第 3 节
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  two;   love   and   wisdom;   which   in   turn   are   the   dual   expressions   of   the
  Upon the knowledge of these Divine truths Pythagoras built the theory
  of   the   〃music   of   the   spheres。〃   Let   us   pause   and   listen   to   this   celestial
  Suns and their systems of planets sound forth the deep bass tones and
  rich tenor; while angelic races take the silvery treble of the Divine melody;
  octave upon octave; by more and ever more ethereal system upon system;
  to the very throne of Deitythe Infinite; Eternal source of Light; Life and
  Love。 Let us learn; through the knowledge of the stars; to attune our souls
  to vibrate to the Divine harmony; so   that we may take our places in  the
  celestial   choir   and   blend   our   voices   with   those   of   the   celestial   singers;
  chanting the Divine anthem: 〃We Praise Thee; O God!〃
  To resume。 If we would gain a correct knowledge of astral science we
  should   study   astrology   in   its   universal   application;   side   by   side   with   its
  more   intricate   phase   and   the   details;   as   manifested   upon   the   individual
  man and his material destiny。
  Let    us  digress   for   a  moment。     The    intellectual   minds;    the   material
  scientists; who cavil at the 〃science of the stars;〃 declaring it to be mere
  fortune…telling; consequently false; do but air their ignorance of this most
  profound subject; not knowing that it embraces and contains all sciences;
  all religions; that have ever been or ever will be; comprises all history of
  every age; of races; empires and nations; that it is the only true chronology;
  and marks the destiny; not only of personal man on every plane; but of the
  human   family   as   a   whole。 All   mythologies   find   their   explanation   in   this
  starry language; and every religion is founded upon the movements of our
  solar system。 The rise and fall of empires and races of men are written in
  its pages。
  To master as far as we are capable; and our limited space of life here
  will permit; we must pursue the study in its broad sense; as already stated;
  in the external application of the starry influx and upon the interior planes
  of action from God to the mineral; the mineral to man; aye; and man to the
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  angel; finding in every section a complete and perfect correspondence。
  To    master     the   alphabet     should    be    the  first   step;   whose     vowels;
  diphthongs and consonants are the planets and shining Zodiac。 It is very
  essential to clearly comprehend the action and reaction of the planets upon
  the   human   organism;   as   an   integral   part   of   the   universal   organism;   ever
  remembering that the starry vowels; in combination with the consonants;
  or   Zodiac;   form   the   infinite   expressions   comprising   the   language   of   the
  starry heavens in their threefold manifestation upon the external planes of
  life;   while   the  radiant   constellations   are  the  ideas   which   find   expression
  through      this   language;     which     is   likewise    a   science;    accurate     in   its
  mathematical construction and perfect in geometric proportion。
  The student should ever bear in mind that astrology; like every other
  science;   is   progressive。   The   underlying   principles   are   always   the   same。
  These   are   like   the   〃laws   of   the   Medes   and   Persians;〃   but   the   plane   of
  action is constantly changing。
  It   is   a   well…established   and   indisputable   truth   that   from   the   Sun;   the
  solar center of our system; is derived all force; every power and variety of
  phenomena that manifests itself upon Mother Earth。 Therefore; when we
  remember   that   the   solar   parent   passes   through   one   sign   of   his   celestial
  Zodiac in 2;160 years; a twelfth part of his orbit of 25;920 years; we see
  that from each sign in turn he (the Sun) rays forth an influx peculiar to that
  special sign; and; as there are no two signs alike in nature or quality; hence
  the   passage   of   the   Sun   from   one   sign   into   another   causes   a   change   of
  polarity     in   planetary     action;    which     can    be   fully    demonstrated       and
  conclusively       proven。     It  follows;    as  a  natural    sequence;     that   the   rules
  formulated and taught by astrologers in reference to the plane of planetary
  influence in one sub…cycle will not hold good in the next。 To illustrate: In
  the   year   1881   the   Sun   passed   from   the   sign   Pisces   into   Aquarius;   thus
  beginning a new cycle of solar force。 The human race has entered upon a
  cycle in every respect differing in nature and action from the past cycle of
  2;160     years。    The   sign    Aquarius     is  masculine;      electric;   positive。    It  is
  intellectual     in   character;    scientific;    philosophic;      artistic;  intuitive    and
  metaphysical。 It is the sign of the Man。 The truths of the past are becoming
  etherealized。   Our   solar   parent   has   scarcely   crossed   the   threshold   of   the
  … Page 13…
  sign Aquarius; and already we observe in many directions the activities of
  the peculiar influx。 True; it is but the first flush of the dawn of a new era;
  the harbinger of a glorious day to our race。 In the light of this truth; ponder
  well on the nature of the influx radiating from the solar center; each orb of
  his shining family absorbing a different ray; or attribute; of solar energy;
  corresponding to its own peculiar nature。 The Earth; in her annual passage
  about her solar parent; receives the harmonious or discordant vibrations of
  this   astral   influx   according   to   the   many  angles   she   forms   to   the   various
  We see; then; that the Earth is enveloped in an atmosphere; or zone; of
  occult   force   we   recognize   as   humane;   mental;   positive;   etc。;   acting   and
  reacting upon the human family through the laws of vibration in strict and
  exact ratio to its interior capacity to receive and ability to externalize upon
  the material plane of being。 The results; as far as this stage of existence
  goes; will be manifest as man vibrates harmoniously or otherwise to the
  stellar cause。
  The present sub…cycle producing an entirely different influence to that
  of the past cycle; whose force was watery; magnetic and feminine; causes
  a   warring     of   elements;    confusion      and   uncertainty;     until  the   old   are
  displaced by the new conditions。 We should learn from these facts that it is
  folly to brand as false and condemn as worthless the rules and formulas;
  and    even    religious    thought;    of   the  past   when     we   find   upon    careful
  investigation   and      crucial   tests  their   inadequacy   to   account      for  present
  conditions。 They  were true in their   cycle; and   applied to   past conditions
  and    states   of  mental    development。       But   in  this   new    era;  upon    whose
  threshold we now stand; the vibrations become more intense。 Man's whole
  nature is being tuned to a higher key。 We must not forget that these cycles
  apply to the race in their effect; and to the individual only as an integral
  part of the whole。 To illustrate。 The sign Aquarius is an electrical; positive;
  masculine   influence;   and   will   consequently   manifest   its   chief   activities
  upon     the  masculine   qualities      of   the  human    soul;   and   to…day   we    have
  evidence of   this   in   the   gradual   enfranchisement   of   woman;   arousing   the
  positive attributes of her nature in demanding equal rights with her brother;
  man; in the political arena; as she has already done in the educational field。
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  The masculine portion of the race is becoming more aggressive; mentally;
  asserting      greater    individuality;     independent       thought    and    action。    The
  intellect    of  the   race   is  being   directed;    however      slowly;    into  scientific
  channels;   while      the   human     soul   is  slowly   awakening   to       a   sense  of   a
  deathless immortality and a desire for spiritual truth。 It is slowly but surely
  shaking off the yoke of an effete priesthood and the fetters of superstition
  and tyranny。
  Intelligent man talks of the new scientific and intellectual era that has
  dawned upon the world; of the necessity for a new religious system; based
  upon scientific truths; which can be demonstrated; combined