第 41 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  room had listened with intense eagerness to all this talk about
  buried treasure; looked with mingled awe and reverence at this bold
  buccaneer; for such he really suspected him to be。  There was a
  chinking of gold and a sparkling of jewels in all his stories about
  the Spanish Main that gave a value to every period; and Wolfert
  would have given anything for the rummaging of the ponderous sea
  chest; which his imagination crammed full of golden chalices;
  crucifixes; and jolly round bags of doubloons。
  The dead stillness that had fallen upon the company was at length
  interrupted by the stranger; who pulled out a prodigious watch of
  curious and ancient workmanship; and which in Wolfert's eyes had a
  decidedly Spanish look。  On touching a spring; it struck ten
  o'clock; upon which the sailor called for his reckoning; and having
  paid it out of a handful of outlandish coin; he drank off the
  remainder of his beverage; and without taking leave of anyone;
  rolled out of the room; muttering to himself as he stamped upstairs
  to his chamber。
  It was some time before the company could recover from the silence
  into which they had been thrown。  The very footsteps of the
  stranger; which were heard now and then as he traversed his
  chamber; inspired awe。
  Still the conversation in which they had been engaged was too
  interesting not to be resumed。  A heavy thunder gust had gathered
  up unnoticed while they were lost in talk; and the torrents of rain
  that fell forbade all thoughts of setting off for home until the
  storm should subside。  They drew nearer together; therefore; and
  entreated the worthy Peechy Prauw to continue the tale which had
  been so discourteously interrupted。  He readily complied;
  whispering; however; in a tone scarcely above his breath; and
  drowned occasionally by the rolling of the thunder; and he would
  pause every now and then and listen; with evident awe; as he heard
  the heavy footsteps of the stranger pacing overhead。  The following
  is the purport of his story:
  Adventure of the Black Fisherman
  Everybody knows Black Sam; the old negro fisherman; or; as he is
  commonly called; 〃Mud Sam;〃 who has fished about the Sound for the
  last half century。  It is now many years since Sam; who was then as
  active a young negro as any in the province; and worked on the farm
  of Killian Suydam on Long Island; having finished his day's work at
  an early hour; was fishing; one still summer evening; just about
  the neighborhood of Hell Gate。
  He was in a light skiff; and being well acquainted with the
  currents and eddies; had shifted his station; according to the
  shifting of the tide; from the Hen and Chickens to the Hog's Back;
  from the Hog's Back to the Pot; and from the Pot to the Frying Pan;
  but in the eagerness of his sport he did not see that the tide was
  rapidly ebbing; until the roaring of the whirlpools and eddies
  warned him of his danger; and he had some difficulty in shooting
  his skiff from among the rocks and breakers; and getting to the
  point of Blackwell's Island。'1'  Here he cast anchor for some time;
  waiting the turn of the tide to enable him to return homeward。  As
  the night set in; it grew blustering and gusty。  Dark clouds came
  bundling up in the west; and now and then a growl of thunder or a
  flash of lightning told that a summer storm was at hand。  Sam
  pulled over; therefore; under the lee of Manhattan Island; and;
  coasting along; came to a snug nook; just under a steep; beetling
  rock; where he fastened his skiff to the root of a tree that shot
  out from a cleft; and spread its broad branches like a canopy over
  the water。  The gust came scouring along; the wind threw up the
  river in white surges; the rain rattled among the leaves; the
  thunder bellowed worse than that which is now bellowing; the
  lightning seemed to lick up the surges of the stream; but Sam;
  snugly sheltered under rock and tree; lay crouching in his skiff;
  rocking upon the billows until he fell asleep。
  '1' A long; narrow island in the East River; between New York and
  Long Island City。
  When he woke all was quiet。  The gust had passed away; and only now
  and then a faint gleam of lightning in the east showed which way it
  had gone。  The night was dark and moonless; and from the state of
  the tide Sam concluded it was near midnight。  He was on the point
  of making loose his skiff to return homeward when he saw a light
