第 27 节
作者:莫再讲      更新:2024-08-29 08:49      字数:631
  home in a state which forbids her ever appearing in society again。 By
  one of those chances of which the Abbe de Grancey had spoken; she
  happened to be on the Loire in a steamboat of which the boiler burst。
  Mademoiselle de Watteville was so severely injured that she lost her
  right arm and her left leg; her face is marked with fearful scars;
  which have bereft her of her beauty; her health; cruelly upset; leaves
  her few days free from suffering。 In short; she now never leaves the
  Chartreuse of les Rouxey; where she leads a life wholly devoted to
  religious practices。
  PARIS; May 1842。