perfected soul; the Lord and Master; the 〃I
  am that I am;〃 to rest in peace in the heart of Infinite Love and Wisdom。
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  There is one species of Divine revelation which has not; and cannot;
  be tampered with; one great Bible; which forms the starry original of all
  This sacred Bible is the great Astral Bible of the skies; its chapters are
  the    twelve     great    signs;   its   pages    are   the    innumerable      glittering
  constellations of the heavenly vault; and its characters are the personified
  ideals of the radiant Sun; the silvery moon; and the shining planets; of our
  solar sphere。
  There   are   three   different   aspects   of   this   sacred  book;   and   in   each
  aspect   the   same   characters   appear;   but   in   different   roles;   their   dress   and
  natural   surroundings   being suited   to the   natural play  of   their   symbolical
  parts。 In fact; the whole imagery may be likened unto a play; or; rather; a
  series   of   plays;   performed   by   the   same   company   of   artists。   It   may   be   a
  comedy; or it may be melodrama; or it may be a tragedy; but the principles
  behind   the   scenes   are   ever   the   same;   and   show   forth   the   same   Divine
  Oneness of Nature; demonstrating the eternal axiom。 ONE TRUTH; ONE
  LIFE;     ONE     PRINCIPLE;        AND      ONE     WORD;       and   in  their  fourfold
  expression;   is   the   four   great   chapters   of   the   celestial   book   of   the   starry
  In this aspect the visible cosmos may be represented as a kaleidoscope。
  The visible constellations; planets; and other heavenly bodies; are the bits
  of colored glass; and Deity the invisible force; which keeps the instrument
  in   motion。   Each   revolution   produces   a   different   pictorial   figure;   which;
  complete in its harmony of parts; is perfect in its mathematical proportions;
  and beautiful in its geometrical designs。 And yet each creation; each form;
  and each combination of forms; are produced by the same little pieces of
  glass;    and   all  of   them;   in   reality;  are  optical    illusions;   i。e。;  natural
  phenomena;       which    deceive    the   physical   senses。    So  it  is  with  Cosmic
  It  must    not;   however;     be   supposed;     because    of  this   perfect   and
  … Page 45…
  continual illusion of Nature's playful phenomena; that all visible creation
  is purely an illusion of the senses; as some cranky metaphysicians would
  have it; because this is not so。
  Going back again to our kaleidoscope; we can clearly see that without
  it; and its tinted beads; no such optical illusion is possible。 There is; then; a
  basis of spiritual reality to all visible physical phenomena; but this basis
  lies concealed; because of the   perfect illusion   which the   reflected   image
  produces     upon   the  material   plane   of  the  physical   senses。  The   beads
  themselves are real。 These are the basis; and the different pictures are the
  result; not of the beads; but of the angle from which they are reflected to
  our   earthly   vision。   In   other   words;   THE   PLANE   FROM   WHICH   WE
  Hence; the nearer we approach the Divine center of our being; the less
  complicated     Nature's   original  designs   become;    and   the  farther  we  are
  removed      from    that   central   source;    the   more    weird;    mysterious;
  complicated;   and   incomprehensible;   does   Mother   Nature   appear;   to   the
  finite human mind。 And this is especially so; to man's theological instinct;
  his religiosity; that constitutes one of the fundamental factors of his being。
  Nature is ever one in her original truths and their duplicate reflections;
  but ever conflicting and contradictory in her multiplied refractions through
  the minds of men。 Therefore; we will present the primary concept of that
  grand Astro…Theology formulated by man's great progenitors; and view the
  simple machinery; by which they typified to the primitive mind a general
  outline of Nature's Divine providence。
  All   sacred   books   begin   with   an  account   of  physical   creation;  the
  culmination of which; is the appearance of man and woman; as the parents
  of the race; and; while they will differ considerably in detail and make…up;
  the basic ideas embodied are essentially the same in all cosmo…genesis; so
  that in the Jewish Bible; accessible to all; one can read the primitive story
  of creation from a Jewish point of view; and; when read; rest satisfied that
  he has   read the  revelation vouchsafed to   man   in every  age  and in   every
  clime。    The   only  difference   is  one  of  mental    peculiarity  and   national