第 31 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9322
  Earnscliff;   haughtily;〃than   I;   who   had   the   satisfaction   this   morning   to
  liberate her from the dungeon in which I found her confined; and who am
  now escorting her back to the Castle of Ellieslaw?〃
  〃Is this so; Miss Vere?〃        said Mareschal。
  〃It  is;〃  answered      Isabella;   eagerly;〃it    is  so;   for  Heaven's     sake
  sheathe your swords。          I will swear by all that is sacred; that I was carried
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  off by ruffians; whose persons and object were alike unknown to me; and
  am     now    restored    to  freedom      by   means    of   this  gentleman's      gallant
  〃By    whom;      and   wherefore;     could   this  have    been   done?〃     pursued
  Mareschal。〃Had         you   no  knowledge       of  the  place   to  which    you   were
  conveyed?Earnscliff; where did you find this lady?〃
  But   ere   either   question   could   be   answered;   Ellieslaw   advanced;   and;
  returning his sword to the scabbard; cut short the conference。
  〃When I know;〃 he said; 〃exactly how much I owe to Mr。 Earnscliff;
  he may rely on suitable acknowledgments; meantime;〃 taking the bridle of
  Miss Vere's horse; 〃thus far I thank him for replacing my daughter in the
  power of her natural guardian。〃
  A   sullen   bend    of  the  head    was   returned    by   Earnscliff    with   equal
  haughtiness; and Ellieslaw; turning back with his daughter upon the road
  to his own house; appeared engaged with her in a conference so earnest;
  that the rest of the company judged it improper to intrude by approaching
  them   too   nearly。    In   the   meantime;   Earnscliff;   as   he   took   leave   of   the
  other gentlemen belonging to Ellieslaw's party; said aloud; 〃Although I am
  unconscious of any circumstance in my conduct that can authorize such a
  suspicion; I cannot but observe; that Mr。 Vere seems to believe that I have
  had   some   hand   in   the   atrocious   violence   which   has   been   offered   to   his
  daughter。      I request you; gentlemen; to take notice of my explicit denial
  of    a  charge    so   dishonourable;      and   that;  although     I  can   pardon     the
  bewildering      feelings    of  a  father   in  such   a  moment;     yet;  if  any   other
  gentleman〃   (he   looked   hard   at   Sir   Frederick   Langley)   〃thinks   my   word
  and that of Miss Vere; with the evidence of my friends who accompany me;
  too slight   for   my exculpation;  I   will   be happymost   happyto repel the
  charge; as becomes a man who counts his honour dearer than his life。〃
  〃And I'll be his   second;〃 said Simon of   Hackburn; 〃and take up   ony
  twa o' ye; gentle or semple; laird or loon; it's a' ane to Simon。〃
  〃Who      is  that  rough…looking      fellow?〃     said   Sir  Frederick     Langley;
  〃and what has he to do with the quarrels of gentlemen?〃
  〃I'se be a lad frae the Hie Te'iot;〃 said Simon; 〃and I'se quarrel wi' ony
  body I like; except the king; or the laird I live under。〃
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  〃Come;〃      said;   Mareschal;     〃let   us  have    no   brawls。Mr。     Earnscliff;
  although      we   do   not   think   alike   in  some     things;   I  trust  we    may    be
  opponents;   even   enemies;   if   fortune   will   have   it   so;   without   losing   our
  respect for birth; fair…play; and each other。             I believe you as innocent of
  this   matter   as   I   am   myself;   and   I   will   pledge   myself   that   my   cousin
  Ellieslaw; as soon as the perplexity attending these sudden events has left
  his judgment to its free exercise; shall handsomely acknowledge the very
  important service you have this day rendered him。〃
  〃To   have   served   your   cousin   is   a   sufficient   reward   in   itself   Good
  evening; gentlemen;〃 continued Earnscliff; 〃I see most of your party  are
  already on their way to Ellieslaw。〃
  Then saluting Mareschal with courtesy; and the rest of the party with
  indifference; Earnscliff turned his horse and rode towards the Heugh…foot;
  to   concert   measures   with   Hobbie   Elliot   for   farther   researches   after   his
  bride; of whose restoration to her friends he was still ignorant。
  〃There he goes;〃 said Mareschal; 〃he is a fine; gallant young fellow;
  upon my soul; and yet I should like well to have a thrust with him on the
  green turf。     I was reckoned at college nearly his equal with the foils; and I
  should like to try him at sharps。〃
  〃In my opinion;〃 answered Sir Frederick Langley; 〃we have done very
  ill   in   having   suffered   him;   and   those   men   who   are   with   him;   to   go   off
  without taking away their arms; for the Whigs are very likely to draw to a
  head under such a sprightly young fellow as that。〃
  〃For shame; Sir Frederick!〃           exclaimed Mareschal; 〃do you think that
  Ellieslaw     could;    in  honour;    consent    to   any   violence    being    offered   to
  Earnscliff; when he entered his bounds only to bring back his daughter?
