第 12 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9322
  his   body   to   be   the   members   of   a   giant;   but   had   afterwards   capriciously
  assigned them to the person of a dwarf; so ill did the length of his arms
  and   the   iron   strength   of   his   frame   correspond   with   the   shortness   of   his
  stature。     His   clothing   was   a   sort   of   coarse   brown   tunic;   like   a   monk's
  frock; girt round him with a belt of seal…skin。               On his head he had a cap
  made of badger's skin; or some other rough fur; which added considerably
  to   the   grotesque      effect   of  his   whole     appearance;      and   overshadowed
  features;     whose     habitual    expression      seemed     that   of  sullen    malignant
  This   remarkable   Dwarf   gazed   on   the   two   youths   in   silence;   with   a
  dogged and irritated look; until Earnscliff; willing to soothe him into better
  temper; observed; 〃You are hard tasked; my friend; allow us to assist you。〃
  Elliot and he accordingly placed the stone; by their joint efforts; upon
  the rising wall。       The Dwarf watched them with the eye of a taskmaster;
  and testified; by peevish gestures; his impatience at the time which they
  took in adjusting the stone。 He pointed to anotherthey raised it alsoto a
  third;    to  a  fourththey     continued     to   humour     him;    though    with    some
  trouble;   for   he   assigned   them;   as   if   intentionally;   the   heaviest   fragments
  which lay near。
  〃And   now;   friend;〃   said   Elliot;   as   the   unreasonable   Dwarf   indicated
  another stone larger than any they had moved; 〃Earnscliff may do as he
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  likes; but be ye   man or be ye waur;  deil be in my fingers if I break  my
  back     wi'  heaving     thae   stanes    ony   langer    like   a  barrow…man;       without
  getting sae muckle as thanks for my pains。〃
  〃Thanks!〃       exclaimed   the   Dwarf;   with   a   motion   expressive   of   the
  utmost contempt〃Theretake them; and fatten upon them!                        Take them;
  and   may   they  thrive   with   you   as   they  have   done  with   meas   they  have
  done   with   every   mortal   worm   that   ever   heard   the   word   spoken   by   his
  fellow reptile! Henceeither labour or begone!〃
  〃This is a fine reward we have; Earnscliff; for building a tabernacle for
  the devil; and prejudicing our ain souls into the bargain; for what we ken。〃
  〃Our presence;〃 answered Earnscliff; 〃seems only to irritate his frenzy;
  we had better leave him; and send some one to provide him with food and
  They     did   so。   The     servant    dispatched     for   this  purpose     found    the
  Dwarf still labouring at his wall; but could not extract a word from him。
  The lad; infected with the superstitions of the country; did not long persist
  in   an   attempt   to   intrude questions   or  advice   on so   singular   a  figure;   but
  having placed the articles which he had brought for his use on a stone at
  some distance; he left them at the misanthrope's disposal。
  The Dwarf proceeded in his labours; day after day; with an assiduity so
  incredible as to appear almost supernatural。                In one day he often seemed
  to   have   done   the   work   of   two   men;   and   his   building   soon   assumed   the
  appearance        of  the    walls   of   a   hut;   which;     though     very   small;    and
  constructed only  of   stones   and   turf;  without   any   mortar;   exhibited;   from
  the   unusual   size   of   the   stones   employed;   an   appearance   of   solidity   very
  uncommon for a cottage of such narrow dimensions and rude construction。
  Earnscliff;   attentive   to   his   motions;   no   sooner   perceived   to   what   they
  tended; than he sent down a number of spars of wood suitable for forming
  the   roof;   which   he   caused   to   be   left   in   the   neighbourhood   of   the   spot;
  resolving next day to send workmen to put them up。                    But his purpose was
  anticipated; for in the evening; during the night; and early in the morning;
  the   Dwarf   had   laboured   so   hard;   and   with   such   ingenuity;   that   he   had
  nearly  completed   the   adjustment   of   the   rafters。       His   next   labour   was   to
  cut    rushes    and   thatch    his  dwelling;     a  task   which    he   performed      with
  … Page 41…
  singular dexterity。
  As    he   seemed      averse    to   receive    any   aid   beyond      the   occasional
  assistance of a passenger; materials suitable to his purpose; and tools; were
  supplied      to  him;    in  the   use   of  which     he   proved     to  be   skilful。   He
  constructed the door and window of his cot; he adjusted a rude bedstead;
  and   a   few   shelves;   and   appeared   to   become   somewhat   soothed   in   his
  temper as his accommodations increased。
  His next task was to form a strong enclosure; and to cultivate the land
  within     it  to  the  best   of  his   power;    until;   by   transporting     mould;    and
  working up what was upon the spot; he formed a patch of garden…ground。
  It   must   be   naturally   supposed;   that;   as   above   hinted;   this   solitary   being
  received assistance occasionally from such travellers as crossed the moor
  by  chance;   as   well   as   from  several   who   went   from  curiosity  to   visit   his
  works。      It was; indeed; impossible to see a human creature; so unfitted; at
  first sight; for hard labour; toiling with such unremitting assiduity; without
  stopping   a   few   minutes   to   aid   him   in   his   task;   and;   as   no   one   of   his
  occasional   assistants   was   acquainted   with   the   degree   of   help   which   the
  Dwarf had received from others; the celerity of his progress lost none of
  its   marvels   in   their   eyes。    The   strong   and   compact   appearance   of   the
  cottage;   formed   in   so   very   short   a   space;   and   by   such   a   being;   and   the
  superior   skill   which   he   displayed   in   mechanics;   and   in   other   arts;   gave
  suspicion to the  surrounding neighbours。                 They insisted; that; if he  was
  not   a  phantom;an   opinion   which   was   now  abandoned;  since he   plainly
  appeared a being of blood and bone with themselves;yet he must be in
  close   league   with   the   invisible   world;   and   have   chosen   that   sequestered
  spot to carry on his communication with them undisturbed。                      They insisted;
  though in a different sense from the philosopher's application of the phrase;
  that he was never less alone than when alone; and that from the heights
  which commanded the moor at a distance; passengers often discovered a
  person     at  work     along    with   this   dweller    of  the   desert;   who    regularly
  disappeared   as   soon   as   they   approached   closer   to   the   cottage。        Such   a
  figure was also occasionally seen sitting beside him at the door; walking
  with him in the moor; or assisting him in fetching water from his fountain。
  Earnscliff   explained   this   phenomenon   by   supposing   it   to   be   the   Dwarf's
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  〃Deil a   shadow  has he;〃   replied   Hobbie   Elliot;  who   was   a strenuous
  defender of the general opinion; 〃he's ower far in wi' the Auld Ane to have
  a   shadow。     Besides;〃   he   argued   more   logically;   〃wha   ever   heard   of   a
  shadow that cam between a body and the sun?                  and this thing; be it what
  it will; is thinner   and taller than the body  himsell; and has   been seen   to
  come between him and the sun mair than anes or twice either。〃
  These suspicions; which; in any other part of the country; might have
  been   attended   with   investigations   a   little   inconvenient   to   the   supposed
  wizard; were here only productive of respect and awe。                 The recluse being
  seemed somewhat gratified by the marks of timid veneration with which
  an   occasional     passenger     approached     his  dwelling;    the   look   of  startled
  surprise   with   which   he   surveyed   his   person   and   his   premises;   and   the
  hurried step with which he pressed his retreat as he passed the awful spot。
  The boldest only stopped to gratify their curiosity by a hasty glance at the
  walls   of   his   cottage   and   garden;   and   to   apologize   for   it   by   a   courteous
  salutation; which the inmate sometimes deigned to return by a word or a
  nod。    E