第 63 节
作者:片片      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9321
  〃My God!〃 she cried; as she rushed from the study; 〃what has happened?〃
  Less ready to be alarmed; Monsieur de l'Estorade contented himself by going to the door and asking a servant what was the matter。
  〃Oh; nothing; Monsieur le comte;〃 replied the man。 〃Monsieur Rene in shutting a drawer pinched his finger; that is all。〃
  The peer of France thought it unnecessary to convey himself to the scene of action; he knew; by experience in like cases; that he must let his wife's exaggerated maternal solicitude have free course; on pain of being sharply snubbed himself。 As he returned to his desk; he noticed lying on the ground the famous letter; which Madame de l'Estorade had evidently dropped in her hasty flight。 Opportunity and a certain fatality which appears to preside over the conduct of all human affairs; impelled Monsieur de l'Estorade; who thought little of the shock his wife had dreaded for him; to satisfy his curiosity by reading the letter。
  Marie…Gaston wrote as follows:
  Madame;This letter will seem to you less amusing than those I   addressed to you from Arcis…sur…Aube。 But I trust you will not be   alarmed by the decision which I now announce。 I am going to rejoin   my wife; from whom I have been too long separated; and this   evening; shortly after midnight; I shall be with her; never to   part again。
  You have; no doubt; said to yourselvesyou and Sallenauvethat I   was acting strangely in not visiting her grave; that is a remark   that two of my servants made the other day; not being aware that I   overheard them。 I should certainly be a great fool to go and look   at a stone in the cemetery which can make me no response; when   every night; at twelve o'clock; I hear a little rap on the door of   my room; and our dear Louise comes in; not changed at all; except;   as I think; more plump and beautiful。 She has had great trouble in   obtaining permission from Marie; queen of angels; to withdraw me   from earth。 But last night she brought me formal leave; sealed   with green wax; and she also gave me a tiny vial of hydrocyanic   acid。 A single drop of that acid puts us to sleep; and on waking   up we find ourselves on the other side。
  Louise desired me to give you a message from her。 I am to tell you   that Monsieur de l'Estorade has a disease of the liver and will   not live long; and that after his death you are to marry   Sallenauve; because; on the /other side/; husbands and wives who   really love each other are reunited; and she thinks we shall all   fourshe and I and you and Sallenauvebe much happier together   than if we had your present husband; who is very dull; and whom   you married reluctantly。
  My message given; nothing remains for me; madame; but to wish you   all the patience you need to continue for your allotted time in   this low world; and to subscribe myself Your very affectionately devoted
  If; after reading this letter; it had occurred to Monsieur de l'Estorade to look at himself in the glass; he would have seen; in the sudden convulsion and discoloration of his face; the outward and visible signs of the terrible blow which his unfortunate curiosity had brought down upon him。 His heart; his mind; his self…respect staggered under one and the same shock; the madness evident in the sort of prediction made about him only added to his sense of its horror。 Presently convincing himself; like a mussulman; that madmen have the gift of second sight; he believed he was a lost man; and instantly a stabbing pain began on his liver side; while in the direction of Sallenauve; his predicted successor; an awful hatred succeeded to his mild good…will。 But at the same time; conscious of the total want of reason and even of the absurdity of the impression which had suddenly surged into his mind; he was afraid lest its existence should be suspected; and he looked about him to see in what way he could conceal from his wife his fatal indiscretion; the consequences of which must forever weigh upon his life。 It was certain; he thought; that if she found the paper in his study she would deduce therefrom the fact that he had read it。 Rising from his desk; he softly opened the door leading from the study to the salon; crossed the latter room on tiptoe; and dropped the letter at the farther end of it; as Madame de l'Estorade might suppose she had herself done in her hasty departure。 Then returning to his study; he scattered his papers over his desk; like a school…boy up to mischief; who wants to mislead his master by a show of application; intending to appear absorbed in his accounts when his wife returned。 Useless to add that he listened with keen anxiety lest some other person than she should come into the salon; in which case he determined to rush out and prevent other eyes from reading the dreadful secrets contained in that paper。