  or; if he were to be of your opinion; do you think that I; and the rest of
  these     gentlemen;      would     disgrace    ourselves     by    assisting    in  such    a
  transaction?      No;   no;   fair   play   and   auld   Scotland   for   ever!  When   the
  sword is drawn; I will be as ready to use it as any man; but while it is in
  the sheath; let us behave like gentlemen and neighbours。〃
  Soon after this colloquy they reached the castle; when Ellieslaw; who
  had been arrived a few minutes before; met them in the court… yard。
  〃How   is   Miss   Vere?      and   have   you   learned   the   cause   of   her   being
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  carried off?〃      asked Mareschal hastily。
  〃She is retired to her apartment greatly fatigued; and I cannot expect
  much   light   upon   her   adventure   till   her   spirits   are   somewhat   recruited;〃
  replied her father。      〃She and I were not the less obliged to you; Mareschal;
  and to my other friends; for their kind enquiries。             But I must suppress the
  father's feelings for a while to give myself up to those of the patriot。                You
  know this is the day fixed for our final decisiontime pressesour friends
  are arriving; and I have opened house; not only for the gentry; but for the
  under     spur…leathers     whom      we   must    necessarily     employ。      We     have;
  therefore;     little  time  to  prepare    to  meet    them。Look      over   these   lists;
  Marchie   (an   abbreviation   by   which   Mareschal…Wells   was   known   among
  his friends)。     Do you; Sir Frederick; read these letters from Lothian and
  the   westall   is   ripe   for   the   sickle;   and   we   have   but   to   summon   out   the
  〃With   all   my   heart;〃   said   Mareschal;   〃the   more   mischief   the   better
  Sir Frederick looked grave and disconcerted。
  〃Walk aside with me;  my good friend;〃 said Ellieslaw to the sombre
  baronet; 〃I have something for your private ear; with which I know you
  will be gratified。〃
  They walked into the house; leaving Ratcliffe and Mareschal standing
  together in the court。
  〃And so;〃   said   Ratcliffe;  〃the   gentlemen   of   your   political   persuasion
  think the downfall of this government so certain; that they disdain even to
  throw a decent disguise over the machinations of their party?〃
  〃Faith;     Mr。    Ratcliffe;〃    answered       Mareschal;      〃the    actions    and
  sentiments YOUR friends may require to be veiled; but I am better pleased
  that ours can go barefaced。〃
  〃And      is    it  possible;〃      continued      Ratcliffe;    〃that    you;     who;
  notwithstanding   pour   thoughtlessness   and   heat   of   temper   (I   beg   pardon;
  Mr。 Mareschal; I am a   plain man)that you; who; notwithstanding   these
  constitutional       defects;    possess     natural     good     sense     and    acquired
  information;      should    be  infatuated    enough     to  embroil    yourself    in  such
  desperate proceedings?          How does your head feel when you are engaged
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  in these dangerous conferences?〃
  〃Not quite so secure on my shoulders;〃 answered Mareschal; 〃as if I
  were talking of hunting and hawking。              I am not of so indifferent a mould
  as my cousin Ellieslaw; who speaks treason as if it were a child's nursery
  rhymes; and loses and rec