第 17 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9321
  unabashed      convalescent。      〃Ye    ken;   Elshie;   for  they   say  ye   are  weel
  acquent wi' the gentleman;
  〃When the devil was sick; the devil a monk would be;                   When the
  devil was well; the devil a monk was he。〃
  〃Thou say'st true;〃 said the Solitary; 〃as well divide a wolf from his
  appetite for carnage; or a raven from her scent of slaughter; as thee from
  thy accursed propensities。〃
  〃Why; what would you have me to do?               It's born with melies in my
  very blude and bane。          Why;  man; the lads of Westburnflat; for ten lang
  descents; have been reivers and lifters。           They have all drunk hard; lived
  high; taking deep revenge for light offence; and never wanted gear for the
  〃Right; and thou art as thorough…bred a wolf;〃 said the Dwarf; 〃as ever
  leapt a lamb…fold at night。       On what hell's errand art thou bound now?〃
  〃Can your skill not guess?〃
  〃Thus far I know;〃 said the Dwarf; 〃that thy purpose is bad; thy deed
  will be worse;; and the issue worst of all。〃
  〃And     you    like  me    the  better   for   it;  Father   Elshie;   eh?〃    said
  Westburnflat; 〃you always said you did。〃
  〃I have cause to like all;〃 answered the Solitary; 〃that are scourges to
  their fellow…creatures; and thou art a bloody one。〃
  〃NoI say not guilty to thatlever bluidy unless there's resistance; and
  that sets a man's bristles up; ye ken。        And this is nae great matter; after a';
  just to cut the comb of a young cock that has been crawing a little ower
  〃Not young Earnscliff?〃         said the Solitary; with some emotion。
  〃No;   not   young   Earnscliffnot   young   Earnscliff   YET;   but   his   time
  may come; if he will not take warning; and get him back to the burrow…
  … Page 57…
  town that he's fit for; and no keep skelping about here; destroying the few
  deer that are left in the country; and pretending to act as a magistrate; and
  writing letters to the great folk at Auld Reekie; about the disturbed state of
  the land。 Let him take care o' himsell。〃
  〃Then it must be Hobbie of the Heugh…foot;〃 said Elshie。 〃What harm
  has the lad done you?〃
  〃Harm!       nae   great   harm;   but   I   hear   he   says   I   staid   away   from   the
  Ba'spiel on Fastern's E'en; for fear of him; and it was only for fear of the
  Country   Keeper;   for   there   was   a   warrant   against   me。   I'll   stand   Hobbie's
  feud; and a' his clan's。       But it's not so much for that; as to gie him a lesson
  not to let his tongue gallop ower freely about his betters。                  I trow he will
  hae   lost   the   best   pen…feather   o'   his   wing   before   to…morrow   morning。
  Farewell; Elshie; there's some canny boys waiting for me down amang the
  shaws; owerby; I will see you as I come back; and bring ye a blithe tale in
  return for your leech…craft。〃
  Ere     the   Dwarf      could    collect    himself     to   reply;   the    Reiver     of
  Westburnflat   set   spurs   to   his   horse。    The   animal;   starting   at   one   of   the
  stones which lay scattered about; flew from the path。                  The rider exercised
  his spurs without moderation or mercy。               The horse became furious; reared;
  kicked;   plunged;   and   bolted   like   a   deer;   with   all   his   four   feet   off   the
  ground   at   once。     It   was   in   vain;   the   unrelenting   rider   sate   as   if   he   had
  been a part of the horse which he bestrode; and; after a short but furious
  contest; compelled the subdued animal to proceed upon the path at a rate
  which soon carried him out of sight of the Solitary。
  〃That   villain;〃   exclaimed   the   Dwarf;〃that   cool…blooded;   hardened;
  unrelenting   ruffian;that   wretch;   whose   every   thought   is   infected   with
  crimes;has   thewes   and   sinews;   limbs;   strength;   and   activity   enough;   to
  compel a nobler animal than himself to carry him to the place where he is
  to perpetrate his wickedness; while I; had I the weakness to wish to put his
  wretched victim on his guard; and to save the helpless family; would see
  my good intentions frustrated by the decrepitude which chains me to the
  spot。Why should I wish it were otherwise?                 What have my screech…owl
  voice; my hideous form; and my mis…shapen features; to do with the fairer
  workmanship   of        nature?     Do   not    men   receive     even   my   benefits     with
  … Page 58…
  shrinking horror and   ill…suppressed disgust?            And   why should I interest
  myself in a race which accounts me a prodigy and an outcast; and which
  has treated me as such?         No; by all the ingratitude which I have reaped
  by all the wrongs which I have sustainedby my imprisonment; my stripes;
  my chains; I will wrestle down my feelings of rebellious humanity! I will
  not be the fool I have been; to swerve from my principles whenever there
  was an appeal; forsooth; to my feelings; as if I; towards whom none show
  sympathy; ought to have sympathy with any one。                 Let Destiny drive forth
  her scythed car through the overwhelmed and trembling mass of humanity!
