第 5 节
作者:换裁判      更新:2024-09-08 23:53      字数:9322
  whatever you may urge to the contrary。〃
  〃Come away  at   once   and   help   me   to   tie up   some   mutton bones   in   a
  counterpane;〃 said Anna Maria。 〃I have got half a smoked ham hidden in
  the chimney。〃
  So it happened that   by the   time John Joiner had got the plank up
  there was nobody under the floor except the rolling…pin and Tom Kitten in
  a very dirty dumpling!
  But there was a strong smell of rats; and John Joiner spent the rest of
  the morning sniffing and whining; and wagging his tail; and going round
  and round with his head in the hole like a gimlet。
  Then he nailed the plank down again; and put his tools in his bag; and
  came downstairs。
  The cat family had quite recovered。 They invited him to stay to dinner。
  The   dumpling had   been peeled off Tom  Kitten;  and   made   separately
  into a bag pudding; with currants in it to hide the smuts。
  They  had   been   obliged   to   put   Tom   Kitten   into   a   hot   bath   to   get   the
  butter off。
  John Joiner smelt the pudding; but he regretted that he had not time to
  stay   to   dinner;   because   he   had   just   finished   making   a   wheel…barrow   for
  Miss Potter; and she had ordered two hen…coops。
  And when I was going to the post late in the afternoonI looked up
  the lane from the corner; and I saw Mr。 Samuel Whiskers and his wife on
  the run; with big bundles on a little wheel…barrow; which looked very like
  They were just turning in at the gate to the barn of Farmer Potatoes。
  Samuel Whiskers was puffing and out of breath。 Anna Maria was still
  arguing in shrill tones。
  She seemed to know her way;  and she   seemed to have   a quantity  of
  I am sure _I_ never gave her leave to borrow my wheel…barrow!
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  The Original Peter Rabbit Books
  They went into the barn; arid hauled their parcels with a bit of string
  to the top of the haymow。
  After   that;  there   were   no   more    rats  for   a  long   time   at  Tabitha
  As for Farmer Potatoes; he has been driven nearly distracted。 There
  are rats; and rats; and rats in his barn! They eat up the chicken food; and
  steal the oats and bran; and make holes in the meal bags。
  And   they   are   all   descended   from   Mr。   and   Mrs。   Samuel   Whiskers
  children and grand…children and great great grand…children。
  There is no end to them!
  Moppet and Mittens have grown up into very good rat…catchers。
  They     go  out   rat…catching    in  the   village;  and    they  find   plenty   of
  employment。   They   charge   so   much   a   dozen;   and   earn   their   living   very
  They hang up the rats' tails in a row or the barn door; to show how
  many they have caughtdozens and dozens of them。
  But Tom Kitten has always been afraid of a rat; he never durst face
  anything that is bigger than
  A Mouse。
  … Page 21…
  The Original Peter Rabbit Books
  I   HAVE   made   many   books   about   well…behaved   people。   Now;   for   a
  change; I am going to make a story about two disagreeable people; called
  Tommy Brock and Mr。 Tod。 Nobody could call Mr。 Tod 〃nice。〃 The rabbits
  could   not   bear   him;   they   could   smell   him   half   a   mile   off。   He   was   of   a
  wandering   habit   and   he   had   foxey  whiskers;   they   never   knew   where   he
  would be next。
  One day he was living in a stick… house in the coppice; causing terror
  to   the   family   of   old   Mr。   Benjamin   Bouncer。   Next   day   he   moved   into   a
  pollard willow near the lake; frightening the wild ducks and the water rats。
  In   winter   and   early   spring   he   might   generally   be   found   in   an   earth
  amongst the rocks at the top of Bull Banks; under Oatmeal Crag。
  He had half a dozen houses; but he was seldom at home。
  The   houses    were    not  always    empty     when    Mr。   Tod   moved     OUT;
  because sometimes Tommy Brock moved IN; (without asking leave)。
  Tommy Brock was a short bristly fat waddling person with a grin; he
  grinned all over his face。 He was not nice in his habits。 He ate wasp nests
  and frogs and worms; and he waddled about by moonlight; digging things
