第 14 节
作者:京文      更新:2024-09-15 09:12      字数:9322
  the headwaitathat student。〃
  Mrs。 Lander jerked her head round on the pillow。  〃Well; of all theWhat
  does he want; over he'a?〃
  〃Nothing。  That ishe's travelling with a pupil that he's preparing for
  college; andhe came to see us〃
  〃D'you tell him I couldn't see him?〃
  〃I guess he'd think I was a pretty changed pusson!  Now; I want you
  should stay with me; Clementina; and if anybody else comes〃
  Maddalena entered the room with a card which she gave to the girl。
  〃Who is it?〃 Mrs。 Lander demanded。
  〃Miss Milray。〃
  〃Of cou'se!  Well; you may just send wo'd that you can't Or; no; you
  must !  She'd have it all ova the place; by night; that I wouldn't let
  you see her。  But don't you make any excuse for me!  If she asks after
  me; don't you say I'm sick!  You say I'm not at home。〃
  〃I've come about that little wretch;〃 Miss Milray began; after kissing
  Clementina。  〃I didn't know but you had heard something I hadn't; or I
  had heard something you hadn't。  You know I belong to the Hinkle
  persuasion: I think Belsky's run his boardas Mr。 Hinkle calls it。〃
  Clementina explained how this part of the Hinkle theory had failed; and
  then Miss Milray devolved upon the belief that he had run his tailor's
  bill or his shoemaker's。  〃They are delightful; those Russians; but
  they're born insolvent。  I don't believe he's drowned himself。  How;〃 she
  broke off to ask; in a burlesque whisper; 〃is…the…old…tabby?〃 She
  laughed; for answer to her own question; and then with another sudden
  diversion she demanded of a look in Clementina's face which would not be
  laughed away; 〃Well; my dear; what is it?〃
  〃Miss Milray;〃 said the girl; 〃should you think me very silly; if I told
  you somethingsilly?〃
  〃Not in the least!〃 cried Miss Milray; joyously。  〃It's the final proof
  of your wisdom that I've been waiting for?〃
  〃It's because Mr。 Belsky is all mixed up in it;〃 said Clementina; as if
  some excuse were necessary; and then she told the story of her love
  affair with Gregory。  Miss Milray punctuated the several facts with vivid
  nods; but at the end she did not ask her anything; and the girl somehow
  felt the freer to add: 〃I believe I will tell you his name。  It is Mr。
  GregoryFrank Gregory〃
  〃And he's been in Egypt?〃
  〃Yes; the whole winta。〃
  〃Then he's the one that my sister…in…law has been writing me about!〃
  〃Oh; did he meet her the'a?〃
  〃I should think so !  And he'll meet her )were; very soon。  She's coming;
  with my poor brother。  I meant to tell you; but this ridiculous Belsky
  business drove it out of my head。〃
  〃And do you think;〃 Clementina entreated; 〃that he was to blame?〃
  〃Why; I don't believe he's done it; you know。〃
  〃Oh; I didn't mean Mr。 Belsky。  I meantMr。 Gregory。  For telling Mr。
  〃Certainly not。  Men always tell those things to some one; I suppose。
  Nobody was to blame but Belsky; for his meddling。〃
  Miss Milray rose and shook out her plumes for flight; as if she were
  rather eager for flight; but at the little sigh with which Clementina
  said; 〃Yes; that is what I thought;〃 she faltered。
  〃I was going to run away; for I shouldn't like to mix myself up in your
  affairit's certainly a very strange oneunless I was sure I could help
  you。  But if you think I can〃
  Clementina shook her head。  〃I don't believe you can;〃 she said; with a
  candor so wistful that Miss Milray stopped quite short。  〃How does Mr。
  Gregory take this Belsky business?〃 she asked。
  〃I guess he feels it moa than I do;〃 said the girl。
  〃He shows his feeling more?〃
  〃Yesno He believes he drove him to it。〃
  Miss Milray took her hand; for parting; but did not kiss her。  〃I won't
  advise you; my dear。  In fact; yon haven't asked me to。  You'll know what
  to do; if you haven't done it already; girls usually have; when they want
  advice。  Was there something you were going to say?〃
  〃Oh; no。  Nothing。  Do you think;〃 she hesitated; appealingly; 〃do you
  think we are…engaged?〃
  〃If he's anything of a man at all; he must think he is。〃
  〃Yes;〃 said Clementina; wistfully; 〃I guess he does。〃
  Miss Milray looked sharply at her。  〃And does he think you are?〃
  〃I don't knowhe didn't say。〃
  〃Well;〃 said Miss Milray; rather dryly; 〃then it's something for you to
  think over pretty carefully。〃
  Hinkle came back in the afternoon to make a hopeful report of his failure
  to learn anything more of Belsky; but Gregory did not come with him。  He
  came the next morning long before Clementina expected visitors; and he
  was walking nervously up and down the room when she appeared。  As if he
