第 45 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9322
  poverty。      I   thought   it   right   to   intimate   this   to   him   pretty   roundly;   that
  whatever increase be settled upon you; it may be calculated so as to cover
  this necessary and natural encumbrance。                I shall willingly settle upon you
  … Page 155…
  the   castle   and   manor   of   Ellieslaw;   to   show   my   parental   affection   and
  disinterested     zeal  for   promoting     your   settlement    in  life。  The    annual
  interest of debts charged on the estate somewhat exceeds the income; even
  after a reasonable rent has been put upon the mansion and mains。                   But as
  all the debts are in the person of Mr。 Ratcliffe; as your kinsman's trustee;
  he will not be a troublesome creditor。           And here I must make you aware;
  that though I have to complain of Mr。 Ratcliffe's conduct to me personally;
  I; nevertheless; believe him a just and upright man; with whom you may
  safely   consult   on   your   affairs;   not   to   mention   that   to   cherish   his   good
  opinion will be the best way to retain that of your kinsman。                 Remember
  me to MarchieI hope he will not be troubled on account of late matters。
  I will write more fully from the Continent。 Meanwhile; I rest your loving
  father; RICHARD VERE。〃
  The above letter throws the only additional light which we have been
  able to procure upon the earlier part of our story。           It was Hobbie's opinion;
  and may be that of most of our readers;that the Recluse of Mucklestane…
  Moor had but a kind of a gleaming; or twilight understanding; and that he
  had neither very clear views as to what he himself wanted; nor was apt to
  pursue his ends by the clearest and most direct means; so that to seek the
  clew of his conduct; was likened; by Hobbie; to looking for a straight path
  through a common; over which are a hundred devious tracks; but not one
  distinct line of road。
  When   Isabella   had   perused   the   letter;   her   first   enquiry   was   after   her
  father。    He   had   left   the   castle;   she   was   informed;   early   in   the   morning;
  after a long interview with Mr。 Ratcliffe; and was already far on his way to
  the next port; where he might expect to find shipping for the Continent。
  〃Where was Sir Edward Mauley?〃
  No one had seen the Dwarf since the eventful scene of the preceding
  〃Odd; if onything has befa'en puir Elshie;〃 said Hobbie Elliot; 〃I wad
  rather I were harried ower again。〃
  He immediately rode to his dwelling; and the remaining she…goat came
  bleating to meet him; for her milking time was long past。 The Solitary was
  nowhere      to  be   seen;   his  door;   contrary    to  wont;   was    open;   his  fire
  … Page 156…
  extinguished; and the whole hut was left in the state which it exhibited on
  Isabella's visit to him。       It was pretty clear that the means of conveyance
  which had brought the Dwarf to Ellieslaw on the preceding evening; had
  removed   him   from   it   to   some   other   place   of   abode。    Hobbie   returned
  disconsolate to the castle。
  〃I am doubting we hae lost Canny Elshie for gude an' a'。〃
  〃You   have   indeed;〃   said   Ratcliffe;   producing   a   paper;   which   he   put
  into Hobbie's hands; 〃but read that; and you will perceive you have been
  no loser by having known him。〃
  It was a short deed of gift; by which 〃Sir Edward Mauley; otherwise
  called    Elshender     the  Recluse;    endowed      Halbert    or  Hobbie    Elliot;   and
  Grace Armstrong; in full property; with a considerable sum borrowed by
  Elliot from him。〃
  Hobbie's joy was mingled with feelings which brought tears down his
  rough cheeks。
  〃It's a queer thing;〃 he said; 〃but I canna joy in the gear; unless I kend
  the puir body was happy that gave it me。〃
  〃Next     to   enjoying     happiness     ourselves;〃     said   Ratcliffe;    〃is  the
  consciousness   of      having    bestowed     it  on  others。   Had     all  my   master's
  benefits been conferred like the present; what a different return would they
  have produced!        But the indiscriminate profusion that would glut avarice;
  or supply prodigality; neither does good; nor is rewarded by gratitude。 It is
