第 52 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9321
  had proposed to shoot rather than to strangle his victim。  My
  terror made me at once mute and motionless。  He continued; 〃I
  leagued to murder you。  I repent。  Mark my bidding; and be safe。
  Avoid this spot。  The snares of death encompass it。  Elsewhere
  danger will be distant; but this spot; shun it as you value your
  life。  Mark me further: profit by this warning; but divulge it not。
  If a syllable of what has passed escape you; your doom is sealed。
  Remember your father; and be faithful。〃
  Here the accents ceased; and left me overwhelmed with dismay。  I
  was fraught with the persuasion that during every moment I remained
  here my life was endangered; but I could not take a step without
  hazard of falling to the bottom of the precipice。  The path leading
  to the summit was short; but rugged and intricate。  Even starlight
  was excluded by the umbrage; and not the faintest gleam was
  afforded to guide my steps。  What should I do?  To depart or remain
  was equally and eminently perilous。
  In this state of uncertainty; I perceived a ray flit across the
  gloom and disappear。  Another succeeded; which was stronger; and
  remained for a passing moment。  It glittered on the shrubs that
  were scattered at the entrance; and gleam continued to succeed
  gleam for a few seconds; till they finally gave place to
  unintermitted darkness。
  The first visitings of this light called up a train of horrors in
  my mind; destruction impended over this spot; the voice which I had
  lately heard had warned me to retire; and had menaced me with the
  fate of my father if I refused。  I was desirous; but unable to
  obey; these gleams were such as preluded the stroke by which he
  fell; the hour; perhaps; was the same。  I shuddered as if I had
  beheld suspended over me the exterminating sword。
  Presently a new and stronger illumination burst through the lattice
  on the right hand; and a voice from the edge of the precipice above
  called out my name。  It was Pleyel。  Joyfully did I recognize his
  accents; but such was the tumult of my thoughts that I had not
  power to answer him till he had frequently repeated his summons。  I
  hurried at length from the fatal spot; and; directed by the lantern
  which he bore; ascended the hill。
  Pale and breathless; it was with difficulty I could support myself。
  He anxiously inquired into the cause of my affright and the motive
  of my unusual absence。  He had returned from my brother's at a late
  hour; and was informed by Judith that I had walked out before
  sunset and had not yet returned。  This intelligence was somewhat
  alarming。  He waited some time; but; my absence continuing; he had
  set out in search of me。  He had explored the neighborhood with the
  utmost care; but; receiving no tidings of me; he was preparing to
  acquaint my brother with this circumstance; when he recollected the
  summer…house on the bank; and conceived it possible that some
  accident had detained me there。  He again inquired into the cause
  of this detention; and of that confusion and dismay which my looks
  I told him that I had strolled hither in the afternoon; that sleep
  had overtaken me as I sat; and that I had awakened a few minutes
  before his arrival。  I could tell him no more。  In the present
  impetuosity of my thoughts; I was almost dubious whether the pit
  into which my brother had endeavored to entice me; and the voice
  that talked through the lattice; were not parts of the same dream。
  I remembered; likewise; the charge of secrecy; and the penalty
  denounced if I should rashly divulge what I had heard。  For these
  reasons I was silent on that subject; and; shutting myself in my
  chamber; delivered myself up to contemplation。
  What I have related will; no doubt; appear to you a fable。  You
  will believe that calamity has subverted my reason; and that I am
  amusing you with the chimeras of my brain instead of facts that
  have really happened。  I shall not be surprised or offended if
  these be your suspicions。  I know not; indeed; how you can deny
  them admission。  For; if to me; the immediate witness; they were
  fertile of perplexity and doubt; how must they affect another to
  whom they are recommended only by my testimony?  It was only by
  subsequent events that I was fully and incontestably assured of the
  veracity of my senses。
  Meanwhile; what was I to think?  I had been assured that a design
  had been formed against my life。  The ruffians had leagued to
  murder me。  Whom had I offended?  Who was there; with whom I had
  ever maintained intercourse; who was capable of harboring such
  atrocious purposes?
