第 28 节
作者:理性的思索      更新:2024-09-11 20:30      字数:9322
  I went straight to her house。  I seemed to float rather than walk; I  hardly felt the ground under my feet; I thought pernicious fever must  be a great boon to make one feel so strong。
  I found Chloe and Louis Devoe sitting under the awning in front of the  house。  She jumped up and met me with a double handshake。
  〃I'm glad; glad; glad to see you out again!〃 she cried; every word a  pearl strung on the string of her sentence。  〃You are well; Tommyor  better; of course。  I wanted to come to see you; but they wouldn't let  me。
  〃Oh yes;〃 said I; carelessly; 〃it was nothing。  Merely a little fever。   I am out again; as you see。〃
  We three sat there and talked for half an hour or so。  Then Chloe  looked out yearningly and almost piteously across the ocean。  I could  see in her sea…blue eyes some deep and intense desire。  Devoe; curse  him! saw it too。
  〃What is it?〃 we asked; in unison。
  〃Cocoanut…pudding;〃 said Chloe; pathetically。  〃I've wanted someoh;  so badly; for two days。  It's got beyond a wish; it's an obsession。
  〃The cocoanut season is over;〃 said Devoe; in that voice of his that  gave thrilling interest to his most commonplace words。  〃I hardly  think one could be found in Mojada。  The natives never use them except  when they are green and the milk is fresh。  They sell all the ripe  ones to the fruiterers。〃
  〃Wouldn't a broiled lobster or a Welsh rabbit do as well?〃 I remarked;  with the engaging idiocy of a pernicious…fever convalescent。
  Chloe came as near to pouting as a sweet disposition and a perfect  profile would allow her to come。
  The Reverend Homer poked his ermine…lined face through the doorway and  added a concordance to the conversation。
  〃Sometimes;〃 said he; 〃old Campos keeps the dried nuts in his little  store on the hill。  But it would be far better; my daughter; to  restrain unusual desires; and partake thankfully of the daily dishes  that the Lord has set before us。〃
  〃Stuff!〃 said I。
  〃How was that?〃 asked the Reverend Homer; sharply。
  〃I say it's tough;〃 said I; 〃to drop into the vernacular; that Miss  Greene should be deprived of the food she desires…a simple thing like  kalsomine…pudding。  Perhaps;〃 I continued; solicitously; 〃some pickled  walnuts or a fricassee of Hungarian butternuts would do as well。〃
  Every one looked at me with a slight exhibition of curiosity。
  Louis Devoe arose and made his adieus。  I watched him until he had  sauntered slowly and grandiosely to the corner; around which he turned  to reach his great warehouse and store。  Chloe made her excuses; and  went inside for a few minutes to attend to some detail affecting the  seven…o'clock dinner。  She was a passed mistress in housekeeping。  I  had tasted her puddings and bread with beatitude。
  When all had gone; I turned casually and saw a basket made of plaited  green withes hanging by a nail outside the door…jamb。  With a rush  that made my hot temples throb there came vividly to my mind  recollections of the head…huntersthose grim; flinty; relentless  little men; never seen; but chilling the warmest noonday by the subtle  terror of their concealed presence。  。  。  。  From time to time; as  vanity or ennui or love or jealousy or ambition may move him; one  creeps forth with his snickersnee and takes up the silent trail。  。  。   。  Back he comes; triumphant; bearing the severed; gory head of his  victim 。  。  。  His particular brown or white maid lingers; with  fluttering bosom; casting soft tiger's eyes at the evidence of his  love for her。
  I stole softly from the house and returned to my hut。  From its  supporting nails in the wall I took a machete as heavy as a butcher's  cleaver and sharper than a safety…razor。  And then I chuckled softly  to myself; and set out to the fastidiously appointed private office of  Monsieur Louis Devoe; usurper to the hand of the Pearl of the Pacific。
  He was never slow at thinking; he gave one look at my face and another  at the weapon in my hand as I entered his door; and then he seemed to  fade from my sight。  I ran to the back door; kicked it open; and saw  him running like a deer up the road toward the wood that began two  hundred yards away。  I was after him; with a shout。  I remember  hearing children and women screaming; and seeing them flying from the  road。
  He was fleet; but I was stronger。  A mile; and I had almost come up  with him。  He doubled cunningly and dashed into a brake that extended  into a small canon。  I crashed through this after him; and in five  minutes had him cornered in an angle of insurmountable cliffs。  There  his instinct of self…preservation steadied him; as it will steady even  animals at bay。  He turned to me; quite calm; with a ghastly smile。
