第 2 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9320
  inexorable in obliging them to retain; for the credit of the house。                    As to
  mine own part; I may well say; that he never refused me that modicum of
  refreshment with   which I   am wont   to   recruit nature   after the   fatigues of
  my school。       It is true; I taught his five sons English and Latin; writing;
  book…keeping;   with   a   tincture   of   mathematics;   and   that   I   instructed   his
  daughter      in   psalmody。        Nor     do    I  remember       me    of   any    fee   or
  HONORARIUM              received     from   him    on   account    of  these   my    labours;
  except     the   compotations       aforesaid。      Nevertheless       this   compensation
  suited my humour well; since it is a hard sentence to bid a dry throat wait
  till quarter…day。
  But; truly;  were   I   to   speak   my  simple   conceit   and belief;  I   think   my
  Landlord was chiefly moved to waive in my behalf the usual requisition of
  a   symbol;   or   reckoning;   from   the   pleasure   he   was   wont   to   take   in   my
  conversation;   which;   though   solid   and   edifying   in   the   main;   was;   like   a
  well…built palace; decorated with facetious narratives and devices; tending
  much to the enhancement and ornament thereof。                   And so pleased was my
  Landlord of   the Wallace in   his   replies during such   colloquies; that   there
  was     no   district  in   Scotland;    yea;   and    no   peculiar;    and;   as  it  were;
  distinctive     custom     therein    practised;     but   was    discussed     betwixt    us;
  insomuch; that those who stood by were wont to say; it was worth a bottle
  of ale to hear us communicate with each other。 And not a few travellers;
  from  distant   parts;   as   well   as   from  the   remote   districts   of   our   kingdom;
  were wont to mingle in the conversation; and to tell news that had been
  gathered in foreign lands; or preserved from oblivion in this our own。
  Now I chanced to have contracted for teaching the lower classes with a
  young person called   Peter; or   Patrick; Pattieson; who   had been   educated
  for our Holy Kirk; yea; had; by the license of presbytery; his voice opened
  therein   as   a   preacher;   who delighted in the   collection of   olden   tales   and
  … Page 6…
  legends; and in garnishing them with the flowers of poesy; whereof he was
  a vain and frivolous professor。          For he followed not the example of those
  strong poets whom I preposed to him as a pattern; but formed versification
  of    a  flimsy    and   modern      texture;   to  the   compounding        whereof     was
  necessary small   pains   and less thought。           And hence  I have chid   him  as
  being one of those who bring forward the fatal revolution prophesied by
  Mr。 Robert   Carey; in   his Vaticination   on   the Death of the  celebrated   Dr。
  John Donne:
  Now     thou   art  gone;    and   thy   strict  laws   will   be   Too     hard   for
  libertines   in   poetry;   Till   verse   (by  thee   refined) in   this   last   age Turn
  ballad rhyme。
  I  had    also  disputations     with   him    touching    his   indulging    rather   a
  flowing   and   redundant   than   a   concise   and   stately   diction   in   his   prose
  exercitations。      But notwithstanding these symptoms of inferior taste; and
  a    humour      of   contradicting     his    betters   upon     passages     of   dubious
  construction in Latin authors; I did grievously lament when Peter Pattieson
  was removed from me by death; even as if he had been the offspring of my
  own loins。      And in respect his papers had been left in my care (to answer
  funeral and death…bed expenses); I conceived myself entitled to dispose of
  one parcel thereof; entitled; 〃Tales of my Landlord;〃 to one cunning in the
  trade   (as   it   is   called)   of   bookselling。 He   was   a   mirthful   man;   of   small
  stature; cunning in counterfeiting of voices; and in making facetious tales
  and   responses;   and   whom   I   have   to   laud   for   the   truth   of   his   dealings
  towards me。
  Now; therefore; the world may see the injustice that charges me with
  incapacity to write these narratives; seeing; that though I have proved that
  I could have written them if I would; yet; not having done so; the censure
  will deservedly fall; if at all due; upon the memory of Mr。 Peter Pattieson;
  whereas I must be justly entitled to the praise; when any is due; seeing that;
  as the Dean of St。 Patrick's wittily and logically expresseth it;
  That without which a thing is not;            Is CAUSA SINE QUA NON。
  The work; therefore; is unto me as a child is to a parent; in the which
  child;   if   it   proveth  worthy;   the   parent   hath  honour   and   praise;   but;   if
  otherwise; the disgrace will deservedly attach to itself alone。
  … Page 7…
  I have only further to intimate; that Mr。 Peter Pattieson; in arranging
  these   Tales   for   the   press;   hath   more   consulted   his   own   fancy   than   the
  accuracy   of   the   narrative;   nay;   that   he   hath   sometimes   blended   two   or
  three stories together for the mere grace of his plots。              Of which infidelity;
  although   I   disapprove   and   enter   my   testimony   against   it;   yet   I   have   not
  taken   upon     me   to   correct   the   same;   in  respect   it   was   the   will   of   the
  deceased;   that   his   manuscript   should   be   submitted   to   the   press   without
  diminution      or   alteration。   A   fanciful   nicety   it   was   on   the  part   of  my
  deceased friend; who; if thinking wisely; ought rather to have conjured me;
  by   all   the   tender   ties   of   our   friendship   and   common   pursuits;   to   have
  carefully revised; altered; and augmented; at my judgment and discretion。
  But the will of the dead must be scrupulously obeyed; even when we weep
  over    their   pertinacity   and    self…delusion。     So;    gentle   reader;   I  bid  you
  farewell;  recommending  you   to   such   fare   as   the   mountains   of   your   own
  country      produce;    and    I  will  only    farther   premise;    that   each    Tale   is
  preceded by  a   short   introduction;  mentioning the   persons   by  whom;  and
  the circumstances under which; the materials thereof were collected。
  II。         INTRODUCTION                                        to         THE
  BLACK                     DWARF。
  The   ideal   being   who   is   here   presented   as   residing   in   solitude;   and
  haunted by a consciousness of his own deformity; and a suspicion of his
  being generally subjected to the scorn of his fellow…men; is not altogether
  imaginary。       An   individual   existed   many   years   since;   under   the   author's
  observation;   which   suggested   such   a   character。         This   poor   unfortunate
  man's name was David Ritchie; a native of Tweeddale。                      He was the son
  of a labourer in the slate…quarries of Stobo; and must have been born in the
  misshapen   form  which   he   exhibited;   though he   sometimes   imputed   it   to
  ill…usage when in infancy。          He was bred a brush…maker at Edinburgh; and
  had wandered   to several places; working   at   his trade;  from all   which he
  was chased by the disagreeable attention which his hideous singularity of
  … Page 8…
  form and face attracted wherever he came。                 The author understood him to
  say he had even been in Dublin。
  Tired   at   length   of   being   the   object   of   shouts;   laughter;   and   derision;
  David   Ritchie   resolved;   like   a   deer   hunted   from   the   herd;   to   retreat   to
  some wilderness; where he might have the least possible communication
  with the world which scoffed at him。 He settled himself; with this view;
  upon   a   patch   of   wild   moorland   at   the   bottom   of   a   bank   on   the   farm   of
  Woodhouse;         in   the   sequestered      vale    of  the    small    river   Manor;     in
  Peeblesshire。       The few people who had occasion to pass that way were
  much surprised; and some superstitious persons a little alarmed; to see so
  strange a figure as Bow'd Davie (i。e。 Crooked David) employed in a task;
  for   which   he   seemed   so   totally   unfit;   as   that   of   erecting   a   house。 The
  cottage which he built was extremely small; but the walls; as well as those
  of a  little  garden that