第 35 节
作者:理性的思索      更新:2024-09-11 20:30      字数:9322
  hair lounges and three…legged chairs  and some framed ancestors on the walls were all that met the eye。  But  when Colonel Allyn comes in; the place seemed to light up。  You could  almost hear a band playing; and see a bunch of old…timers in wigs and  white stockings dancing a quadrille。  It was the style of him;  although he had on the same shabby clothes I saw him wear at the  station。
  〃For about nine seconds he had me rattled; and I came mighty near  getting cold feet and trying to sell him some plate…glass。  But I got  my nerve back pretty quick。  He asked me to sit down; and I told him  everything。  I told him how I followed his daughter from Cincinnati;  and what I did it for; and all about my salary and prospects; and  explained to him my little code of livingto be always decent and  right in your home town; and when you're on the road; never take more  than four glasses of beer a day or play higher than a twenty…five…cent  limit。  At first I thought he was going to throw me out of the window;  but I kept on talking。  Pretty soon I got a chance to tell him that  story about the Western Congressman who had lost his pocket…book and  the grass widowyou remember that story。  Well; that got him to  laughing; and I'll bet that was the first laugh those ancestors and  horsehair sofas had heard in many a day。
  〃We talked two hours。  I told him everything I knew; and then he began  to ask questions; and I told him the rest。  All I asked of him was to  give me a chance。  If I couldn't make a hit with the little lady; I'd  clear out; and not bother any more。  At last he says:
  〃'There was a Sir Courtenay Pescud in the time of Charles I; if I  remember rightly。'
  〃'If there was;' says I; 'he can't claim kin with our bunch。  We've  always lived in and around Pittsburgh。  I've got an uncle in the real… estate business; and one in trouble somewhere out in Kansas。  You can  inquire about any of the rest of us from anybody in old Smoky Town;  and get satisfactory replies。  Did you ever run across that story  about the captain of the whaler who tried to make a sailor say his  prayers?' says I。
  〃'It occurs to me that I have never been so fortunate;' says the  colonel。
  〃So I told it to him。  Laugh!  I was wishing to myself that he was a  customer。  What a bill of glass I'd sell him!  And then he says:
  〃'The relating of anecdotes and humorous occurrences has always seemed  to me; Mr。  Pescud; to be a particularly agreeable way of promoting  and perpetuating amenities between friends。  With your permission; I  will relate to you a fox…hunting story with which I was personally  connected; and which may furnish you some amusement。'
  So he tells it。  It takes forty minutes by the watch。  Did I laugh?   Well; say!  When I got my face straight he calls in old Pete; the  super…annuated darky; and sends him down to the hotel to bring up my  valise。  It was Elmcroft for me while I was in the town。
  〃Two evenings later I got a chance to speak a word with Miss Jessie  alone on the porch while the colonel was thinking up another story。
  〃'It's going to be a fine evening;' says I。
  〃'He's coming;' says she。  'He's going to tell you; this time; the  story about the old negro and the green watermelons。  It always comes  after the one about the Yankees and the game rooster。  There was  another time;' she goes on; 'that you nearly got leftit was at  Pulaski City。'
  〃'Yes;' says I; 'I remember。  My foot slipped as I was jumping on the  step; and I nearly tumbled off。'
  〃'I know;' says she。  'Andand II was afraid you had; John A。  I  was afraid you had。'
  〃And then she skips into the house through one of the big windows。〃
  〃Coketown!〃 droned the porter; making his way through the slowing car。
  Pescud gathered his hat and baggage with the leisurely promptness of  an old traveller。
  〃I married her a year ago;〃 said John。  〃I told you I built a house in  the East End。  The beltedI mean the colonelis there; too。  I find  him waiting at the gate whenever I get back from a trip to hear any  new story I might have picked up on the road。〃
  I glanced out of the window。  Coketown was nothing more than a ragged  hillside dotted with a score of black dismal huts propped up against  dreary mounds of slag and clinkers。  It rained in slanting torrents;  too; and the rills foamed and splashed down through the black mud to  the railroad…tracks。
  〃You won't sell much plate…glass here; John;〃 said I。  〃Why do you get  off at this end…o'…the…world?〃
