第 80 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  crutch。  The room never had looked more genial and pretty; with its
  brisk fire; modern furniture; and the gay French paper on the
  walls。  〃A nice room; my dear; and I ought to be much obliged to
  you for it; since my maid tells me it is yours;〃 said her ladyship;
  〃but I am pretty sure you repent your generosity to me; after all
  those ghost stories; and tremble to think of a strange bed and
  chamber; eh?〃  I made some commonplace reply。  The old lady arched
  her eyebrows。  〃Where have they put you; child?〃 she asked; 〃in
  some cock…loft of the turrets; eh? or in a lumber…rooma regular
  ghost…trap?  I can hear your heart beating with fear this moment。
  You are not fit to be alone。〃  I tried to call up my pride; and
  laugh off the accusation against my courage; all the more; perhaps;
  because I felt its truth。  〃Do you want anything more that I can
  get you; Lady Speldhurst?〃  I asked; trying to feign a yawn of
  sleepiness。  The old dame's keen eyes were upon me。  〃I rather like
  you; my dear;〃 she said; 〃and I liked your mamma well enough before
  she treated me so shamefully about the christening dinner。  Now; I
  know you are frightened and fearful; and if an owl should but flap
  your window to…night; it might drive you into fits。  There is a
  nice little sofa…bed in this dressing closetcall your maid to
  arrange it for you; and you can sleep there snugly; under the old
  witch's protection; and then no goblin dare harm you; and nobody
  will be a bit the wiser; or quiz you for being afraid。〃  How little
  I knew what hung in the balance of my refusal or acceptance of that
  trivial proffer!  Had the veil of the future been lifted for one
  instant! but that veil is impenetrable to our gaze。
  I left her door。  As I crossed the landing a bright gleam came from
  another room; whose door was left ajar; it (the light) fell like a
  bar of golden sheen across my path。  As I approached the door
  opened and my sister Lucy; who had been watching for me; came out。
  She was already in a white cashmere wrapper; over which her
  loosened hair hung darkly and heavily; like tangles of silk。
  〃Rosa; love;〃 she whispered; 〃Minnie and I can't bear the idea of
  your sleeping out there; all alone; in that solitary roomthe very
  room too Nurse Sherrard used to talk about!  So; as you know Minnie
  has given up her room; and come to sleep in mine; still we should
  so wish you to stop with us to…night at any rate; and I could make
  up a bed on the sofa for myself or youand〃  I stopped Lucy's
  mouth with a kiss。  I declined her offer。  I would not listen to
  it。  In fact; my pride was up in arms; and I felt I would rather
  pass the night in the churchyard itself than accept a proposal
  dictated; I felt sure; by the notion that my nerves were shaken by
  the ghostly lore we had been raking up; that I was a weak;
  superstitious creature; unable to pass a night in a strange
  chamber。  So I would not listen to Lucy; but kissed her; bade her
  good…night; and went on my way laughing; to show my light heart。
  Yet; as I looked back in the dark corridor; and saw the friendly
  door still ajar; the yellow bar of light still crossing from wall
  to wall; the sweet; kind face still peering after me from amidst
  its clustering curls; I felt a thrill of sympathy; a wish to
  return; a yearning after human love and companionship。  False shame
  was strongest; and conquered。  I waved a gay adieu。  I turned the
  corner; and peeping over my shoulder; I saw the door close; the bar
  of yellow light was there no longer in the darkness of the passage。
  I thought at that instant that I heard a heavy sigh。  I looked
  sharply round。  No one was there。  No door was open; yet I fancied;
  and fancied with a wonderful vividness; that I did hear an actual
  sigh breathed not far off; and plainly distinguishable from the
  groan of the sycamore branches as the wind tossed them to and fro
  in the outer blackness。  If ever a mortal's good angel had cause to
  sigh for sorrow; not sin; mine had cause to mourn that night。  But
  imagination plays us strange tricks and my nervous system was not
  over…composed or very fitted for judicial analysis。  I had to go
  through the picture…gallery。  I had never entered this apartment by
  candle…light before and I was struck by the gloomy array of the
  tall portraits; gazing moodily from the canvas on the lozenge…paned
  or painted windows; which rattled to the blast as it swept howling
  by。  Many of the faces looked stern; and very different from their
