第 27 节
作者:京文      更新:2024-09-15 09:12      字数:9321
  It was the will Mrs。 Lander told her she had made; but she had never seen
  the paper before; and the legal forms hid the meaning from her so that
  she was glad to have the vice…consul make it clear。  Then she said
  tranquilly; 〃Yes; that is the way I supposed it was。〃
  Mr。 Orson by no means shared her calm。  He did not lift his voice; but on
  the level it had taken it became agitated。  〃Mrs。 Lander gave me the
  address of her lawyer in Boston when she sent me the will; and I made a
  point of calling on him when I went East; to sail。  I don't know why she
  wished me to come out to her; but being sick; I presume she naturally
  wished to see some of her own family。〃
  He looked at Clementina as if he thought she might dispute this; but she
  consented at her sweetest; 〃Oh; yes; indeed;〃 and he went on:
  〃I found her affairs in a very different condition from what she seemed
  to think。  The estate was mostly in securities which had not been
  properly looked after; and they had depreciated until they were some of
  them not worth the paper they were printed on。  The house in Boston is
  mortgaged up to its full value; I should say; and I should say that Mrs。
  Lander did not know where she stood。  She seemed to think that she was a
  very rich woman; but she lived high; and her lawyer said he never could
  make her understand how the money was going。  Mr。 Lander seemed to lose
  his grip; the year he died; and engaged in some very unfortunate
  speculations; I don't know whether he told her。  I might enter into
  〃Oh; that is not necessary;〃 said Clementina; politely; witless of the
  disastrous quality of the facts which Mr。 Orson was imparting。
  〃But the sum and substance of it all is that there will not be more than
  enough to pay the bequests to her own family; if there is that。〃
  Clementina looked with smiling innocence at the vice…consul。
  〃That is to say;〃 he explained; 〃there won't be anything at all for you;
  Miss Claxon。〃
  〃Well; that's what I always told Mrs。 Lander I ratha; when she brought it
  up。  I told her she ought to give it to his family;〃 said Clementina;
  with a satisfaction in the event which the vice…consul seemed unable to
  share; for he remained gloomily silent。  〃There is that last money I drew
  on the letter of credit; you can give that to Mr。 Orson。〃
  〃I have told him about that money;〃 said the vice…consul; dryly。  〃It
  will be handed over to him when the estate is settled; if there isn't
  enough to pay the bequests without it。〃
  〃And the money which Mrs。 Landa gave me before that;〃 she pursued;
  eagerly。  Mr。 Orson had the effect of pricking up his ears; though it was
  in fact merely a gleam of light that came into his eyes。
  〃That's yours;〃 said the vice…consul; sourly; almost savagely。  〃She
  didn't give it to you without she wanted you to have it; and she didn't
  expect you to pay her bequests with it。  In my opinion;〃 he burst out; in
  a wrathful recollection of his own sufferings from Mrs。 Lander; 〃she
  didn't give you a millionth part of your due for all the trouble she made
  you; and I want Mr。 Orson to understand that; right here。〃
  Clementina turned her impartial gaze upon Mr。 Orson as if to verify the
  impression of this extreme opinion upon him; he looked as if he neither
  accepted nor rejected it; and she concluded the sentence which the vice…
  consul had interrupted。  〃Because I ratha not keep it; if there isn't
  enough without it。〃
  The vice…consul gave way to violence。  〃It's none of your business
  whether there's enough or not。  What you've got to do is to keep what
  belongs to you; and I'm going to see that you do。  That's what I'm here
  for。〃  If this assumption of official authority did not awe Clementina;
  at least it put a check upon her headlong self…sacrifice。  The vice…
  consul strengthened his hold upon her by asking; 〃What would you do。
  I should like to know; if you gave that up?〃
  〃Oh; I should get along;〃 she returned; Light…heartedly; but upon
  questioning herself whether she should turn to Miss Milray for help;
  or appeal to the vice…consul himself; she was daunted a little; and she
  added; 〃But just as you say; Mr。 Bennam。〃
  〃I say; keep what fairly belongs to you。  It's only two or three hundred
  dollars at the outside;〃 he explained to Mr。 Orson's hungry eyes; but
  perhaps the sum did not affect the country minister's imagination as
  trifling; his yearly salary must sometimes have been little more。
  The whole interview left the vice…consul out of humor with both parties
  to the affair; and as to Clementina; between the ideals of a perfect