  My temper was the reverse of cruel and imperious。  My heart was
  touched with sympathy for the children of misfortune。  But this
  sympathy was not a barren sentiment。  My purse; scanty as it was;
  was ever open; and my hands ever active; to relieve distress。  Many
  were the wretches whom my personal exertions had extricated from
  want and disease; and who rewarded me with their gratitude。  There
  was no face which lowered at my approach; and no lips which uttered
  imprecations in my hearing。  On the contrary; there was none; over
  whose fate I had exerted any influence or to whom I was known by
  reputation; who did not greet me with smiles and dismiss me with
  proofs of veneration: yet did not my senses assure me that a plot
  was laid against my life?
  I am not destitute of courage。  I have shown myself deliberative
  and calm in the midst of peril。  I have hazarded my own life for
  the preservation of another; but now was I confused and panic…
  struck。  I have not lived so as to fear death; yet to perish by an
  unseen and secret stroke; to be mangled by the knife of an
  assassin; was a thought at which I shuddered: what had I done to
  deserve to be made the victim of malignant passions?
  But soft! was I not assured that my life was safe in all places but
  one?  And why was the treason limited to take effect in this spot?
  I was everywhere equally defenseless。  My house and chamber were at
  all times accessible。  Danger still impended over me; the bloody
  purpose was still entertained; but the hand that was to execute it
  was powerless in all places but one!
  Here I had remained for the last four or five hours; without the
  means of resistance or defense; yet I had not been attacked。  A
  human being was at hand; who was conscious of my presence; and
  warned me hereafter to avoid this retreat。  His voice was not
  absolutely new; but had I never heard it but once before?  But why
  did he prohibit me from relating this incident to others; and what
  species of death will be awarded if I disobey?
  Such were the reflections that haunted me during the night; and
  which effectually deprived me of sleep。  Next morning; at
  breakfast; Pleyel related an event which my disappearance had
  hindered him from mentioning the night before。  Early the preceding
  morning; his occasions called him to the city: he had stepped into
  a coffee…house to while away an hour; here he had met a person
  whose appearance instantly bespoke him to be the same whose hasty
  visit I have mentioned; and whose extraordinary visage and tones
  had so powerfully affected me。  On an attentive survey; however; he
  proved; likewise; to be one with whom my friend had had some
  intercourse in Europe。  This authorized the liberty of accosting
  him; and after some conversation; mindful; as Pleyel said; of the
  footing which this stranger had gained in my heart; he had ventured
  to invite him to Mettingen。  The invitation had been cheerfully
  accepted; and a visit promised on the afternoon of the next day。
  This information excited no sober emotions in my breast。  I was; of
  course; eager to be informed as to the circumstances of their
  ancient intercourse。  When and where had they met?  What knew he of
  the life and character of this man?
  In answer to my inquiries; he informed me that; three years before;
  he was a traveler in Spain。  He had made an excursion from Valencia
  to Murviedro; with a view to inspect the remains of Roman
  magnificence scattered in the environs of that town。  While
  traversing the site of the theater of old Saguntum; he alighted
  upon this man; seated on a stone; and deeply engaged in perusing
  the work of the deacon Marti。  A short conversation ensued; which
  proved the stranger to be English。  They returned to Valencia
  His garb; aspect; and deportment were wholly Spanish。  A residence
  of three years in the country; indefatigable attention to the
  language; and a studious conformity with the customs of the people;
  had made him indistinguishable from a native when he chose to
  assume that character。  Pleyel found him to be connected; on the
  footing of friendship and respect; with many eminent merchants in
  that city。  He had embraced the Catholic religion; and adopted a
  Spanish name instead of his own; which was CARWIN; and devoted
  himself to the literature and religion of his new country。  He