第 11 节
作者:莫再讲      更新:2024-08-29 08:48      字数:9321
  mute。 The bark came nearer; when at length Francesca could distinguish
  the faces on board; she exclaimed; 〃Tito!〃 as she perceived a young
  man。 She stood up; and remained standing at the risk of being drowned。
  〃Tito! Tito!〃 cried she; waving her handkerchief。
  Tito desired the boatmen to slacken; and the two boats pulled side by
  side。 The Italian and Tito talked with such extreme rapidity; and in a
  dialect unfamiliar to a man who hardly knew even the Italian of books;
  that Rodolphe could neither hear nor guess the drift of this
  conversation。 But Tito's handsome face; Francesca's familiarity; and
  Gina's expression of delight; all aggrieved him。 And indeed no lover
  can help being ill pleased at finding himself neglected for another;
  whoever he may be。 Tito tossed a little leather bag to Gina; full of
  gold no doubt; and a packet of letters to Francesca; who began to read
  them; with a farewell wave of the hand to Tito。
  〃Get quickly back to Gersau;〃 she said to the boatmen; 〃I will not let
  my poor Emilio pine ten minutes longer than he need。〃
  〃What has happened?〃 asked Rodolphe; as he saw Francesca finish
  reading the last letter。
  〃/La liberta/!〃 she exclaimed; with an artist's enthusiasm。
  〃/E denaro/!〃 added Gina; like an echo; for she had found her tongue。
  〃Yes;〃 said Francesca; 〃no more poverty! For more than eleven months
  have I been working; and I was beginning to be tired of it。 I am
  certainly not a literary woman。〃
  〃Who is this Tito?〃 asked Rodolphe。
  〃The Secretary of State to the financial department of the humble shop
  of the Colonnas; in other words; the son of our /ragionato/。 Poor boy!
  he could not come by the Saint…Gothard; nor by the Mont…Cenis; nor by
  the Simplon; he came by sea; by Marseilles; and had to cross France。
  Well; in three weeks we shall be at Geneva; and living at our ease。
  Come; Rodolphe;〃 she added; seeing sadness overspread the Parisian's
  face; 〃is not the Lake of Geneva quite as good as the Lake of
  〃But allow me to bestow a regret on the Bergmanns' delightful house;〃
  said Rodolphe; pointing to the little promontory。
  〃Come and dine with us to add to your associations; /povero mio/;〃
  said she。 〃This is a great day; we are out of danger。 My mother writes
  that within a year there will be an amnesty。 Oh! /la cara patria/!〃
  These three words made Gina weep。 〃Another winter here;〃 said she;
  〃and I should have been dead!〃
  〃Poor little Sicilian kid!〃 said Francesca; stroking Gina's head with
  an expression and an affection which made Rodolphe long to be so
  caressed; even if it were without love。
  The boat grounded; Rodolphe sprang on to the sand; offered his hand to
  the Italian lady; escorted her to the door of the Bergmanns' house;
  and went to dress and return as soon as possible。
  When he joined the librarian and his wife; who were sitting on the
  balcony; Rodolphe could scarcely repress an exclamation of surprise at
  seeing the prodigious change which the good news had produced in the
  old man。 He now saw a man of about sixty; extremely well preserved; a
  lean Italian; as straight as an I; with hair still black; though thin
  and showing a white skull; with bright eyes; a full set of white
  teeth; a face like Caesar; and on his diplomatic lips a sardonic
  smile; the almost false smile under which a man of good breeding hides
  his real feelings。
  〃Here is my husband under his natural form;〃 said Francesca gravely。
  〃He is quite a new acquaintance;〃 replied Rodolphe; bewildered。
  〃Quite;〃 said the librarian; 〃I have played many a part; and know well
  how to make up。 Ah! I played one in Paris under the Empire; with
  Bourrienne; Madame Murat; Madame d'Abrantis /e tutte quanti/。
  Everything we take the trouble to learn in our youth; even the most
  futile; is of use。 If my wife had not received a man's educationan
  unheard…of thing in ItalyI should have been obliged to chop wood to
  get my living here。 /Povera/ Francesca! who would have told me that
  she would some day maintain me!〃
  As he listened to this worthy bookseller; so easy; so affable; so
  hale; Rodolphe scented some mystification; and preserved the watchful
  silence of a man who has been duped。
  〃/Che avete; signor/?〃 Francesca asked with simplicity。 〃Does our
  happiness sadden you?〃
  〃Your husband is a young man;〃 he whispered in her ear。
  She broke into such a frank; infectious laugh that Rodolphe was still
  more puzzled。
  〃He is but sixty…five; at your service;〃 said she; 〃but I can assure
  you that even that is somethingto be thankful for!〃