  little saint; and a perfect little simpleton he remained for the present
  unable to class her。
  Clementina and the Vice…Consul afterwards agreed that Mrs。 Lander must
  have sent the will to Mr。 Orson in one of those moments of suspicion when
  she distrusted everyone about her; or in that trouble concerning her
  husband's kindred which had grown upon her more and more; as a means of
  assuring them that they were provided for。
  〃But even then;〃 the vice…consul concluded; 〃I don't see why she wanted
  this man to come out here。  The only explanation is that she was a little
  off her base towards the last。  That's the charitable supposition。〃
  〃I don't think she was herself; some of the time;〃 Clementina assented in
  acceptance of the kindly construction。
  The vice…consul modified his good will toward Mrs。 Lander's memory so far
  as to say; 〃Well; if she'd been somebody else most of the time; it would
  have been an improvement。〃
  The talk turned upon Mr。 Orson; and what he would probably do。  The vice…
  consul had found him a cheap lodging; at his request; and he seemed to
  have settled down at Venice either without the will or without the power
  to go home; but the vice…consul did not know where he ate; or what he did
  with himself except at the times when he came for letters。  Once or twice
  when he looked him up he found him writing; and then the minister
  explained that he had promised to 〃correspond〃 for an organ of his sect
  in the Northwest; but he owned that there was no money in it。  He was
  otherwise reticent and even furtive in his manner。  He did not seem to go
  much about the city; but kept to his own room; and if he was writing of
  Venice it must have been chiefly from his acquaintance with the little
  court into which his windows looked。  He affected the vice…consul as
  forlorn and helpless; and he pitied him and rather liked him as a fellow…
  victim of Mrs。 Lander。
  One morning Mr。 Orson came to see Clementina; and after a brief passage
  of opinion upon the weather; he fell into an embarrassed silence from
  which he pulled himself at last with a visible effort。  〃I hardly know
  how to lay before you what I have to say; Miss Claxon;〃 he began; 〃and I
  must ask you to put the best construction upon it。  I have never been
  reduced to a similar distress before。  You would naturally think that I
  would turn to the vice…consul; on such an occasion; but I feel; through
  our relation to theto Mrs。 Landerahsomewhat more at home with you。〃
  He stopped; as if he wished to be asked his business; and she entreated
  him; 〃Why; what is it; Mr。 Osson?  Is there something I can do?  There
  isn't anything I wouldn't!〃
  A gleam; watery and faint; which still could not be quite winked away;
  came into his small eyes。  〃Why; the fact is; could youahadvance me
  about five dollars?〃
  〃Why; Mr。 Orson!〃 she began; and he seemed to think she wished to
  withdraw her offer of help; for he interposed。
  〃I will repay it as soon as I get an expected remittance from home。
  I came out on the invitation of Mrs。 Lander; and as her guest; and I
  〃Oh; don't say a wo'd!〃 cried Clementina; but now that he had begun he
  was powerless to stop。
  〃I would not ask; but my landlady has pressed me for her rentI suppose
  she needs itand I have been reduced to the last copper〃
  The girl whose eyes the tears of self pity so rarely visited; broke into
  a sob that seemed to surprise her visitor。  But she checked herself as
  with a quick inspiration: 〃Have you been to breakfast?〃
  〃Wellahnot this morning;〃 Mr。 Orson admitted; as if to imply that
  having breakfasted some other morning might be supposed to serve the
  She left him and ran to the door。  〃Maddalena; Maddalena!〃 she called;
  and Maddalena responded with a frightened voice from the direction of the
  〃Vengo subito!〃
  She hurried out with the coffee…pot in her hand; as if she had just taken
  it up when Clementina called; and she halted for the whispered colloquy
  between them which took place before she set it down on the table already
  laid for breakfast; then she hurried out of the room again。  She came
  back with a cantaloupe and grapes; and cold ham; and put them before
  Clementina and her guest; who both ignored the hunger with which he swept
  everything before him。  When his famine had left nothing; he said; in
  decorous compliment:
  〃That is very good coffee; I should think the genuine berry; though I am
  told that they adulterate coffee a great deal in Europe。〃
  〃Do they?〃 asked Clementina。  〃I didn't know it。〃
  She left him still sitting before the table; and came back with some
  bank…notes in her hand。