第 42 节
作者:闪啊闪      更新:2024-08-29 08:48      字数:986
  shadows appropriately the house of a king who reigns in right of
  it。  If this be all; it should not trouble us long。  Germany has
  shown she can be generous; it now remains for her only to forget a
  natural but certainly ill…grounded prejudice; and allow to him; who
  was sole king before the plenipotentiaries assembled; and who would
  be sole king to…morrow if the Berlin Act could be rescinded; a
  fitting share of rule。  The future of Samoa should lie thus in the
  hands of a single man; on whom the eyes of Europe are already
  fixed。  Great concerns press on his attention; the Samoan group; in
  his view; is but as a grain of dust; and the country where he
  reigns has bled on too many august scenes of victory to remember
  for ever a blundering skirmish in the plantation of Vailele。  It is
  to him … to the sovereign of the wise Stuebel and the loyal
  Brandeis; … that I make my appeal。
  MAY 25; 1892。