第 13 节
作者:闪啊闪      更新:2024-08-29 08:48      字数:9322
  Wilson arrived without him; and Becker broke up the meeting for
  want of a quorum。  There was some unedifying disputation as to
  whether he had waited ten or twenty minutes; whether he had been
  officially or unofficially informed by Wilson that Sewall was on
  the way; whether the statement had been made to himself or to Weber
  in answer to a question; and whether he had heard Wilson's answer
  or only Weber's question:  all otiose; if he heard the question; he
  was bound to have waited for the answer; if he heard it not; he
  should have put it himself; and it was the manifest truth that he
  rejoiced in his occasion。  〃Sir;〃 he wrote to Sewall; 〃I have the
  honour to inform you that; to my regret; I am obliged to consider
  the municipal government to be provisionally in abeyance since you
  have withdrawn your consent to the continuation of Mr。 Martin in
  his position as magistrate; and since you have refused to take part
  in the meeting of the municipal board agreed to for the purpose of
  electing a magistrate。  The government of the town and district of
  the municipality rests; as long as the municipality is in abeyance;
  with the Samoan government。  The Samoan government has taken over
  the administration; and has applied to the commander of the
  imperial German squadron for assistance in the preservation of good
  order。〃  This letter was not delivered until 4 P。M。  By three;
  sailors had been landed。  Already German colours flew over
  Tamasese's headquarters at Mulinuu; and German guards had occupied
  the hospital; the German consulate; and the municipal gaol and
  courthouse; where they stood to arms under the flag of Tamasese。
  The same day Sewall wrote to protest。  Receiving no reply; he
  issued on the morrow a proclamation bidding all Americans look to
  himself alone。  On the 26th; he wrote again to Becker; and on the
  27th received this genial reply: 〃Sir; your high favour of the 26th
  of this month; I give myself the honour of acknowledging。  At the
  same time I acknowledge the receipt of your high favour of the 14th
  October in reply to my communication of the same date; which
  contained the information of the suspension of the arrangements for
  the municipal government。〃  There the correspondence ceased。  And
  on the 18th January came the last step of this irritating intrigue
  when Tamasese appointed a judge … and the judge proved to be
  Thus was the adventure of the Castle Municipal achieved by Sir
  Becker the chivalrous。  The taxes of Apia; the gaol; the police;
  all passed into the hands of Tamasese…Brandeis; a German was
  secured upon the bench; and the German flag might wave over her
  puppet unquestioned。  But there is a law of human nature which
  diplomatists should be taught at school; and it seems they are not;
  that men can tolerate bare injustice; but not the combination of
  injustice and subterfuge。  Hence the chequered career of the
  thimble…rigger。  Had the municipality been seized by open force;
  there might have been complaint; it would not have aroused the same
  lasting grudge。
  This grudge was an ill gift to bring to Brandeis; who had trouble
  enough in front of him without。  He was an alien; he was supported
  by the guns of alien warships; and he had come to do an alien's
  work; highly needful for Samoa; but essentially unpopular with all
  Samoans。  The law to be enforced; causes of dispute between white
  and brown to be eliminated; taxes to be raised; a central power
  created; the country opened up; the native race taught industry:
  all these were detestable to the natives; and to all of these he
  must set his hand。  The more I learn of his brief term of rule; the
  more I learn to admire him; and to wish we had his like。
  In the face of bitter native opposition; he got some roads
  accomplished。  He set up beacons。  The taxes he enforced with
  necessary vigour。  By the 6th of January; Aua and Fangatonga;
  districts in Tutuila; having made a difficulty; Brandeis is down at
  the island in a schooner; with the ADLER at his heels; seizes the
  chief Maunga; fines the recalcitrant districts in three hundred
  dollars for expenses; and orders all to be in by April 20th; which
  if it is not; 〃not one thing will be done;〃 he proclaimed; 〃but war
  declared against you; and the principal chiefs taken to a distant
  island。〃  He forbade mortgages of copra; a frequent source of
  trickery and quarrel; and to clear off those already contracted;
