第 23 节
作者:辛苦      更新:2024-09-08 23:53      字数:7341
  To this Clarence; somewhat bored by these present solemn
  abstractions; assented gladly; and took up his pen。  Father
  Sobriente; resuming his noiseless pacing; began:
  〃On the fertile plains of Guadalajara lived a certain caballero;
  possessed of flocks and lands; and a wife and son。  But; being also
  possessed of a fiery and roving nature; he did not value them as he
  did perilous adventure; feats of arms; and sanguinary encounters。
  To this may be added riotous excesses; gambling and drunkenness;
  which in time decreased his patrimony; even as his rebellious and
  quarrelsome spirit had alienated his family and neighbors。  His
  wife; borne down by shame and sorrow; died while her son was still
  an infant。  In a fit of equal remorse and recklessness the
  caballero married again within the year。  But the new wife was of a
  temper and bearing as bitter as her consort。  Violent quarrels
  ensued between them; ending in the husband abandoning his wife and
  son; and leaving St。 LouisI should say Guadalajarafor ever。
  Joining some adventurers in a foreign land; under an assumed name;
  he pursued his reckless course; until; by one or two acts of
  outlawry; he made his return to civilization impossible。  The
  deserted wife and step…mother of his child coldly accepted the
  situation; forbidding his name to be spoken again in her presence;
  announced that he was dead; and kept the knowledge of his existence
  from his own son; whom she placed under the charge of her sister。
  But the sister managed to secretly communicate with the outlawed
  father; and; under a pretext; arranged between them; of sending the
  boy to another relation; actually dispatched the innocent child to
  his unworthy parent。  Perhaps stirred by remorse; the infamous man〃
  〃Stop!〃 said Clarence suddenly。
  He had thrown down his pen; and was standing erect and rigid before
  the Father。
  〃You are trying to tell me something; Father Sobriente;〃 he said;
  with an effort。  〃Speak out; I implore you。  I can stand anything
  but this mystery。  I am no longer a child。  I have a right to know
  all。  This that you are telling me is no fableI see it in your
  face; Father Sobriente; it is the story ofof〃
  〃Your father; Clarence!〃 said the priest; in a trembling voice。
  The boy drew back; with a white face。  〃My father!〃 he repeated。
  〃Living; or dead?〃
  〃Living; when you first left your home;〃 said the old man
  hurriedly; seizing Clarence's hand; 〃for it was he who in the name
  of your cousin sent for you。  Livingyes; while you were here; for
  it was he who for the past three years stood in the shadow of this
  assumed cousin; Don Juan; and at last sent you to this school。
  Living; Clarence; yes; but living under a name and reputation that
  would have blasted you!  And now DEADdead in Mexico; shot as an
  insurgent and in a still desperate career!  May God have mercy on
  his soul!〃
  〃Dead!〃 repeated Clarence; trembling; 〃only now?〃
  〃The news of the insurrection and his fate came only an hour
  since;〃 continued the Padre quickly; 〃his complicity with it and
  his identity were known only to Don Juan。  He would have spared you
  any knowledge of the truth; even as this dead man would; but I and
  my brothers thought otherwise。  I have broken it to you badly; my
  son; but forgive me?〃
  An hysterical laugh broke from Clarence and the priest recoiled
  before him。  〃Forgive YOU!  What was this man to me?〃 he said; with
  boyish vehemence。  〃He never LOVED me!  He deserted me; he made my
  life a lie。  He never sought me; came near me; or stretched a hand
  to me that I could take?〃
  〃Hush! hush!〃 said the priest; with a horrified look; laying his
  huge hand upon the boy's shoulder and bearing him down to his seat。
  〃You know not what you say。  Thinkthink; Clarence!  Was there
  none of all those who have befriended youwho were kind to you in
  your wanderingsto whom your heart turned unconsciously?  Think;
  Clarence!  You yourself have spoken to me of such a one。  Let your
  heart speak again; for his sakefor the sake of the dead。〃
  A gentler light suffused the boy's eyes; and he started。  Catching
  convulsively at his companion's sleeve; he said in an eager; boyish
  whisper; 〃There was one; a wicked; desperate man; whom they all
  fearedFlynn; who brought me from the mines。  Yes; I thought that
  he was my cousin's loyal friendmore than all the rest; and I told
  him everythingall; that I never told the man I thought my cousin;
  or anyone; or even you; and I think; I think; Father; I liked him
  best of all。  I thought since it was wrong;〃 he continued; with a
  trembling smile; 〃for I was foolishly fond even of the way the
  others feared him; he that I feared not; and who was so kind to me。
  Yet he; too; left me without a word; and when I would have followed
  him〃  But the boy broke down; and buried his face in his hands。
  〃No; no;〃 said Father Sobriente; with eager persistence; 〃that was
  his foolish pride to spare you the knowledge of your kinship with
  one so feared; and part of the blind and mistaken penance he had
  laid upon himself。  For even at that moment of your boyish
  indignation; he never was so fond of you as then。  Yes; my poor
  boy; this man; to whom God led your wandering feet at Deadman's
  Gulch; the man who brought you here; and by some secret holdI
  know not whaton Don Juan's past; persuaded him to assume to be
  your relation; this man Flynn; this Jackson Brant the gambler; this
  Hamilton Brant the outlawWAS YOUR FATHER!  Ah; yes!  Weep on; my
  son; each tear of love and forgiveness from thee hath vicarious
  power to wash away his sin。〃
  With a single sweep of his protecting hand he drew Clarence towards
  his breast; until the boy slowly sank upon his knees at his feet。
  Then; lifting his eyes towards the ceiling; he said softly in an
  older tongue; 〃And THOU; too; unhappy and perturbed spirit; rest!〃
  。       。       。       。       。       。       。
  It was nearly dawn when the good Padre wiped the last tears from
  Clarence's clearer eyes。  〃And now; my son;〃 he said; with a gentle
  smile; as he rose to his feet; 〃let us not forget the living。
  Although your step…mother has; through her own act; no legal claim
  upon you; far be it from me to indicate your attitude towards her。
  Enough that YOU are independent。〃  He turned; and; opening a drawer
  in his secretaire; took out a bank…book; and placed it in the hands
  of the wondering boy。
  〃It was HIS wish; Clarence; that even after his death you should
  never have to prove your kinship to claim your rights。  Taking
  advantage of the boyish deposit you had left with Mr。 Carden at the
  bank; with his connivance and in your name he added to it; month by
  month and year by year; Mr。 Carden cheerfully accepting the trust
  and management of the fund。  The seed thus sown has produced a
  thousandfold; Clarence; beyond all expectations。  You are not only
  free; my son; but of yourself and in whatever name you chooseyour
  own master。〃
  〃I shall keep my father's name;〃 said the boy simply。
  〃Amen!〃 said Father Sobriente。
  Here closes the chronicle of Clarence Brant's boyhood。  How he
  sustained his name and independence in after years; and who; of
  those already mentioned in these pages; helped him to make or mar it;
  may be a matter for future record。