第 6 节
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  from the desecrating influence of polluted minds。
  Such; in brief outline; is the general conception of mankind regarding
  the   shining    constellations   that   bedeck;   like   fiery   jewels;  their  Maker's
  crown; and illumine with their celestial splendor the wondrous canopy of
  our midnight skies。 Is there no more than a symbol of rural work in the
  bright radiance of the starry Andromeda; the harbinger of gentle spring?
  Nothing;   think   you;   but   the   fruit   harvest   and   the   vintage   is   in   the   fiery;
  … Page 22…
  flushing     luster   of   Antares    and    the  ominous      Scorpion?      Are   men    so
  spiritually blind that they can perceive nothing but the symbol of maturing
  vegetation and the long summer's day in the glorious splendor of Castor
  and his starry mate and brother; Pollux? It would; indeed; seem so; so dead
  is the heart and callous the spiritual understanding of our own benighted
  day。 To the initiate of Urania's mysteries; however; these dead; symbolic
  pictures become endowed with life; these emblems of rural labor or rustic
  art transform themselves from the hard; chrysolitic shell and expand into
  the fully developed spiritual flowers of spiritual entities; revealing in their
  bright; radiating lines the awful mystery of the soul's genesis; its evolution
  and eternal progressive destiny amid the mighty; inconceivable creations
  yet to come; pointing out each step and cycle in the soul's involution from
  its differentiation as a pure spiritual entity; a ray of Divine intelligence; to
  the   crystallization   of   its   spiritual   forces   in   the   realms   of   matter   and   its
  evolution of progressive life; the same eternal symbols of the springtime;
  the glorious summer; the autumn and winter of its eternal being。
  In   making     this  attempt;    probably    the   very   first  within   the   era;  to
  convey in plain and undisguised terms the interior mysteries of the twelve
  constellations; the reader and student is advised to ponder deeply upon the
  outlines presented。 The subject is too vast to present in one or two chapters。
  Therefore   we   hope   that   this   revelation   may   incite   the   student   to   further
  research。     The   real   significance;    the   true;  spiritual   importance     of   such
  mysteries;     can   only   be   realized    and   fully  appreciated     after   prolonged
  meditation and careful study。
  With this brief digression; which we consider needed advice; we will
  resume our task; and attempt to usher our student into the weird labyrinth
  of Solomon's starry temple〃the house not made with hands; eternal in the
  1。 Aries
  〃First Aries; in his golden wool。〃
  This   constellation   represents   the   first   Divine   idea;   the   〃word〃   of   the
  Kabbalist;  and   the  first   active   manifestation   of  the   glorious   En   Soph。   In
  other words; it is MIND IN ACTION; the first pulsation of Deity in the
  dual aspects of 〃Lord and Creator。〃 To the human soul it is; and   always
  … Page 23…
  typifies; the unknown; invisible power which we term INTELLIGENCE;
  THAT   WHICH   KNOWS;   and   gives   unto   each   Deific   atom   of   life   that
  distinguishing; universal; yet deathless force which not only constitutes its
  spiritual identity and physical individuality; but enables it to pronounce; in
  the presence of its Creator; those mystic words: 〃I am that I am。〃 In other
  words; this beautiful constellation symbolizes the first pulsation of that ray
  of pure intelligence which constitutes the Divine Ego of the human soul。 It
  is   the   force   that   impels   ever   onward   the   life   atom   in   its   evolutionary
  progress;   and   reveals   to   us   the   beginning;   or   first   manifestation;   of   the
  Divine Ego as an active; self…existing atom of Infinite spirit; within angelic
  Seeing the actual; spiritual reality symbolized in Aries; how easy it is
  to   note   its   full   significance   upon   the   external   plane   when   refracted   and
  reflected into the planes below through the complex action of the human
  organism; conveying the same radical influx in the first astrological month
  and the first sign of the Zodiac。 We can read a perfect parallel in the astral
  influx upon the human body; as set forth in the 〃Light of Egypt;〃 vol。 I;
  which says Aries symbolizes   the sacrifice  and represents the springtime;
  the beginning of a new year。 The first action of pure intelligence brought
  forth   the   first   expression   of   form;   and   led   to   the   sacrifice   of   its   angelic
  state; and; having gained the victory over the lower realms of matter; once
  more the springtime of a new life; with the promise of life; light and love。
  The sign Aries represents the thinking powers of humanity; in   short;
  the active; intellectual being; the lord of material creationMan; and in its
  cosmic relations; as shown under 〃The Occult Application of the Twelve
  Signs〃 (vol。 I); we find the same perfect analogy。
  II。 Taurus
  〃He (Aries) turns and wonders at the mighty Bull (Taurus)。〃
  The   second      constellation   of   the   shining   twelve   represents   the   first
  reaction of spiritual conception。 In other words; it is the mind's attention to
  its own ideas。 In the Kabbalah it represents that peculiar state of executive
  force whereof it is symbolically said: 〃And the Lord saw that it was good;〃
  after each act of creation。
  When intelligence first manifests itself form is a   matter of necessity;
  … Page 24…
  and;  as   no   form  can   possibly  exist   without   matter;  so Taurus   is   the   first
  emanation   of   matter   in   its   most   etherealized   state。   Hence   it   is   feminine;
  Venus the ruler thereof; and it represents the first pure form of the human
  soul;  as   it   existed in its   bright   paradise   within the  angelic   spheres   of   its
  parents; and reveals to us the first surprise of intelligence in embryo; the
  first   sensation     of   consciousness;       so   to   sayconscious       of   its  Divine
  selfhood。 Hence 〃He (the male spirit of pure fire; Aries); glorious in his
  golden (solar) wool; turns (expressing reaction) and wonders at the mighty
  bull (or material form)。〃 Thus the first idea of pure intelligence in embryo;
  the result of action in Aries; becomes objective to its consciousness and is
  surprised   at   its   own   conception。   It   is   the   first   sensation   of   pure;   Divine
  love within angelic realms; and it (the male spirit of pure fire) sees that it
  is good。
  Bringing this spiritual reality within our conception; and comparing it
  with   its   reflected   astrological   influx;   what   a   beautiful   harmony   we   find;
  and yet   so simple   that verily  we cannot   refrain from  once more   quoting
  our old…time; worn; yet; nevertheless; golden law: 〃AS IT IS ABOVE; SO
  Taurus is an Earthy sign; and a symbol of servitude; we see that matter is
  ever   the   servant   of   spirit;   a   necessary   means   for   the   manifestation   of
  intelligence; again recognized in the fecundating forces of this astrological
  sign   on   every   plane   of   its   action。   And   it   is   ruled   by   Venus;   the   love
  element in Nature; her sympathies ever finding expression in this beautiful
  sign。   What   can   be   clearer;   more   understandable;   than;   that   the   involved
  principles       and     Deific     attributes;    as    represented       by    the    shining
  constellations; when refracted through the human organism; so complex in
  its   constitution;     reflects   qualities    which     are   the  external     and   parallel
  expression of the subjective principles; and; further; that form is absolutely
  necessary for the manifestation of intelligence?
  III。 Gemini
  〃He (Taurus) bending lies with threatening bead; and calls the Twins
  (Gemini) to rise。 They clasp for fear and mutually embrace。〃
  This   bright   constellation   (Castor   and   Pollux);   Gemini;   is   spiritually
  representative   of   the   second   spiritual   action。   Hence   it   is;   of   course;   a
  … Page 25…
  masculine sign and positive。 We have witnessed act I of the soul's drama;
  and; as some have said; tragedy; and in this; the third of the shining twelv