  daylight expression。  In others a furtive; flickering smile seemed
  to mock me as my candle illumined them; and in all; the eyes; as
  usual with artistic portraits; seemed to follow my motions with a
  scrutiny and an interest the more marked for the apathetic
  immovability of the other features。  I felt ill at ease under this
  stony gaze; though conscious how absurd were my apprehensions; and
  I called up a smile and an air of mirth; more as if acting a part
  under the eyes of human beings than of their mere shadows on the
  wall。  I even laughed as I confronted them。  No echo had my short…
  lived laughter but from the hollow armor and arching roof; and I
  continued on my way in silence。
  By a sudden and not uncommon revulsion of feeling I shook off my
  aimless terrors; blushed at my weakness; and sought my chamber only
  too glad that I had been the only witness of my late tremors。  As I
  entered my chamber I thought I heard something stir in the
  neglected lumber…room; which was the only neighboring apartment。
  But I was determined to have no more panics; and resolutely shut my
  eyes to this slight and transient noise; which had nothing
  unnatural in it; for surely; between rats and wind; an old manor…
  house on a stormy night needs no sprites to disturb it。  So I
  entered my room; and rang for my maid。  As I did so I looked around
  me; and a most unaccountable repugnance to my temporary abode came
  over me; in spite of my efforts。  It was no more to be shaken off
  than a chill is to be shaken off when we enter some damp cave。
  And; rely upon it; the feeling of dislike and apprehension with
  which we regard; at first sight; certain places and people; was not
  implanted in us without some wholesome purpose。  I grant it is
  irrationalmere animal instinctbut is not instinct God's gift;
  and is it for us to despise it?  It is by instinct that children
  know their friends from their enemiesthat they distinguish with
  such unerring accuracy between those who like them and those who
  only flatter and hate them。  Dogs do the same; they will fawn on
  one person; they slink snarling from another。  Show me a man whom
  children and dogs shrink from; and I will show you a false; bad
  manlies on his lips; and murder at his heart。  No; let none
  despise the heaven…sent gift of innate antipathy; which makes the
  horse quail when the lion crouches in the thicketwhich makes the
  cattle scent the shambles from afar; and low in terror and disgust
  as their nostrils snuff the blood…polluted air。  I felt this
  antipathy strongly as I looked around me in my new sleeping…room;
  and yet I could find no reasonable pretext for my dislike。  A very
  good room it was; after all; now that the green damask curtains
  were drawn; the fire burning bright and clear; candles burning on
  the mantel…piece; and the various familiar articles of toilet
  arranged as usual。  The bed; too; looked peaceful and invitinga
  pretty little white bed; not at all the gaunt funereal sort of
  couch which haunted apartments generally contain。
  My maid entered; and assisted me to lay aside the dress and
  ornaments I had worn; and arranged my hair; as usual; prattling the
  while; in Abigail fashion。  I seldom cared to converse with
  servants; but on that night a sort of dread of being left alonea
  longing to keep some human being near me possessed meand I
  encouraged the girl to gossip; so that her duties took her half an
  hour longer to get through than usual。  At last; however; she had
  done all that could be done; and all my questions were answered;
  and my orders for the morrow reiterated and vowed obedience to; and
  the clock on the turret struck one。  Then Mary; yawning a little;
  asked if I wanted anything more; and I was obliged to answer no;
  for very shame's sake; and she went。  The shutting of the door;
  gently as it was closed; affected me unpleasantly。  I took a
  dislike to the curtains; the tapestry; the dingy pictures
  everything。  I hated the room。  I felt a temptation to put on a
  cloak; run; half…dressed; to my sisters' chamber; and say I had
  changed my mind and come for shelter。  But they must be asleep; I
  thought; and I could not be so unkind as to wake them。  I said my
  prayers with unusual earnestness and a heavy heart。  I extinguished
  the candles; and was just about to lay my head on my pillow; when
  the idea seized me that I would fasten the door。  The candles were
  extinguished; but the firelight was amply sufficient to guide me。
  I gained the door。  There was a lock; b