  Shall I be the idiot to throw this decrepit form; this mis…shapen lump of
  mortality; under her wheels; that the Dwarf; the Wizard; the Hunchback;
  may save from destruction some fair form or some active frame; and all
  the   world   clap   their   hands   at   the   exchange?  No;   never!And   yet   this
  Elliotthis Hobbie; so young and gallant; so frank; so I will think of it no
  longer。    I cannot aid him if I would; and I am resolvedfirmly resolved;
  that I would not aid him; if a wish were the pledge of his safety!〃
  Having thus   ended his  soliloquy;   he retreated into   his hut   for  shelter
  from   the   storm   which   was   fast   approaching;   and   now   began   to   burst   in
  large and heavy drops of rain。          The last rays of the sun now disappeared
  entirely; and two or three claps of distant thunder followed each other at
  brief   intervals;   echoing   and   re…echoing   among   the   range   of   heathy   fells
  like the sound of a distant engagement。
  … Page 59…
  Proud   bird   of   the   mountain;   thy   plume   shall   be   torn! 。 。   。  。
  Return   to   thy   dwelling;   all   lonely;   return; For   the   blackness   of   ashes
  shall mark where it stood;         And a wild mother scream o'er her famishing
  brood。         CAMPBELL。
  The    night   continued     sullen   and   stormy;    but   morning     rose   as   if
  refreshed by the rains。       Even the Mucklestane…Moor; with its broad bleak
  swells of barren grounds; interspersed with marshy pools of water; seemed
  to smile   under the  serene  influence of   the sky;  just   as good…humour  can
  spread a certain inexpressible charm over the plainest human countenance。
  The   heath   was   in   its   thickest   and   deepest   bloom。 The   bees;   which   the
  Solitary had added to his rural establishment; were abroad and on the wing;
  and   filled   the   air   with   the   murmurs   of   their   industry。 As   the   old   man
  crept out of his little hut; his two she…goats came to meet him; and licked
  his hands in gratitude for the vegetables with which he supplied them from
  his garden。      〃You; at least;〃 he said〃you; at least; see no differences in
  form which can alter your feelings to a benefactorto you; the finest shape
  that ever statuary moulded would be an object of indifference or of alarm;
  should it present itself instead of the mis…shapen trunk to whose services
  you are accustomed。         While I was in the world; did I ever meet with such
  a return of gratitude?        No; the domestic whom I had bred from infancy
  made mouths at me as he stood behind my chair; the friend whom I had
  supported   with   my   fortune;   and   for   whose   sake   I   had   even   stained(he
  stopped with a strong convulsive shudder); even he thought me   more fit
  for the society  of   lunaticsfor their disgraceful   restraintsfor their   cruel
  privations;    than   for  communication       with   the   rest  of  humanity。    Hubert
  aloneand Hubert too will one day abandon me。                 All are of a piece; one
  mass of wickedness; selfishness; and ingratitude wretches; who sin even
  in their devotions; and of such hardness of heart; that they do not; without
  hypocrisy; even thank the Deity himself for his warm sun and pure air。〃