第 12 节
作者:辛苦      更新:2024-09-08 23:53      字数:9322
  either the sympathy of an equal or the zeal of a partisan; but
  ratherif it could be said of a boy of his yearswith the
  patronage and protection of a superior。  So he accepted without
  demur the intimation that when the train reached California he
  would be forwarded from Stockton with an outfit and a letter of
  explanation to Sacramento; it being understood that in the event of
  not finding his relative he would return to the Peytons in one of
  the southern valleys; where they elected to purchase a tract of
  With this outlook; and the prospect of change; independence; and
  all the rich possibilities that to the imagination of youth are
  included in them; Clarence had found the days dragging。  The halt
  at Salt Lake; the transit of the dreary Alkali desert; even the
  wild passage of the Sierras; were but a blurred picture in his
  memory。  The sight of eternal snows and the rolling of endless
  ranks of pines; the first glimpse of a hillside of wild oats; the
  spectacle of a rushing yellow river that to his fancy seemed tinged
  with gold; were momentary excitements; quickly forgotten。  But
  when; one morning; halting at the outskirts of a struggling
  settlement; he found the entire party eagerly gathered around a
  passing stranger; who had taken from his saddle…bags a small
  buckskin pouch to show them a double handful of shining scales of
  metal; Clarence felt the first feverish and overmastering thrill of
  the gold…seekers。  Breathlessly he followed the breathless
  questions and careless replies。  The gold had been dug out of a
  placer only thirty miles away。  It might be worth; say; a hundred
  and fifty dollars; it was only HIS share of a week's work with two
  partners。  It was not much; 〃the country was getting played out
  with fresh arrivals and greenhorns。〃  All this falling carelessly
  from the unshaven lips of a dusty; roughly dressed man; with a
  long…handled shovel and pickaxe strapped on his back; and a frying…
  pan depending from his saddle。  But no panoplied or armed knight
  ever seemed so heroic or independent a figure to Clarence。  What
  could be finer than the noble scorn conveyed in his critical survey
  of the train; with its comfortable covered wagons and appliances of
  civilization?  〃Ye'll hev to get rid of them ther fixin's if yer
  goin' in for placer diggin'!〃  What a corroboration of Clarence's
  real thoughts!  What a picture of independence was this!  The
  picturesque scout; the all…powerful Judge Peyton; the daring young
  officer; all crumbled on their clayey pedestals before this hero in
  a red flannel shirt and high…topped boots。  To stroll around in the
  open air all day; and pick up those shining bits of metal; without
  study; without method or routinethis was really life; to some day
  come upon that large nugget 〃you couldn't lift;〃 that was worth as
  much as the train and horsessuch a one as the stranger said was
  found the other day at Sawyer's Barthis was worth giving up
  everything for。  That rough man; with his smile of careless
  superiority; was the living link between Clarence and the Thousand
  and One Nights; in him were Aladdin and Sindbad incarnate。
  Two days later they reached Stockton。  Here Clarence; whose single
  suit of clothes had been reinforced by patching; odds and ends from
  Peyton's stores; and an extraordinary costume of army cloth; got up
  by the regimental tailor at Fort Ridge; was taken to be refitted at
  a general furnishing 〃emporium。〃  But alas! in the selection of the
  clothing for that adult locality scant provision seemed to have
  been made for a boy of Clarence's years; and he was with difficulty
  fitted from an old condemned Government stores with 〃a boy's〃
  seaman suit and a brass…buttoned pea…jacket。  To this outfit Mr。
  Peyton added a small sum of money for his expenses; and a letter of
  explanation to his cousin。  The stage…coach was to start at noon。
  It only remained for Clarence to take leave of the party。  The
  final parting with Susy had been discounted on the two previous
  days with some tears; small frights and clingings; and the
  expressed determination on the child's part 〃to go with him;〃 but
  in the excitement of the arrival at Stockton it was still further
  mitigated; and under the influence of a little present from
  Clarencehis first disbursement of his small capitalhad at last
  taken the form and promise of merely temporary separation。
  Nevertheless; when the boy's scanty pack was deposited under the
  stage…coach seat; and he had been left alone; he ran rapidly back
  to the train for one moment more with Susy。  Panting and a little