  〃I do not like to hear you jest about an affection so sacred as this;
  of which you yourself prescribed the conditions。〃
  〃/Zitto/!〃 said she; stamping her foot; and looking whether her
  husband were listening。 〃Never disturb the peace of mind of that dear
  man; as simple as a child; and with whom I can do what I please。 He is
  under my protection;〃 she added。 〃If you could know with what
  generosity he risked his life and fortune because I was a Liberal! for
  he does not share my political opinions。 Is not that love; Monsieur
  Frenchman?But they are like that in his family。 Emilio's younger
  brother was deserted for a handsome youth by the woman he loved。 He
  thrust his sword through his own heart ten minutes after he had said
  to his servant; 'I could of course kill my rival; but that would
  grieve the /Diva/ too deeply。' 〃
  This mixture of dignity and banter; of haughtiness and playfulness;
  made Francesca at this moment the most fascinating creature in the
  world。 The dinner and the evening were full of cheerfulness;
  justified; indeed; by the relief of the two refugees; but depressing
  to Rodolphe。
  〃Can she be fickle?〃 he asked himself as he returned to the Stopfers'
  house。 〃She sympathized in my sorrow; and I cannot take part in her
  He blamed himself; justifying this girl…wife。
  〃She has no taint of hypocrisy; and is carried away by impulse;〃
  thought he; 〃and I want her to be like a Parisian woman。〃
  Next day and the following days; in fact; for twenty days after;
  Rodolphe spent all his time at the Bergmanns'; watching Francesca
  without having determined to watch her。 In some souls admiration is
  not independent of a certain penetration。 The young Frenchman
  discerned in Francesca the imprudence of girlhood; the true nature of
  a woman as yet unbroken; sometimes struggling against her love; and at
  other moments yielding and carried away by it。 The old man certainly
  behaved to her as a father to his daughter; and Francesca treated him
  with a deeply felt gratitude which roused her instinctive nobleness。
  The situation and the woman were to Rodolphe an impenetrable enigma;
  of which the solution attracted him more and more。
  These last days were full of secret joys; alternating with melancholy
  moods; with tiffs and quarrels even more delightful than the hours
  when Rodolphe and Francesca were of one mind。 And he was more and more
  fascinated by this tenderness apart from wit; always and in all things
  the same; an affection that was jealous of mere nothingsalready!
  〃You care very much for luxury?〃 said he one evening to Francesca; who
  was expressing her wish to get away from Gersau; where she missed many
  〃I!〃 cried she。 〃I love luxury as I love the arts; as I love a picture
  by Raphael; a fine horse; a beautiful day; or the Bay of Naples。
  Emilio;〃 she went on; 〃have I ever complained here during our days of
  〃You would not have been yourself if you had;〃 replied the old man
  〃After all; is it not in the nature of plain folks to aspire to
  grandeur?〃 she asked; with a mischievous glance at Rodolphe and at her
  husband。 〃Were my feet made for fatigue?〃 she added; putting out two
  pretty little feet。 〃My hands〃and she held one out to Rodolphe
  〃were those hands made to work?Leave us;〃 she said to her husband;
  〃I want to speak to him。〃
  The old man went into the drawing…room with sublime good faith; he was
  sure of his wife。
  〃I will not have you come with us to Geneva;〃 she said to Rodolphe。
  〃It is a gossiping town。 Though I am far above the nonsense the world
  talks; I do not choose to be calumniated; not for my own sake; but for
  his。 I make it my pride to be the glory of that old man; who is; after
  all; my only protector。 We are leaving; stay here a few days。 When you
  come on to Geneva; call first on my husband; and let him introduce you
  to me。 Let us hide our great and unchangeable affection from the eyes
  of the world。 I love you; you know it; but this is how I will prove it
  to you you shall never discern in my conduct anything whatever that
  may arouse your jealousy。〃
  She drew him into a corner of the balcony; kissed him on the forehead;
  and fled; leaving him in amazement。
  Next day Rodolphe heard that the lodgers at the Bergmanns' had left at
  daybreak。 It then seemed to him intolerable to remain at Gersau; and
  he set out for Vevay by the longest route; starting sooner than was
  necessary。 Attracted to the waters of the lake where the beautiful
  Italian awaited him; he reached Geneva by the end of October。 To avoid
  the discomforts of the town he took rooms in a house at Eaux…Vives;
  outside the walls。 As soon as he was settled;