第 18 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9321
  in their devotions; and of such hardness of heart; that they do not; without
  hypocrisy; even thank the Deity himself for his warm sun and pure air。〃
  As he was plunged in these gloomy soliloquies; he heard the tramp of
  a horse on the other side of his enclosure; and a strong clear bass   voice
  singing with the liveliness inspired by a light heart;
  … Page 60…
  Canny Hobbie Elliot; canny Hobbie now;                  Canny Hobbie Elliot; I'se
  gang alang wi' you。
  At the same moment; a large deer greyhound sprung over the hermit's
  fence。      It  is   well   known      to  the   sportsmen      in  these    wilds;   that   the
  appearance   and   scent   of   the   goat   so   much   resemble   those   of   their   usual
  objects of chase; that the best…broke greyhounds will sometimes fly upon
  them。     The dog in question instantly pulled down and throttled one of the
  hermit's she… goats; while Hobbie Elliot; who came up; and jumped from
  his   horse   for   the   purpose;   was   unable   to   extricate   the   harmless   animal
  from the fangs of his attendant until it was expiring。 The Dwarf eyed; for a
  few moments; the convulsive starts of his dying favourite; until the poor
  goat stretched out her limbs with the twitches and shivering fit of the last
  agony。      He then started into an access of frenzy; and unsheathing a long
  sharp   knife;   or   dagger;   which   he   wore   under   his   coat;   he   was   about   to
  launch it at the dog; when Hobbie; perceiving his purpose; interposed; and
  caught hold of his hand; exclaiming; 〃Let a be the hound; manlet a be the
  hound!Na; na; Killbuck maunna be guided that gate; neither。〃
  The   Dwarf   turned   his   rage   on   the   young   farmer;   and;   by   a   sudden
  effort; far more powerful than Hobbie expected from such a person; freed
  his wrist from his grasp; and offered the dagger at his heart。                  All this was
  done   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye;   and   the   incensed   Recluse   might   have
  completed his vengeance by plunging the weapon in Elliot's bosom; had
  he not been checked by an internal impulse which made him hurl the knife
  to a distance。
  〃No;〃   he   exclaimed;   as   he   thus   voluntarily   deprived   himself   of   the
  means of gratifying his rage; 〃not againnot again!〃
  Hobbie   retreated   a   step   or   two   in   great   surprise;   discomposure;   and
  disdain; at having been placed in such danger by an object apparently so
  〃The   deil's   in   the   body   for   strength   and   bitterness!〃    were   the   first
  words   that   escaped   him;   which   he   followed   up   with   an   apology   for   the
  accident   that   had   given   rise   to   their   disagreement。     〃I   am   no   justifying
  Killbuck a'thegither neither; and I am sure it is as vexing to me as to you;
  Elshie;   that   the   mischance   should   hae   happened;   but   I'll   send   you   twa
  … Page 61…
  goats and twa fat gimmers; man; to make a' straight again。                      A wise man
  like   you   shouldna   bear   malice   against   a   poor   dumb   thing;   ye   see   that   a
  goat's like first…cousin to a deer; sae he acted but according to his nature
  after a'。    Had it been a pet…lamb; there wad hae been mair to be said。                    Ye
  suld keep sheep; Elshie; and no goats; where there's sae mony deerhounds
  aboutbut I'll send ye baith。〃
  〃Wretch!〃       said   the   Hermit;   〃your   cruelty   has   destroyed   one   of   the
  only creatures in existence that would look on me with kindness!〃
  〃Dear Elshie;〃 answered Hobbie; 〃I'm wae ye suld hae cause to say sae;
  I'm  sure   it   wasna   wi'   my   will。   And   yet;   it's   true;   I   should   hae   minded
  your goats;  and   coupled up   the  dogs。          I'm  sure  I  would   rather they  had
  worried the primest wether in my faulds。Come; man; forget and forgie。
  I'm e'en as vexed as ye can beBut I am a bridegroom; ye see; and that
  puts   a'   things   out   o'   my   head;   I   think。 There's   the   marriage…dinner;   or
  gude   part   o't;   that   my   twa   brithers   are   bringing   on   a   sled   round   by   the