  sowing the wind to reap the whirlwind。〃
  〃And   that   wad   be   a   light   har'st;〃   said   Hobbie;   〃but;   wi'   my   young
  leddie's leave; I wad fain take down Eishie's skeps o' bees; and set them in
  Grace's bit flower yard at the Heugh…footthey shall ne'er be smeekit by
  ony o' huz。      And the puir goat; she would be negleckit about a great toun
  like this; and she could feed bonnily on our lily lea by the burn side; and
  the hounds wad ken her in a day's time; and never fash her; and Grace wad
  milk   her   ilka   morning   wi' her   ain   hand;  for   Elshie's   sake;   for   though   he
  was thrawn and cankered in his converse; he likeit dumb creatures weel。〃
  Hobbie's   requests   were   readily   granted;   not   without   some   wonder   at
  the   natural   delicacy   of   feeling   which   pointed   out   to   him   this   mode   of
  displaying his gratitude。        He was delighted when Ratcliffe informed him
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  that his benefactor should not remain ignorant of the care which he took of
  his favourite。
  〃And mind be sure and tell him that grannie and the titties; and; abune
  a'; Grace and mysell; are weel and thriving; and that it's a' his doingthat
  canna but please him; ane wad think。〃
  And Elliot and the family at Heugh…foot were; and continued to be; as
  fortunate and happy as his undaunted honesty; tenderness; and gallantry so
  well merited。
  All   bar   between     the   marriage    of   Earnscliff   and    Isabella   was   now
  removed; and the settlements which Ratcliffe produced on the part of Sir
  Edward   Mauley;   might   have   satisfied   the   cupidity   of   Ellieslaw   himself。
  But     Miss    Vere   and    Ratcliffe    thought     it  unnecessary      to  mention     to
  Earnscliff that one great motive of Sir Edward; in thus loading the young
  pair with benefits; was to expiate his having; many years before; shed the
  blood of his father in a hasty brawl。 If it be true; as Ratcliffe asserted; that
  the   Dwarf's   extreme   misanthropy   seemed   to   relax   somewhat;   under   the
  consciousness        of   having     diffused     happiness      among      so   many;     the
  recollection      of  this  circumstance      might    probably     be   one   of  his   chief
  motives for refusing obstinately ever to witness their state of contentment。
  Mareschal   hunted;   shot;   and   drank   clarettired   of   the   country;   went
  abroad; served three campaigns; came home; and married Lucy Ilderton。
  Years fled over the heads of Earnscliff and his wife; and found and left
  them   contented       and   happy。    The     scheming     ambition     of  Sir   Frederick
  Langley   engaged   him   in   the   unfortunate   insurrection   of   1715。        He   was
  made   prisoner   at   Preston; in   Lancashire;   with the   Earl of   Derwentwater;
  and   others。     His   defence;   and   the   dying   speech   which   he   made   at   his
  execution;   may   be   found   in   the   State Trials。     Mr。  Vere;  supplied   by   his
  daughter      with   an  ample     income;    continued     to  reside    abroad;   engaged
  deeply   in   the   affair   of   Law's   bank   during   the   regency   of   the   Duke   of
  Orleans; and was at one time supposed to be immensely rich。                     But; on the
  bursting of that famous bubble; he was so much chagrined at being again
  reduced      to  a   moderate      annuity    (although     he   saw    thousands     of   his
  companions        in  misfortune     absolutely     starving);   that   vexation    of  mind
  brought on a paralytic stroke; of which he died; after lingering under its
  … Page 158…
  effects a few weeks。
  Willie   of   Westburnflat   fled   from   the   wrath   of   Hobbie   Elliot;   as   his
  betters did from the pursuit of the law。             His patriotism urged him to serve
  his   country   abroad;   while   his   reluctance   to   leave   his   native   soil   pressed
  him   rather   to   remain   in   the   beloved   island;   and   collect   purses;   watches;
  and     rings   on   the  highroads      at  home。     Fortunately       for   him;   the   first
  impulse prevailed; a