第 33 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9320
  and each waited with an inward emotion of awe; expecting which of his
  confederates       would     set  the   example     by   plunging     himself     down。    This
  inward sensation of fear and reluctance acted differently; according to the
  various habits and characters of the company。 One looked grave; another
  looked   silly;   a   third   gazed   with   apprehension   on   the   empty   seats   at   the
  higher   end   of   the   table;   designed   for   members   of   the   conspiracy   whose
  prudence   had   prevailed   over   their   political   zeal;   and   who   had   absented
  themselves       from    their   consultations     at   this  critical   period;    and   some
  seemed      to   be  reckoning      up   in  their  minds     the  comparative       rank   and
  prospects of those who were present and absent。                    Sir Frederick Langley
  was     reserved;    moody;     and    discontented。     Ellieslaw     himself    made     such
  forced   efforts   to   raise   the   spirits   of   the   company;   as   plainly   marked   the
  flagging of his own。 Ratcliffe watched the scene with the composure of a
  vigilant     but    uninterested      spectator。      Mareschal       alone;     true   to   the
  thoughtless   vivacity   of   his   character;   ate   and   drank;   laughed   and   jested;
  and seemed even to find amusement in the embarrassment of the company。
  〃What has damped our noble courage this morning?〃                        he exclaimed。
  〃We seem to be met at a funeral; where the chief mourners must not speak
  above their breath; while the mutes and the saulies (looking to the lower
  end   of   the   table)   are   carousing   below。   Ellieslaw;   when   will   you   LIFT?
  'To    LIFT;     meaning     to   lift  the  coffin;   is  the   common       expression     for
  … Page 113…
  commencing   a   funeral。'   where   sleeps   your   spirit;   man?        and   what   has
  quelled the high hope of the Knight of Langley…dale?〃
  〃You speak like a madman;〃 said Ellieslaw; 〃do you not see how many
  are absent?〃
  〃And   what   of   that?〃    said   Mareschal。      〃Did   you   not   know   before;
  that one…half of the world are better talkers than doers?             For my part; I am
  much encouraged by seeing at least two…thirds of our friends true to the
  rendezvous; though I suspect one…half of these came to secure the dinner
  in case of the worst。〃
  〃There is no news from the coast which can amount to certainty of the
  King's arrival;〃 said another of the company; in that tone of subdued and
  tremulous whisper which implies a failure of resolution。
  〃Not   a   line   from   the   Earl   of   D;   nor   a   single   gentleman   from   the
  southern side of the Border;〃 said a third。
  〃Who      is  he  that  wishes    for  more    men    from    England;〃    exclaimed
  Mareschal; in a theatrical tone of affected heroism;
  〃My cousin Ellieslaw?          No; my fair cousin;          If we are doom'd to
  〃For    God's    sake;〃   said  Ellieslaw;    〃spare   us   your   folly  at  present;
  〃Well;   then;〃   said   his   kinsman;   〃I'll   bestow   my   wisdom   upon   you
  instead; such as it is。      If we have gone forward like fools; do not let us go
  back   like   cowards。      We   have   done   enough   to   draw   upon   us   both   the
  suspicion and vengeance of the government; do not let us give up before
  we have done something to deserve it。 What; will no one speak?                     Then
  I'll leap the ditch the first。〃 And; starting up; he filled a beer…glass to the
  brim   with    claret;  and   waving     his  hand;    commanded       all  to  follow   his
  example; and to rise up from their seats。             All obeyed…the more qualified
  guests as if passively; the others with enthusiasm 〃Then; my friends; I give
  you the pledge of the dayThe independence of Scotland; and the health
  of our lawful sovereign; King James the Eighth; now landed in Lothian;
  and; as I trust and believe; in full possession of his ancient capital!〃
  He quaffed off the wine; and threw the glass over his head。
  〃It should never;〃 he said; 〃be profaned by a meaner toast。〃