  Riders' Slack; three goodly bucks   as ever ran on Dallomlea;  as the sang
  says; they couldna come the straight road for the saft grund。                    I wad send
  ye a bit venison; but ye wadna take it weel maybe; for Killbuck catched
  During      this   long    speech;     in   which     the    good…natured       Borderer
  endeavoured to propitiate the offended Dwarf by every argument he could
  think   of;   he   heard   him   with   his   eyes   bent   on   the   ground;   as   if   in   the
  deepest      meditation;     and   at  length    broke    forth   〃Nature?yes!        it  is
  indeed in the usual beaten path of Nature。                The strong gripe and throttle
  the weak; the rich depress and despoil the needy; the happy (those who are
  idiots enough to think themselves happy) insult the misery and diminish
  the   consolation   of   the   wretched。Go   hence;   thou   who   hast   contrived   to
  give an additional pang to the most miserable of human beings thou who
  hast deprived me of what I half considered as a source of comfort。                         Go
  hence; and enjoy the happiness prepared for thee at home!〃
  〃Never stir;〃 said Hobbie; 〃if I wadna take you wi' me; man; if ye wad
  but   say  it   wad   divert   ye   to be   at the   bridal   on Monday。 There   will   be   a
  hundred strapping   Elliots to ride   the brouzethe like's no   been   seen   sin'
  the days of auld Martin of the Preakin… towerI wad send the sled for ye
  … Page 62…
  wi' a canny powny。〃
  〃Is   it   to   me  you   propose   once   more   to   mix   in   the   society   of   the
  common herd?〃          said the Recluse; with an air of deep disgust。
  〃Commons!〃         retorted     Hobbie;    〃nae   siccan    commons      neither;   the
  Elliots hae been lang kend a gentle race。〃
  〃Hence!      begone!〃      reiterated   the   Dwarf;   〃may   the   same   evil   luck
  attend   thee   that   thou   hast   left   behind   with   me!  If   I   go   not   with   you
  myself; see if you can escape what my attendants; Wrath and Misery; have
  brought to thy threshold before thee。〃
  〃I   wish   ye   wadna   speak   that   gate;〃   said   Hobbie。  〃Ye   ken   yoursell;
  Elshie; naebody judges you to be ower canny; now; I'll tell ye just ae word
  for a'ye hae spoken as muckle as wussing ill to me and mine; now; if ony
  mischance happen to Grace; which God forbid; or to mysell; or to the poor
  dumb tyke; or if I be skaithed and injured in body; gudes; or gear; I'll no
  forget wha it is that it's owing to。〃
  〃Out; hind!〃      exclaimed the Dwarf; 〃home!             home to your dwelling;
  and think on me when you find what has befallen there。〃
  〃Aweel; aweel;〃 said Hobbie; mounting his horse; 〃it serves naething
  to strive wi' cripples;they are aye cankered; but I'll just tell ye ae thing;
  neighbour; that if things be otherwise than weel wi' Grace Armstrong; I'se
  gie you a scouther if there be a tar…barrel in the five parishes。〃
  So saying; he rode off; and Elshie; after looking at him with a scornful
  and   indignant   laugh;   took   spade   and   mattock;   and   occupied   himself   in
  digging a grave for his deceased favourite。
  A low whistle; and the words; 〃Hisht; Elshie; hisht!〃 disturbed him in
  this   melancholy      occupation。      He    looked    up;   and   the   Red   Reiver    of
  Westburnflat was before him。            Like Banquo's murderer; there was blood
  on his face; as well as upon the rowels of his spurs and the sides of his
  over…ridden horse。
  〃How now; ruffian!〃         demanded the Dwarf; 〃is thy job chared?〃
  〃Ay; ay; doubt not that; Elshie;〃 answered the freebooter; 〃When I ride;
  my     foes  may    moan。     They     have   had   mair    light  than   comfort    at  the
  Heugh…foot this morning; there's a toom byre and a wide; and a wail and a
  cry for the bonny bride。〃
  … Page 63…
  〃The bride?〃
  〃Ay; Charlie Cheat…the…Woodie; as we ca' him; that's Charlie Foster of
  Tinning Beck; has promised to keep her in Cumberland till the blast blaw
  by。    She   saw   me;   and   kend   me   in   the   splore;   for   the   mask   fell   frae   my
  face   for   a   blink。   I   am  thinking