  〃Why;〃 said Pescud; 〃the other day I took Jessie for a little trip to  Philadelphia; and coming back she thought she saw some petunias in a  pot in one of those windows over there just like some she used to  raise down in the old Virginia home。  So I thought I'd drop off here  for the night; and see if I could dig up some of the cuttings or  blossoms for her。  Here we are。  Good…night; old man。  I gave you the  address。  Come out and see us when you have time。〃
  The train moved forward。  One of the dotted brown ladies insisted on  having windows raised; now that the rain beat against them。  The  porter came along with his mysterious wand and began to light the car。
  I glanced downward and saw the best…seller。  I picked it up and set it  carefully farther along on the floor of the car; where the rain…drops  would not fall upon it。  And then; suddenly; I smiled; and seemed to  see that life has no geographical metes and bounds。
  〃Good…luck to you; Trevelyan;〃 I said。  〃And may you get the petunias  for your princess!〃
  Considering men in relation to money; there are three kinds whom I  dislike: men who have more money than they can spend; men who have  more money than they do spend; and men who spend more money than they  have。  Of the three varieties; I believe I have the least liking for  the first。  But; as a man; I liked Spencer Grenville North pretty  well; although he had something like two or ten or thirty millions I've forgotten exactly how many。
  I did not leave town that summer。  I usually went down to a village on  the south shore of Long Island。  The place was surrounded by duck… farms; and the ducks and dogs and whippoorwills and rusty windmills  made so much noise that I could sleep as peacefully as if I were in my  own flat six doors from the elevated railroad in New York。  But that  summer I did not go。  Remember that。  One of my friends asked me why I  did not。  I replied:
  〃Because; old man; New York is the finest summer resort in the world。〃   You have heard that phrase before。  But that is what I told him。
  I was press…agent that year for Binkly & Bing; the theatrical managers  and producers。  Of course you know what a press…agent is。  Well; he is  not。  That is the secret of being one。
  Binkly was touring France in his new C。  & N。  Williamson car; and  Bing had gone to Scotland to learn curling; which he seemed to  associate in his mind with hot tongs rather than with ice。  Before  they left they gave me June and July; on salary; for my vacation;  which act was in accord with their large spirit of liberality。  But I  remained in New York; which I had decided was the finest summer resort  in
  But I said that before。
  On July the 10th; North came to town from his camp in the Adirondacks。   Try to imagine a camp with sixteen rooms; plumbing; eiderdown quilts;  a butler; a garage; solid silver plate; and a long…distance telephone。   Of course it was in the woodsif Mr。  Pinchot wants to preserve the  forests let him give every citizen two or ten or thirty million  dollars; and the trees will all gather around the summer camps; as the  Birnam woods came to Dunsinane; and be preserved。
  North came to see me in my three rooms and bath; extra charge for  light when used extravagantly or all night。  He slapped me on the back  (I would rather have my shins kicked any day); and greeted me with  out…door obstreperousness and revolting good spirits。  He was  insolently brown and healthy…looking; and offensively well dressed。
  〃Just ran down for a few days;〃 said he; 〃to sign some papers and  stuff like that。  My lawyer wired me to come。  Well; you indolent  cockney; what are you doing in town?  I took a chance and telephoned;  and they said you were here。  What's the matter with that Utopia on  Long Island where you used to take your typewriter and your villanous  temper every summer?  Anything wrong with theerswans; weren't  they; that used to sing on the farms at night?〃
  〃Ducks;〃 said I。  〃The songs of swans are for luckier ears。  They swim  and curve their necks in artificial lakes on the estates of the  wealthy to delight the eyes of the favorites of Fortune。〃
  〃Also in Central Park;〃 said North; 〃to delight the eyes of immigrants  and bummers。  I've seen em there lots of times。  But why are you in  the city so late in the summer?〃
  〃New York City;〃 I began to recite; 〃is the finest sum〃
  〃No; you don't;〃 said North; emphatically。  〃You don't spring that old  one on me。  I know you know better。  Man; you ought to have gone up  with us this summer。  The Prestons are there; and Tom Volney and the  Monroes and Lulu Stanford and the Miss Kennedy and her aunt that you  liked so well。〃
  〃I never liked Miss Kennedy's aunt;〃 I sai