第 3 节
作者:公主站记      更新:2024-09-03 10:28      字数:9322
  ut none like Joanna; and here; where he thought to forget her; she was more life…like before his mind than ever。
  〃God gives us strength to bear much; if we try to do our best;〃 she
  had said; and as he thought of this; a devout feeling came into his
  mind; and he folded his hands。 Then; as the violins played and the
  girls danced round the room; he started; for it seemed to him as if he
  were in a place where he ought not to have brought Joanna; for she was here with him in his heart; and so he went out at once。 As he went through the streets at a quick pace; he passed the house where she used to live; it was all dark; empty; and lonely。 But the world went
  on its course; and Knud was obliged to go on too。
  Winter came; the water was frozen; and everything seemed buried in
  a cold grave。 But when spring returned; and the first steamer prepared
  to sail; Knud was seized with a longing to wander forth into the
  world; but not to France。 So he packed his knapsack; and travelled
  through Germany; going from town to town; but finding neither rest
  or peace。 It was not till he arrived at the glorious old town of
  Nuremberg that he gained the mastery over himself; and rested his
  weary feet; and here he remained。
  Nuremberg is a wonderful old city; and looks as if it had been cut
  out of an old picture…book。 The streets seem to have arranged
  themselves according to their own fancy; and as if the houses objected to stand in rows or rank and file。 Gables; with little towers;
  ornamented columns; and statues; can be seen even to the city gate;
  and from the singular…shaped roofs; waterspouts; formed like
  dragons; or long lean dogs; extend far across to the middle of the
  street。 Here; in the market…place; stood Knud; with his knapsack on
  his back; close to one of the old fountains which are so beautifully
  adorned with figures; scriptural and historical; and which spring up
  between the sparkling jets of water。 A pretty servant…maid was just
  filling her pails; and she gave Knud a refreshing draught; she had a
  handful of roses; and she gave him one; which appeared to him like a
  good omen for the future。 From a neighboring church came the sounds of music; and the familiar tones reminded him of the organ at home at Kjoge; so he passed into the great cathedral。 The sunshine streamed through the painted glass windows; and between two lofty slender pillars。 His thoughts became prayerful; and calm peace rested on his soul。 He next sought and found a good master in Nuremberg; with whom he stayed and learnt the German language。
  The old moat round the town had been converted into a number of
  little kitchen gardens; but the high walls; with their heavy…looking
  towers; are still standing。 Inside these walls the ropemaker twisted
  his ropes along a walk built like a gallery; and in the cracks and
  crevices of the walls elderbushes grow and stretch their green
  boughs over the small houses which stand below。 In one of these houses lived the master for whom Knud worked; and over the little garret window where he sat; the elder…tree waved its branches。 Here he dwelt through one summer and winter; but when spring came again; he could endure it no longer。 The elder was in blossom; and its fragrance was so homelike; that he fancied himself back again in the gardens of Kjoge。 So Knud left his master; and went to work for another who lived farther in the town; where no elder grew。 His workshop was quite close to one of the old stone bridges; near to a water…mill; round which the roaring stream rushed and foamed always; yet restrained by the neighboring houses; whose old; decayed balconies hung over; and seemed ready to fall into the water。 Here grew no elder; here was not even a flower…pot; with its little green plant; but just opposite the workshop stood a great willow…tree; which seemed to hold fast to the house for fear of being carried away by the water。 It stretched its branches over the stream just as those of the
  willow…tree in the garden at Kjoge had spread over the river。 Yes;
  he had indeed gone from elder…mother to willow…father。 There was a
  something about the tree here; especially in the moonlight nights;
  that went direct to his heart; yet it was not in reality the
  moonlight; but the old tree itself。 However; he could not endure it:
  and why? Ask the willow; ask the blossoming elder! At all events; he
  bade farewell to Nuremberg and journeyed onwards。 He never spoke of Joanna to any one; his sorrow was hidden in his heart。 The old
  childish story of the two cakes had a deep meaning for him。 He
