第 1 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  490?…429 B。C。
  by Plutarch
  translated by John Dryden
  CAESAR once; seeing some wealthy strangers at Rome; carrying up
  and down with them in their arms and bosoms young puppy…dogs and
  monkeys; embracing and making much of them; took occasion not
  unnaturally to ask whether the women in their country were not used to
  bear children; by that prince…like reprimand gravely reflecting upon
  persons who spend and lavish upon brute beasts that affection and
  kindness which nature has implanted in us to be bestowed on those of
  our own kind。 With like reason may we blame those who misuse that love
  of inquiry and observation which nature has implanted in our souls; by
  expending it on objects unworthy of the attention either of their eyes
  or their ears; while they disregard such as are excellent in
  themselves; and would do them good。
  The mere outward sense; being passive in responding to the
  impression of the objects that come in its way and strike upon it;
  perhaps cannot help entertaining and taking notice of everything
  that addresses it; be it what it will; useful or unuseful; but; in the
  exercise of his mental perception; every man; if he chooses; has a
  natural power to turn himself upon all occasions; and to change and
  shift with the greatest ease to what he shall himself judge desirable。
  So that it becomes a man's duty to pursue and make after the best
  and choicest of everything; that he may not only employ his
  contemplation; but may also be improved by it。 For as that colour is
  more suitable to the eye whose freshness and pleasantness stimulates
  and strengthens the sight; so a man ought to apply his intellectual
  perception to such objects as; with the sense of delight; are apt to
  call it forth; and allure it to its own proper good and advantage。
  Such objects we find in the acts of virtue; which also produce in
  the minds of mere readers about them an emulation and eagerness that
  may lead them on to imitation。 In other things there does not
  immediately follow upon the admiration and liking of the thing done
  any strong desire of doing the like。 Nay; many times; on the very
  contrary; when we are pleased with the work; we slight and set
  little by the workman or artist himself; as for instance; in
  perfumes and purple dyes; we are taken with the things themselves well
  enough; but do not think dyers and perfumers otherwise than low and
  sordid people。 It was not said amiss by Antisthenes; when people
  told him that one Ismenias was an excellent piper。 〃It may be so;〃
  said he; 〃but he is but a wretched human being; otherwise he would not
  have been an excellent piper。〃 And King Philip; to the same purpose;
  told his son Alexander; who once at a merry…meeting played a piece
  of music charmingly and skilfully; 〃Are you not ashamed; son; to
  play so well?〃 For it is enough for a king or prince to find leisure
  sometimes to hear others sing; and he does the muses quite honour
  enough when he pleases to be but present; while others engage in
  such exercises and trials of skill。
  He who busies himself in mean occupations produces; in the very
  pains he takes about things of little or no use; an evidence against
  himself of his negligence and indisposition to what is really good。
  Nor did any generous and ingenuous young man; at the sight of the
  statue of Jupiter at Pisa; ever desire to be a Phidias; or on seeing
  that of Juno at Argos; long to be a Polycletus; or feel induced by his
  pleasure in their poems to wish to be an Anacreon or Philetas or
  Archilochus。 For it does not necessarily follow; that; if a piece of
  work please for its gracefulness; therefore he that wrought it
  deserves our admiration。 Whence it is that neither do such things
  really profit or advantage the beholders; upon the sight of which no
  zeal arises for the imitation of them; nor any impulse or inclination;
  which may prompt any desire or endeavour of doing the like。 But
  virtue; by the bare statement of its actions; can so affect men's
  minds as to create at once both admiration of the things done and
  desire to imitate the doers of them。 The goods of fortune we would
  possess and would enjoy; those of virtue we long to practise and
  exercise: we are content to receive the former from others; the latter
  we wish others to experience from us。 Moral good is a practical
  stimulus; it is no sooner seen; than it inspires an impulse to
  practice; and influences the mind and character not by a mere