  His   clothes   were   very   dirty;   and   as   he   slept   in  the   day…time;  he
  always went to bed in his boots。 And the bed which he went to bed in; was
  generally Mr。 Tod's。
  Now   Tommy   Brock   did   occasionally   eat   rabbit…pie;   but   it   was   only
  very little young ones occasionally; when other food was really scarce。 He
  was friendly with old Mr。 Bouncer; they agreed in disliking
  the   wicked   otters   and   Mr。   Tod;   they   often   talked   over   that   painful
  Old Mr。 Bouncer was stricken in years。 He sat in the spring sunshine
  outside the burrow; in a muffler; smoking a pipe of rabbit tobacco。
  He lived with his son Benjamin Bunny and his daughter…in…law Flopsy;
  who had a young family。 Old Mr。 Bouncer was in charge of the family that
  afternoon; because Benjamin and Flopsy had gone out。
  The  little  rabbit…babies   were  just   old enough   to   open   their  blue   eyes
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  The Original Peter Rabbit Books
  and   kick。 They  lay  in   a   fluffy  bed   of   rabbit   wool   and   hay;   in   a   shallow
  burrow;   separate   from   the   main   rabbit   hole。   To   tell   the   truthold    Mr。
  Bouncer had forgotten them。
  He   sat   in   the   sun;   and   conversed   cordially  with Tommy   Brock;   who
  was passing through the wood with a sack and a little spud which he used
  for digging; and some mole traps。 He complained bitterly about the
  scarcity   of   pheasants'   eggs;   and   accused   Mr。   Tod   of   poaching   them。
  And the otters had cleared off all the frogs while he was asleep in winter
  〃I have not had a good square meal for a fortnight; I am living on pig…nuts。
  I shall have to turn vegetarian and eat my own tail!〃 said Tommy Brock。
  It   was   not   much   of   a   joke;   but   it   tickled   old   Mr。   Bouncer;   because
  Tommy Brock was so fat and stumpy and grinning。
  So   old   Mr。   Bouncer   laughed;   and   pressed   Tommy   Brock   to           come
  inside; to taste a slice of seed…cake and 〃a glass of my daughter Flopsy's
  cowslip wine。〃 Tommy Brock squeezed himself into the rabbit hole with
  Then old Mr。 Bouncer smoked another pipe; and gave Tommy Brock
  a cabbage leaf cigar which was so very strong that it made Tommy Brock
  grin   more   than   ever;   and the   smoke   filled   the burrow。   Old   Mr。   Bouncer
  coughed and laughed; and Tommy Brock puffed and grinned。
  And Mr。 Bouncer laughed and coughed; and shut his eyes because of
  the cabbage smoke 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。
  When   Flopsy   and   Benjamin   came   backold   Mr。   Bouncer   woke   up。
  Tommy Brock and all the young rabbit…babies had disappeared!
  Mr。 Bouncer would not confess that he had admitted anybody into the
  rabbit hole。 But the smell of badger was undeniable; and there were round
  heavy footmarks in the sand。 He was in disgrace; Flopsy wrung her ears;
  and slapped him。
  Benjamin Bunny set off at once after Tommy Brock。
  There   was   not   much   difficulty  in   tracking   him;   he   had   left   his   foot…
  mark and gone slowly up the winding footpath through the wood。 Here he
  had rooted up the moss and wood sorrel。 There he had dug quite a deep
  hole for   dog darnel;   and had set   a mole   trap。 A  little stream  crossed the
  way。   Benjamin   skipped   lightly   over   dry…foot;   the   badger's   heavy   steps
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  The Original Peter Rabbit Books
  showed plainly in the mud。
  The path led to a part of the thicket where the trees had been cleared;
  there   were   leafy  oak   stumps;   and   a   sea   of   blue   hyacinthsbut   the   smell
  that made Benjamin stop; was not the smell of flowers!
  Mr。 Tod's stick house was before him and; for once; Mr。 Tod was at
  home。 There was not only a foxey flavour in proof of itthere was smoke
  coming out of the broken pail that served as a chimney。
  Benjamin Bunny sat up; staring; his whiskers twitched。 Inside the stick
  house somebody dropped a plate; and said something。 Benjamin stamped
  his foot; and bolted。
  He   never    stopped    till  he  came