  … Page 114…
  All   followed   his   example;   and;   amid   the   crash   of   glasses   and   the
  shouts     of  the  company;      pledged    themselves     to  stand   or  fall  with   the
  principles and political interest which their toast expressed。
  〃You   have   leaped   the   ditch   with   a   witness;〃   said   Ellieslaw;   apart   to
  Mareschal; 〃but I believe it is all for the best; at all events; we cannot now
  retreat from our undertaking。          One man alone〃 (looking at Ratcliffe) 〃has
  refused the pledge; but of that by and by。〃
  Then; rising up; he addressed the company in a style of inflammatory
  invective     against   the   government      and   its  measures;    but  especially    the
  Union;   a   treaty;   by   means   of   which;   he   affirmed;   Scotland   had   been   at
  once cheated of her independence; her commerce; and her honour; and laid
  as a fettered slave at the foot of the rival against whom; through such   a
  length of ages; through so many dangers; and by so much blood; she had
  honourably defended her rights。           This was touching a theme which found
  a responsive chord in the bosom of every man present。
  〃Our     commerce       is  destroyed;〃     hollowed     old   John    Rewcastle;      a
  Jedburgh smuggler; from the lower end of the table。
  〃Our   agriculture   is   ruined;〃   said   the   Laird   of   Broken…girth…flow;   a
  territory which; since the days of Adam; had borne nothing but ling and
  〃Our religion is cut up; root and branch;〃 said the pimple…nosed pastor
  of the Episcopal meeting…house at Kirkwhistle。
  〃We shall shortly neither dare shoot a deer nor kiss a wench; without a
  certificate from the presbytery and kirk…treasurer;〃 said Mareschal…Wells。
  〃Or make a brandy jeroboam in a frosty morning; without license from
  a commissioner of excise;〃 said the smuggler。
  〃Or ride over the fell in a moonless night;〃 said Westburnflat; 〃without
  asking leave of young Earnscliff; or some Englified justice of the peace:
  thae   were   gude   days   on   the   Border   when   there   was   neither   peace   nor
  justice heard of。〃
  〃Let    us  remember      our   wrongs    at  Darien    and   Glencoe;〃     continued
  Ellieslaw; 〃and take arms for the protection of our rights; our fortunes; our
  lives; and our families。〃
  〃Think upon genuine episcopal ordination; without which there can be
  … Page 115…
  no lawful clergy;〃 said the divine。
  〃Think   of   the   piracies   committed   on   our   East…Indian   trade   by  Green
  and   the   English   thieves;〃   said   William   Willieson;   half…   owner   and   sole
  skipper of a brig that made four voyages annually between Cockpool and
  〃Remember your liberties;〃 rejoined Mareschal; who seemed to take a
  mischievous   delight   in       precipitating   the   movements   of   the   enthusiasm
  which he had excited; like a roguish boy; who; having lifted the sluice of a
  mill…dam;   enjoys   the   clatter   of   the   wheels   which   he   has   put   in   motion;
  without thinking of the mischief he may have occasioned。                       〃Remember
  your liberties;〃 he exclaimed; 〃confound cess; press; and presbytery; and
  the memory of old Willie that first brought them upon us!〃
  〃Damn the gauger!〃           echoed old John Rewcastle; 〃I'll cleave him wi'
  my ain hand。〃
  〃And     confound      the   country…keeper       and   the   constable!〃     re…echoed
  Westburnflat; 〃I'll weize a brace of balls through them before morning。〃
  〃We are agreed; then;〃 said Ellieslaw; when the shouts had somewhat
  subsided; 〃to bear this state of things no longer?〃
  〃We are agreed to a man;〃 answered his guests。
  〃Not   literally   so;〃   said   Mr。   Ratcliffe;   〃for   though   I   cannot   hope   to
  assuage   the   violent   symptoms   which   seem   so   suddenly   to   have   seized
  upon   the   company;   yet   I   beg   to   observe;   that   so   far   as   the  opinion   of   a
  single   member   goes;   I   do   not   entirely   coincide   in   the   list   of   grievances
  which has been announced; and that I do utterly protest against the frantic
  measures   which   you   seem  disposed   to   adopt   for   removing them。            I   can