  understood now why the gingerbread man had a bitter almond in his left side; his was the feeling of bitterness; and Joanna; so mild and
  friendly; was represented by the honeycake maiden。 As he thought
  upon all this; the strap of his knapsack pressed across his chest so
  that he could hardly breathe; he loosened it; but gained no relief。 He
  saw but half the world around him; the other half he carried with
  him in his inward thoughts; and this is the condition in which he left
  Nuremberg。 Not till he caught sight of the lofty mountains did the
  world appear more free to him; his thoughts were attracted to outer
  objects; and tears came into his eyes。 The Alps appeared to him like
  the wings of earth folded together; unfolded; they would display the
  variegated pictures of dark woods; foaming waters; spreading clouds;
  and masses of snow。 〃At the last day;〃 thought he; 〃the earth will
  unfold its great wings; and soar upwards to the skies; there to
  burst like a soap…bubble in the radiant glance of the Deity。 Oh;〃
  sighed he; 〃that the last day were come!〃
  Silently he wandered on through the country of the Alps; which
  seemed to him like a fruit garden; covered with soft turf。 From the
  wooden balconies of the houses the young lacemakers nodded as he
  passed。 The summits of the mountains glowed in the red evening sunset; and the green lakes beneath the dark trees reflected the glow。
  Then he thought of the sea coast by the bay Kjoge; with a longing in his heart that was; however; without pain。 There; where the Rhine rolls onward like a great billow; and dissolves itself into snowflakes; where glistening clouds are ever changing as if here was the place of
  their creation; while the rainbow flutters about them like a
  many…colored ribbon; there did Knud think of the water…mill at
  Kjoge; with its rushing; foaming waters。 Gladly would he have remained in the quiet Rhenish town; but there were too many elders and willow…trees。
  So he travelled onwards; over a grand; lofty chain of mountains;
  over rugged;… rocky precipices; and along roads that hung on the
  mountain's side like a swallow's nest。 The waters foamed in the depths below him。 The clouds lay beneath him。 He wandered on; treading upon Alpine roses; thistles; and snow; with the summer sun shining upon him; till at length he bid farewell to the lands of the north。 Then he passed on under the shade of blooming chestnut…trees; through vineyards; and fields of Indian corn; till conscious that the mountains were as a wall between him and his early recollections;
  and he wished it to be so。
  Before him lay a large and splendid city; called Milan; and here
  he found a German master who engaged him as a workman。 The master and his wife; in whose workshop he was employed; were an old; pious couple; and the two old people became quite fond of the quiet journeyman; who spoke but little; but worked more; and led a pious; Christian life; and even to himself it seemed as if God had removed the heavy burden from his heart。 His greatest pleasure was to climb; now and then; to the roof of the noble church; which was built of white marble。 The pointed towers; the decorated and open cloisters; the stately columns; the white statues which smiled upon him from every corner and porch and arch;… all; even the church itself;
  seemed to him to have been formed from the snow of his native land。
  Above him was the blue sky; below him; the city and the wide…spreading plains of Lombardy; and towards the north; the lofty mountains; covered with perpetual snow。 And then he thought of the church of Kjoge; with its red; ivy…clad walls; but he had no longing to go there; here; beyond the mountains; he would die and be buried。
  Three years had passed away since he left his home; one year of
  that time he had dwelt at Milan。
  One day his master took him into the town; not to the circus in
  which riders performed; but to the opera; a large building; itself a
  sight well worth seeing。 The seven tiers of boxes; which reached
  from the ground to a dizzy height; near the ceiling; were hung with
  rich; silken curtains; and in them were seated elegantly…dressed
  ladies; with bouquets of flowers in their hands。 The gentlemen were
  also in full dress; and many of them wore decorations of gold and
  silver。 The place was so brilliantly lighted that it seemed like
  sunshine; and glorious music rolled through the building。 Everything
  looked more beautiful than in the theatre at Copenhagen; but then
  Joanna had been there; and… could it be? Yes… it was like magic;…
  she was here also: for; when the curtain rose; there stood Joanna;
  dressed in silk and gold; and with a golden crown upon her head。 She
  sang; he thought; as on