  Presently; however; the voice of Madame de l'Estorade; speaking to some one at the door of the salon; reassured him as to the success of his trick; and a moment later she entered the study accompanied by Monsieur Octave de Camps。 Going forward to receive his visitor; he was able to see through the half…opened door the place where he had thrown the letter。 Not only had it disappeared; but he detected a movement which assured him that Madame de l'Estorade had tucked it away in that part of her gown where Louis XIV。 did not dare to search for the secrets of Mademoiselle d'Hautefort。
  〃I have come; my dear friend;〃 said Monsieur de Camps; 〃to get you to go with me to Rastignac's; as agreed on last night。〃
  〃Very good;〃 said the peer; putting away his papers with a feverish haste that plainly indicated he was not in his usual state of mind。
  〃Don't you feel well?〃 asked Madame de l'Estorade; who knew her husband by heart too well not to be struck by the singular stupefaction of his manner; while at the same time; looking in his face; she saw the signs of internal convulsion。
  〃True;〃 said Monsieur de Camps; 〃you certainly do not look so well as usual。 If you prefer it; we will put off this visit。〃
  〃No; not at all;〃 replied Monsieur de l'Estorade。 〃I have tired myself with this work; and I need the air。 But what was the matter with Rene?〃 he inquired of his wife; whose attention he felt was unpleasantly fixed upon him。 〃What made him cry like that?〃
  〃Oh; a mere nothing!〃 she replied; not relaxing her attention。
  〃Well; my dear fellow;〃 said the peer; trying to take an easy tone; 〃just let me change my coat and I'll be with you。〃
  When the countess was alone with Monsieur de Camps; she said; rather anxiously;
  〃Don't you think Monsieur de l'Estorade seems very much upset?〃
  〃Yes; as I said just now; he does not look like himself。 But the explanation he gave seems sufficient。 This office life is bad for the health。 I have never been as well as since I am actively engaged about my iron…works。〃
  〃Yes; certainly;〃 said Madame de l'Estorade; with a heavy sigh; 〃he ought to have a more active life。 It seems plain that there is something amiss with his liver。〃
  〃What! because he is so yellow? He has been so ever since I have known him。〃
  〃Oh; monsieur; I can't be mistaken! There is something seriously the matter with him; and if you would kindly do me a service〃
  〃Madame; I am always at your orders。〃
  〃When Monsieur de l'Estorade returns; speak of the injury to Rene's finger; and tell me that little wounds like that sometimes have serious consequences if not attended to at once; and that will give me an excuse to send for Doctor Bianchon。〃
  〃Certainly;〃 replied Monsieur de Camps; 〃but I really don't think a physician is necessary。 Still; if it reassures you〃
  At this moment Monsieur de l'Estorade reappeared。 He had almost recovered his usual expression of face; but he exhaled a strong odor of /melisse des Carmes/; which indicated that he had felt the need of that tonic。 Monsieur de Camps played his part admirably; and as for Madame de l'Estorade it did not cost her much trouble to simulate maternal anxiety。
  〃My dear;〃 she said to her husband; when Monsieur de Camps had delivered himself of his medical opinion; 〃as you return from Monsieur de Rastignac's; please call on Doctor Bianchon and ask him to come here。〃
  〃Pooh!〃 said Monsieur de l'Estorade; shrugging his shoulders; 〃the idea of disturbing a busy man like him for what you yourself said was a mere nothing!〃
  〃If you won't go; I shall send Lucas; Monsieur de Camps' opinion has completely upset me。〃
  〃If it pleases you to be ridiculous;〃 said the peer of France; crossly; 〃I have no means of preventing it; but I beg you to remark one thing: if people disturb physicians for mere nonsense; they often can't get them when they are really wanted。〃
  〃Then you won't go for the doctor?〃
  〃Not I;〃 replied Monsieur de l'Estorade; 〃and if I had the honor of being anything in my own house; I should forbid you to send anybody in my place。〃
  〃My dear; you are the master here; and since you put so much feeling into your refusal; let us say no more; I will bear my anxiety as best I can。〃
  〃Come; de Camps;〃 said Monsieur de l'Estorade; 〃for if this goes on; I shall be sent to order that child's funeral。〃
  〃But; my dear husband;〃 said the countess; taking his hand; 〃you must be ill;