  〃Oh; Rayburn!〃 he said; with such an awful effort at ease that I was  impolite enough to laugh rudely in his face。  〃Oh; Rayburn!〃 said he;  〃come; let's have done with this nonsense。  Of course; I know it's the  fever and you're not yourself; but collect yourself; man…give me that  ridiculous weapon; now; and let's go back and talk it over。〃
  〃I will go back;〃 said I; 〃carrying your head with me。  We will see  how charmingly it can discourse when it lies in the basket at her  door。〃
  〃Come;〃 said he; persuasively; 〃I think better of you than to suppose  that you try this sort of thing as a joke。  But even the vagaries of a  fever…crazed lunatic come some time to a limit。  What is this talk  about heads and baskets?  Get yourself together and throw away that  absurd cane…chopper。  What would Miss Greene think of you?〃 he ended;  with the silky cajolery that one would use toward a fretful child。
  〃Listen;〃 said I。  〃At last you have struck upon the right note。  What  would she think of me? Listen;〃 I repeated。
  〃There are women;〃 I said; 〃who look upon horsehair sofas and currant  wine as dross。  To them even the calculated modulation of your well… trimmed talk sounds like the dropping of rotten plums from a tree in  the night。  They are the maidens who walk back and forth in the  villages; scorning the emptiness of the baskets at the doors of the  young men who would win them。
  One such as they;〃 I said; 〃is waiting。  Only a fool would try to win  a woman by drooling like a braggart in her doorway or by waiting upon  her whims like a footman。  They are all daughters of Herodias; and to  gain their hearts one must lay the heads of his enemies before them  with his own hands。  Now; bend your neck; Louis Devoe。  Do not be a  coward as well as a chatterer at a lady's tea…table。〃
  〃There; there!〃 said Devoe; falteringly。  〃You know me; don't you;  Rayburn?〃
  〃Oh yes;〃 I said; 〃I know you。  I know you。  I know you。  But the  basket is empty。  The old men of the village and the young men; and  both the dark maidens and the ones who are as fair as pearls walk back  and forth and see its emptiness。  Will you kneel now; or must we have  a scuffle?  It is not like you to make things go roughly and with bad  form。  But the basket is waiting for your head。〃
  With that he went to pieces。  I had to catch him as he tried to  scamper past me like a scared rabbit。  I stretched him out and got a  foot on his chest; but he squirmed like a worm; although I appealed  repeatedly to his sense of propriety and the duty he owed to himself  as a gentleman not to make a row。
  But at last he gave me the chance; and I swung the machete。
  It was not hard work。  He flopped like a chicken during the six or  seven blows that it took to sever his head; but finally he lay still;  and I tied his head in my handkerchief。  The eyes opened and shut  thrice while I walked a hundred yards。  I was red to my feet with the  drip; but what did that matter?  With delight I felt under my hands  the crisp touch of his short; thick; brown hair and close…trimmed  beard。
  I reached the house of the Greenes and dumped the head of Louis Devoe  into the basket that still hung by the nail in the door…jamb。  I sat  in a chair under the awning and waited。  The sun was within two hours  of setting。  Chloe came out and looked surprised。
  〃Where have you been; Tommy?〃 she asked。  〃You were gone when I came  out。〃
  〃Look in the basket;〃 I said; rising to my feet。  She looked; and gave  a little screamof delight; I was pleased to note。
  〃Oh; Tommy!〃 she said。  〃It was just what I wanted you to do。  It's  leaking a little; but that doesn't matter。  Wasn't I telling you?   It's the little things that count。  And you remembered。〃
  Little things!  She held the ensanguined head of Louis Devoe in her  white apron。  Tiny streams of red widened on her apron and dripped  upon the floor。  Her face was bright and tender。
  〃Little things; indeed!〃 I thought again。  〃The head…hunters are  right。  These are the things that women like you to do for them。〃
  Chloe came close to me。  There was no one in sight。  She looked tip at  me with sea…blue eyes that said things they had never said before。
  〃You think of me;〃 she said。  〃You are the man I was describing。  You  think of the little things; and they are what make the world worth  living in。  The man for me must consider my little wishes; and make me  happy in small ways。  He must bring me little red peaches in December  if I wish for them; and then I will love him till June。  I