  could not speak; he held toward her without speaking a telegram in
  English; dated that day in Rome:
  〃Deny report of my death。  Have written。
  She looked up at Gregory from the paper; when she had read it; with
  joyful eyes。  〃Oh; I am so glad for you!  I am so glad he is alive。〃
  He took the dispatch from her hand。  〃I brought it to you as soon as it
  〃Yes; yes!  Of cou'se!〃
  〃I must go now and do what he saysI don't know how yet。〃  He stopped;
  and then went on from a different impulse。  〃Clementina; it isn't a
  question now of that wretch's life and death; and I wish I need never
  speak of him again。  But what he told you was true。〃  He looked
  steadfastly at her; and she realized how handsome he was; and how well
  dressed。  His thick red hair seemed to have grown darker above his
  forehead; his moustache was heavier; and it curved in at the corners of
  his mouth; he bore himself with a sort of self…disdain that enhanced his
  splendor。  〃I have never changed toward you; I don't say it to make favor
  with you; I don't expect to do that now; but it is true。  That night;
  there at Middlemount; I tried to take back what I said; because I
  believed that I ought。〃
  〃Oh; yes; I knew that;〃 said Clementina; in the pause he made。
  〃We were both too young; I had no prospect in life; I saw; the instant
  after I had spoken; that I had no right to let you promise anything。
  I tried to forget you; I couldn't。  I tried to make you forget me。〃
  He faltered; and she did not speak; but her head drooped a little。
  〃I won't ask how far I succeeded。  I always hoped that the time would
  come when I could speak to you again。  When I heard from Fane that you
  were at Woodlake; I wished to come out and see you; but I hadn't the
  courage; I hadn't the right。  I've had to come to you without either;
  now。  Did he speak to you about me?〃
  〃I thought he was beginning to; once; but he neva did。〃
  〃It didn't matter; it could only have made bad worse。  It can't help me
  to say that somehow I was wishing and trying to do what was right; but I
  〃Oh; I know that; Mr。 Gregory;〃 said Clementina; generously。
  〃Then you didn't doubt me; in spite of all?〃
  〃I thought you would know what to do。  No; I didn't doubt you; exactly。〃
  〃I didn't deserve your trust!〃 he cried。  〃How came that man to mention
  me?〃 he demanded; abruptly; after a moment's silence。
  〃Mr。 Belsky?  It was the first night I saw him; and we were talking about
  Americans; and he began to tell me about an American friend of his; who
  was very conscientious。  I thought it must be you the fust moment;〃 said
  Clementina; smiling with an impersonal pleasure in the fact。
  〃From the conscientiousness?〃  he asked; in bitter self…irony。
  〃Why; yes;〃 she returned; simply。  〃That was what made me think of you。
  And the last time when he began to talk about you; I couldn't stop him;
  although I knew he had no right to。〃
  〃He had no right。  But I gave him the power to do it!  He meant no harm;
  but I enabled him to do all the harm。〃
  〃Oh; if he's only alive; now; there is no harm!〃
  He looked into her eyes with a misgiving from which be burst impetuously。
  〃Then you do care for me still; after all that I have done to make you
  detest me?〃  He started toward her; but she shrank back。
  〃I didn't mean that;〃 she hesitated。
  〃You know that I love you;that I have always loved you?〃
  〃Yes;〃 she assented。  〃But you might be sorry again that you had said
  it。〃  It sounded like coquetry; but he knew it was not coquetry。
  〃Never!  I've wished to say it again; ever since that night at
  Middlemount; I have always felt bound by what I said then; though I took
  back my words for your sake。  But the promise was always there; and my
  life was in it。  You believe that?〃
  〃Why; I always believed what you said; Mr。 Gregory。〃
  Clementina paused; with her head seriously on one side。  〃I should want
  to think about it before I said anything。〃
  〃You are right;〃 he submitted; dropping his outstretched arms to his
  side。  〃I have been thinking only of myself; as usual。〃
  〃No;〃 she protested; compassionately。  〃But doesn't it seem as if we
  ought to be su'a; this time?  I did ca'e for you then; but I was very
  young; and I don't know yet I thought I had always felt just; as you
  did; but now Don't you think we had both betta wait a little while till
  we ah' moa suttain?〃
  They stood looking at each other; and he said; with a kind of passionate
  self…denial; 〃Yes; think it over for me; too。  I will come back; if you
  will let me。〃
  〃Oh; thank you!〃 she cried after him; grat