  frightened; he reached Mrs。 Peyton's car。
  〃Goodness!  You're not gone yet;〃 said Mrs。 Peyton sharply。  〃Do
  you want to lose the stage?〃
  An instant before; in his loneliness; he might have answered;
  〃Yes。〃  But under the cruel sting of Mrs。 Peyton's evident
  annoyance at his reappearance he felt his legs suddenly tremble;
  and his voice left him。  He did not dare to look at Susy。  But her
  voice rose comfortably from the depths of the wagon where she was
  〃The stage will be gone away; Kla'uns。〃
  She too!  Shame at his foolish weakness sent the yearning blood
  that had settled round his heart flying back into his face。
  〃I was looking forforfor Jim; ma'am;〃 he said at last; boldly。
  He saw a look of disgust pass over Mrs。 Peyton's face; and felt a
  malicious satisfaction as he turned and ran back to the stage。  But
  here; to his surprise; he actually found Jim; whom he really hadn't
  thought of; darkly watching the last strapping of luggage。  With a
  manner calculated to convey the impression to the other passengers
  that he was parting from a brother criminal; probably on his way to
  a state prison; Jim shook hands gloomily with Clarence; and eyed
  the other passengers furtively between his mated locks。
  〃Ef ye hear o' anythin' happenin'; ye'll know what's up;〃 he said;
  in a low; hoarse; but perfectly audible whisper。  〃Me and them's
  bound to part company afore long。  Tell the fellows at Deadman's
  Gulch to look out for me at any time。〃
  Although Clarence was not going to Deadman's Gulch; knew nothing of
  it; and had a faint suspicion that Jim was equally ignorant; yet as
  one or two of the passengers glanced anxiously at the demure; gray…
  eyed boy who seemed booked for such a baleful destination; he
  really felt the half…delighted; half…frightened consciousness that
  he was starting in life under fascinating immoral pretenses。  But
  the forward spring of the fine…spirited horses; the quickened
  motion; the glittering sunlight; and the thought that he really was
  leaving behind him all the shackles of dependence and custom; and
  plunging into a life of freedom; drove all else from his mind。  He
  turned at last from this hopeful; blissful future; and began to
  examine his fellow passengers with boyish curiosity。  Wedged in
  between two silent men on the front seat; one of whom seemed a
  farmer; and the other; by his black attire; a professional man;
  Clarence was finally attracted by a black…mantled; dark…haired;
  bonnetless woman on the back seat; whose attention seemed to be
  monopolized by the jocular gallantries of her companions and the
  two men before her in the middle seat。  From her position he could
  see little more than her dark eyes; which occasionally seemed to
  meet his frank curiosity in an amused sort of way; but he was
  chiefly struck by the pretty foreign sound of her musical voice;
  which was unlike anything he had ever heard before; andalas for
  the inconstancy of youthmuch finer than Mrs。 Peyton's。  Presently
  his farmer companion; casting a patronizing glance on Clarence's
  pea…jacket and brass buttons; said cheerily
  〃Jest off a voyage; sonny?〃
  〃No; sir;〃 stammered Clarence; 〃I came across the plains。〃
  〃Then I reckon that's the rig…out for the crew of a prairie
  schooner; eh?〃  There was a laugh at this which perplexed Clarence。
  Observing it; the humorist kindly condescended to explain that
  〃prairie schooner〃 was the current slang for an emigrant wagon。
  〃I couldn't;〃 explained Clarence; naively looking at the dark eyes
  on the back seat; 〃get any clothes at Stockton but these; I suppose
  the folks didn't think there'd ever be boys in California。〃
  The simplicity of this speech evidently impressed the others; for
  the two men in the middle seats turned at a whisper from the lady
  and regarded him curiously。  Clarence blushed slightly and became
  silent。  Presently the vehicle began to slacken its speed。  They
  were ascending a hill; on either bank grew huge cottonwoods; from
  which occasionally depended a beautiful scarlet vine。
  〃Ah! eet ees pretty;〃 said the lady; nodding her black…veiled head
  towards it。  〃Eet is good in ze hair。〃
  One of the men made an awkward attempt to clutch a spray from the
  window。  A brilliant inspiration flashed upon Clarence。  When the
  stage began the ascent of the next hill; following the example of
  an outside passenger; he jumped down to walk。  At the top of the
  hill he rejoined the stage; flushed and panting; but carrying a
  small branch of the vine in his scratched hands。  Handing it to the
  man on the middle seat; he said; with grave; boyish politeness
  〃Pleasefor the lady。〃
  A slight smile passed over the face