  passed a severe but salutary law。  Each individual or family was
  first to pay off its own obligation; that settled; the free man was
  to pay for the indebted village; the free village for the indebted
  province; and one island for another。  Samoa; he declared; should
  be free of debt within a year。  Had he given it three years; and
  gone more gently; I believe it might have been accomplished。  To
  make it the more possible; he sought to interdict the natives from
  buying cotton stuffs and to oblige them to dress (at least for the
  time) in their own tapa。  He laid the beginnings of a royal
  territorial army。  The first draft was in his hands drilling。  But
  it was not so much on drill that he depended; it was his hope to
  kindle in these men an ESPRIT DE CORPS; which should weaken the old
  local jealousies and bonds; and found a central or national party
  in the islands。  Looking far before; and with a wisdom beyond that
  of many merchants; he had condemned the single dependence placed on
  copra for the national livelihood。  His recruits; even as they
  drilled; were taught to plant cacao。  Each; his term of active
  service finished; should return to his own land and plant and
  cultivate a stipulated area。  Thus; as the young men continued to
  pass through the army; habits of discipline and industry; a central
  sentiment; the principles of the new culture; and actual gardens of
  cacao; should be concurrently spread over the face of the islands。
  Tamasese received; including his household expenses; 1960 dollars a
  year; Brandeis; 2400。  All such disproportions are regrettable; but
  this is not extreme:  we have seen horses of a different colour
  since then。  And the Tamaseseites; with true Samoan ostentation;
  offered to increase the salary of their white premier:  an offer he
  had the wisdom and good feeling to refuse。  A European chief of
  police received twelve hundred。  There were eight head judges; one
  to each province; and appeal lay from the district judge to the
  provincial; thence to Mulinuu。  From all salaries (I gather) a
  small monthly guarantee was withheld。  The army was to cost from
  three to four thousand; Apia (many whites refusing to pay taxes
  since the suppression of the municipality) might cost three
  thousand more:  Sir Becker's high feat of arms coming expensive (it
  will be noticed) even in money。  The whole outlay was estimated at
  twenty…seven thousand; and the revenue forty thousand:  a sum Samoa
  is well able to pay。
  Such were the arrangements and some of the ideas of this strong;
  ardent; and sanguine man。  Of criticisms upon his conduct; beyond
  the general consent that he was rather harsh and in too great a
  hurry; few are articulate。  The native paper of complaints was
  particularly childish。  Out of twenty…three counts; the first two
  refer to the private character of Brandeis and Tamasese。  Three
  complain that Samoan officials were kept in the dark as to the
  finances; one; of the tapa law; one; of the direct appointment of
  chiefs by Tamasese…Brandeis; the sort of mistake into which
  Europeans in the South Seas fall so readily; one; of the enforced
  labour of chiefs; one; of the taxes; and one; of the roads。  This I
  may give in full from the very lame translation in the American
  white book。  〃The roads that were made were called the Government
  Roads; they were six fathoms wide。  Their making caused much damage
  to Samoa's lands and what was planted on it。  The Samoans cried on
  account of their lands; which were taken high…handedly and abused。
  They again cried on account of the loss of what they had planted;
  which was now thrown away in a high…handed way; without any regard
  being shown or question asked of the owner of the land; or any
  compensation offered for the damage done。  This was different with
  foreigners' land; in their case permission was first asked to make
  the roads; the foreigners were paid for any destruction made。〃  The
  sting of this count was; I fancy; in the last clause。  No less than
  six articles complain of the administration of the law; and I
  believe that was never satisfactory。  Brandeis told me himself he
  was never yet satisfied with any native judge。  And men say (and it
  seems to fit in well with his hasty and eager character) that he
  would legislate by word of mouth; sometimes forget what he had
  said; and; on the same question arising in another province; decide
  it perhaps otherwise。