  imitation which we look at; but by the statement of the fact creates a
  moral purpose which we form。
  And so we have thought fit to spend our time and pains in writing of
  the lives of famous persons; and have composed this tenth book upon
  that subject; containing the life of Pericles; and that of Fabius
  Maximus; who carried on the war against Hannibal; men alike; as in
  their other virtues and good parts; so especially in their mind and
  upright temper and demeanour; and in that capacity to bear the
  cross…grained humours of their fellow…citizens and colleagues in
  office; which made them both most useful and serviceable to the
  interests of their countries。 Whether we take a right aim at our
  intended purpose; it is left to the reader to judge by what he shall
  here find。
  Pericles was of the tribe Acamantis; and the township Cholargus;
  of the noblest birth both on his father's and mother's side。
  Xanthippus; his father; who defeated the King of Persia's generals
  in the battle of Mycale; took to wife Agariste; the grandchild of
  Clisthenes; who drove out the sons of Pisistratus; and nobly put an
  end to their tyrannical usurpation; and; moreover; made a body of
  laws; and settled a model of government admirably tempered and
  suited for the harmony and safety of the people。
  His mother; being near her time; fancied in a dream that she was
  brought to bed of a lion; and a few days after was delivered of
  Pericles; in other respects perfectly formed; only his head was
  somewhat longish and out of proportion。 For which reason almost all
  the images and statues that were made of him have the head covered
  with a helmet; the workmen apparently being willing not to expose him。
  The poets of Athens called him Schinocephalos; or squill…head; from
  schinos; a squill; or sea…onion。 One of the comic poets; Cratinus;
  in the Chirons; tells us that…
  〃Old Chronos once took queen Sedition to wife:
  Which two brought to life
  That tyrant far…famed;
  Whom the gods the supreme skull…compeller have named;
  and; in the Nemesis; addresses him…
  〃Come; Jove; thou head of Gods。〃
  And a second; Teleclides; says; that now; in embarrassment with
  political difficulties; he sits in the city…
  〃Fainting underneath the load
  Of his own head: and now abroad
  From his huge gallery of a pate
  Sends forth trouble to the state。〃
  And a third; Eupolis; in the comedy called the Demi; in a series of
  questions about each of the demagogues; whom he makes in the play to
  come up from hell; upon Pericles being named last; exclaims…
  〃And here by way of summary; now we've done;
  Behold; in brief; the heads of all in one。〃
  The master that taught him music; most authors are agreed; was Damon
  (whose name; they say; ought to be pronounced with the first
  syllable short)。 Though Aristotle tells us that he was thoroughly
  practised in all accomplishments of this kind by Pythoclides。 Damon;
  it is not unlikely; being a sophist; out of policy sheltered himself
  under the profession of music to conceal from people in general his
  skill in other things; and under this pretence attended Pericles;
  the young athlete of politics; so to say; as his training…master in
  these exercises。 Damon's lyre; however; did not prove altogether a
  successful blind; he was banished the country by ostracism for ten
  years; as a dangerous intermeddler and a favourer of arbitrary
  power; and; by this means; gave the stage occasion to play upon him。
  As; for instance; Plato; the comic poet; introduces a character who
  questions him…
  〃Tell me; if you please;
  Since you're the Chiron who taught Pericles。〃
  Pericles; also; was a hearer of Zeno; the Eleatic; who treated of
  natural philosophy in the same manner as Parmenides did; but had
  also perfected himself in an art of his own for refuting and silencing
  opponents in argument; as Timon of Phlius describes it…
  〃Also the two…edged tongue of mighty Zeno; who;
  Say what one would; could argue it untrue。〃
  But he that saw most of Pericles; and furnished him most
  especially with a weight and grandeur of sense; superior to all arts
  of popularity; and in general gave him his elevation and sublimity
  of purpose and of character; was Anaxagoras of Clazomenae; whom the
  men of those times called by the name of Nous; that is; mind; or
  intelligence; whether in admiration of the great and extraordinary
  gift he had displayed for the science of nature; or because that he
  was the first of the philosophers who did not refer the first ordering
  of the world to fortune or