第 1 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:42      字数:9322
  Walter Scott; Bart。
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  As    I  may;    without    vanity;   presume      that  the   name     and   official
  description   prefixed   to   this   Proem   will   secure   it;   from   the   sedate   and
  reflecting    part   of  mankind;     to  whom     only   I  would    be  understood     to
  address myself; such attention as is due to the sedulous instructor of youth;
  and the careful performer of my Sabbath duties; I will forbear to hold up a
  candle     to   the    daylight;    or   to   point   out    to   the   judicious    those
  recommendations   of   my   labours   which   they   must   necessarily   anticipate
  from the perusal of the title…page。          Nevertheless; I am not unaware; that;
  as   Envy   always   dogs   Merit   at   the   heels;   there   may   be   those   who   will
  whisper; that albeit my learning and good principles cannot (lauded be the
  heavens) be denied by any one; yet that my situation at Gandercleugh hath
  been     more    favourable     to   my    acquisitions    in   learning    than   to   the
  enlargement of my views of the ways and works of the present generation。
  To   the   which   objection;   if;   peradventure;   any   such   shall   be   started;   my
  answer shall be threefold:
  First; Gandercleugh is; as it were; the central partthe navel (SI FAS
  SIT   DICERE)   of   this   our   native   realm   of   Scotland;   so   that   men;   from
  every corner thereof; when travelling on their concernments of business;
  either   towards   our   metropolis   of   law;   by   which   I   mean   Edinburgh;   or
  towards our metropolis and mart of gain; whereby I insinuate Glasgow; are
  frequently led to make Gandercleugh their abiding stage and place of rest
  for the night。 And it must be acknowledged by the most sceptical; that I;
  who have sat in the leathern armchair; on the left…hand side of the fire; in
  the   common   room   of      the   Wallace   Inn;   winter   and   summer;   for    every
  evening in my life; during forty years bypast (the Christian Sabbaths only
  excepted);   must   have   seen   more   of   the   manners   and   customs   of   various
  tribes and people; than if I had sought them out by my own painful travel
  and bodily labour。       Even so doth the tollman at the well…frequented turn…
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  pike on the Wellbraehead; sitting at his ease in his own dwelling; gather
  more receipt of custom; than if; moving forth upon the road; he were to
  require a contribution from each person whom he chanced to meet in his
  journey; when; according to the vulgar adage; he might possibly be greeted
  with more kicks than halfpence。
  But; secondly; supposing it again urged; that Ithacus; the most wise of
  the Greeks; acquired his renown; as the Roman poet hath assured us; by
  visiting   states   and   men;   I   reply   to   the   Zoilus   who   shall   adhere   to   this
  objection; that; DE FACTO; I   have seen states and   men also; for I   have
  visited the famous cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow; the former twice; and
  the    latter  three  times;   in  the  course    of  my   earthly    pilgrimage。     And;
  moreover; I had the honour to sit in the General Assembly (meaning; as an
  auditor; in the galleries thereof); and have heard as much goodly speaking
  on   the   law   of   patronage;   as;   with   the   fructification   thereof   in   mine   own
  understanding;       hath   made     me   be   considered     as  an   oracle   upon    that
  doctrine ever since my safe and happy return to Gandercleugh。
  Againand thirdly; If it be nevertheless pretended that my information
  and   knowledge   of   mankind;   however   extensive;   and   however   painfully
  acquired; by constant domestic enquiry; and by foreign travel; is; natheless;
  incompetent       to   the  task   of  recording     the   pleasant    narratives   of   my
  Landlord;   I   will   let   these   critics   know;   to   their   own   eternal   shame   and
  confusion as well as to the abashment and discomfiture of all who shall
  rashly take up a song against me; that I am NOT the writer; redacter; or
  compiler;   of   the   Tales   of   my   Landlord;   nor   am   I;   in   one   single   iota;
  answerable for their contents; more or less。              And now; ye generation of
  critics; who raise yourselves up as if it were brazen serpents; to hiss with
  your tongues; and to smite with your stings; bow yourselves down to your
  native    dust;   and   acknowledge       that   yours   have    been   the   thoughts    of
  ignorance; and the words of vain foolishness。               Lo! ye are caught in your
  own snare; and your own pit hath yawned for you。                 Turn; then; aside from
  the task that is too heavy for you; destroy not your teeth by gnawing a file;
  waste not your strength by spurning against a castle wall; nor spend your
  breath in contending in swiftness with a fleet steed; and let those weigh
  the Tales of my Landlord; who shall bring with them the scales of candour
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  cleansed   from   the   rust   of   prejudice   by   the   hands   of   intelligent   modesty。
  For these alone they were compiled; as will appear from a brief narrative
  which   my   zeal   for   truth   compelled   me   to   make   supplementary   to   the
  present Proem。
  It is well known that my Landlord was a pleasing and a facetious man;
  acceptable unto all the parish of Gandercleugh; excepting only the Laird;
  the Exciseman; and those for whom he refused to draw liquor upon trust。
  Their causes of dislike I will touch separately; adding my own refutation
  His    honour;    the  Laird;   accused     our   Landlord;     deceased;    of  having
  encouraged; in various times and places; the destruction of hares; rabbits;
  fowls black and grey; partridges; moor…pouts; roe…deer; and other birds and
  quadrupeds; at   unlawful   seasons;  and   contrary to   the   laws   of this   realm;
  which have secured; in their wisdom; the slaughter of such animals for the
  great of the earth; whom I have remarked to take an uncommon (though to
  me; an unintelligible) pleasure therein。            Now; in humble deference to his
  honour;   and   in   justifiable   defence   of   my  friend   deceased;   I   reply  to   this
  charge;     that  howsoever      the   form   of   such   animals    might    appear    to  be
  similar   to   those   so   protected   by   the   law;   yet   it   was   a   mere   DECEPTIO
  VISUS;   for   what   resembled   hares   were;   in   fact;   HILL…KIDS;   and   those
  partaking of the appearance of moor… fowl; were truly WOOD PIGEONS
  and consumed and eaten EO NOMINE; and not otherwise。
  Again;     the   Exciseman      pretended;     that   my   deceased      Landlord     did
  encourage that species of manufacture called distillation; without   having
  an   especial   permission   from   the   Great;   technically   called   a   license;   for
  doing so。      Now; I stand up to confront this falsehood; and in defiance of
  him; his gauging…stick; and pen and inkhorn; I tell him; that I never saw; or
  tasted; a glass of unlawful aqua vitae in the house of my Landlord; nay;
  that; on the contrary; we needed not such devices; in respect of a pleasing
  and   somewhat   seductive   liquor;  which   was   vended   and consumed   at   the
  Wallace Inn; under the name of MOUNTAIN DEW。                         If there is a penalty
  against   manufacturing   such   a   liquor;   let   him   show   me   the   statute;   and
  when he does; I'll tell him if I will obey it or no。
  Concerning       those   who   came   to   my   Landlord   for   liquor;   and      went
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  thirsty away; for lack of present coin; or future credit; I cannot but say it
  has grieved my bowels as if the case had been mine own。                      Nevertheless;
  my Landlord considered the necessities of a thirsty soul; and would permit
  them; in extreme need; and when their soul was impoverished for lack of
  moisture; to drink to the full value of their watches and wearing apparel;
  exclusively       of   their   inferior   habiliments;      which     he   was    uniformly
  inexorable in obliging the