  gleaming along the water from a distance; which seemed rapidly
  approaching。  As it drew near he perceived it came from a lantern
  in the bow of a boat gliding along under shadow of the land。  It
  pulled up in a small cove close to where he was。  A man jumped on
  shore; and searching about with the lantern; exclaimed; 〃This is
  the placehere's the iron ring。〃  The boat was then made fast; and
  the man; returning on board; assisted his comrades in conveying
  something heavy on shore。  As the light gleamed among them; Sam saw
  that they were five stout; desperate…looking fellows; in red woolen
  caps; with a leader in a three…cornered hat; and that some of them
  were armed with dirks; or long knives; and pistols。  They talked
  low to one another; and occasionally in some outlandish tongue
  which he could not understand。
  On landing they made their way among the bushes; taking turns to
  relieve each other in lugging their burden up the rocky bank。
  Sam's curiosity was now fully aroused; so leaving his skiff he
  clambered silently up a ridge that overlooked their path。  They had
  stopped to rest for a moment; and the leader was looking about
  among the bushes with his lantern。  〃Have you brought the spades?〃
  said one。  〃They are here;〃 replied another; who had them on his
  shoulder。  〃We must dig deep; where there will be no risk of
  discovery;〃 said a third。
  A cold chill ran through Sam's veins。  He fancied he saw before him
  a gang of murderers; about to bury their victim。  His knees smote
  together。  In his agitation he shook the branch of a tree with
  which he was supporting himself as he looked over the edge of the
  〃What's that?〃 cried one of the gang。  〃Some one stirs among the
  The lantern was held up in the direction of the noise。  One of the
  red…caps cocked a pistol; and pointed it toward the very place
  where Sam was standing。  He stood motionless; breathless; expecting
  the next moment to be his last。  Fortunately his dingy complexion
  was in his favor; and made no glare among the leaves。
  〃'Tis no one;〃 said the man with the lantern。  〃What a plague! you
  would not fire off your pistol and alarm the country!〃
  The pistol was uncocked; the burden was resumed; and the party
  slowly toiled along the bank。  Sam watched them as they went; the
  light sending back fitful gleams through the dripping bushes; and
  it was not till they were fairly out of sight that he ventured to
  draw breath freely。  He now thought of getting back to his boat;
  and making his escape out of the reach of such dangerous neighbors;
  but curiosity was all…powerful。  He hesitated; and lingered; and
  listened。  By and by he heard the strokes of spades。  〃They are
  digging the grave!〃 said he to himself; and the cold sweat started
  upon his forehead。  Every stroke of a spade; as it sounded through
  the silent groves; went to his heart。  It was evident there was as
  little noise made as possible; everything had an air of terrible
  mystery and secrecy。  Sam had a great relish for the horrible; a
  tale of murder was a treat for him; and he was a constant attendant
  at executions。  He could not resist an impulse; in spite of every
  danger; to steal nearer to the scene of mystery; and overlook the
  midnight fellows at their work。  He crawled along cautiously;
  therefore; inch by inch; stepping with the utmost care among the
  dry leaves; lest their rustling should betray him。  He came at
  length to where a steep rock intervened between him and the gang;
  for he saw the light of their lantern shining up against the
  branches of the trees on the other side。  Sam slowly and silently
  clambered up the surface of the rock; and raising his head above
  its naked edge; beheld the villains immediately below him; and so
  near that though he dreaded discovery he dared not withdraw lest
  the least movement should be heard。  In this way he remained; with
  his round black face peering above the edge of the rock; like the
  sun just emerging above the edge of the horizon; or the round…
  cheeked moon on the dial of a clock。
  The red…caps had nearly finished their work; the grave was filled
  up; and they were carefully replacing the turf。  This done they
  scattered dry leaves over the place。  〃And now;〃 said the leader;
  〃I defy the devil himself to find it out。〃
  〃The murderers!〃 exclaimed Sam involuntarily。
  The whole gang started; and looking up beheld the round black head
  of Sam just above them; his white eyes strained half out of their
  orbits; his white teeth chatterin