第 36 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  price; thus; therefore; while everyone around him grew richer;
  Wolfert grew poorer; and he could not; for the life of him;
  perceive how the evil was to be remedied。
  This growing care; which increased from day to day; had its gradual
  effect upon our worthy burgher; insomuch that it at length
  implanted two or three wrinkles in his brow; things unknown before
  in the family of the Webbers; and it seemed to pinch up the corners
  of his cocked hat into an expression of anxiety totally opposite to
  the tranquil; broad…brimmed; low…crowned beavers of his illustrious
  Perhaps even this would not have materially disturbed the serenity
  of his mind had he had only himself and his wife to care for; but
  there was his daughter gradually growing to maturity; and all the
  world knows that when daughters begin to ripen; no fruit nor flower
  requires so much looking after。  I have no talent at describing
  female charms; else fain would I depict the progress of this little
  Dutch beauty: how her blue eyes grew deeper and deeper; and her
  cherry lips redder and redder; and how she ripened and ripened; and
  rounded and rounded; in the opening breath of sixteen summers;
  until; in her seventeenth spring; she seemed ready to burst out of
  her bodice; like a half…blown rosebud。
  Ah; well…a…day!  Could I but show her as she was then; tricked out
  on a Sunday morning in the hereditary finery of the old Dutch
  clothespress; of which her mother had confided to her the key!  The
  wedding dress of her grandmother; modernized for use; with sundry
  ornaments; handed down as heirlooms in the family。  Her pale brown
  hair smoothed with buttermilk in flat; waving lines on each side of
  her fair forehead。  The chain of yellow; virgin gold that encircled
  her neck; the little cross that just rested at the entrance of a
  soft valley of happiness; as if it would sanctify the place。  The
  but pooh! it is not for an old man like me to be prosing about
  female beauty; suffice it to say; Amy had attained her seventeenth
  year。  Long since had her sampler exhibited hearts in couples
  desperately transfixed with arrows; and true lovers' knots worked
  in deep blue silk; and it was evident she began to languish for
  some more interesting occupation than the rearing of sunflowers or
  pickling of cucumbers。
  At this critical period of female existence; when the heart within
  a damsel's bosom; like its emblem; the miniature which hangs
  without; is apt to be engrossed by a single image; a new visitor
  began to make his appearance under the roof of Wolfert Webber。
  This was Dirk Waldron; the only son of a poor widow; but who could
  boast of more fathers than any lad in the province; for his mother
  had had four husbands; and this only child; so that; though born in
  her last wedlock; he might fairly claim to be the tardy fruit of a
  long course of cultivation。  This son of four fathers united the
  merits and the vigor of all his sires。  If he had not had a great
  family before him he seemed likely to have a great one after him;
  for you had only to look at the fresh; buxom youth to see that he
  was formed to be the founder of a mighty race。
  This youngster gradually became an intimate visitor of the family。
  He talked little; but he sat long。  He filled the father's pipe
  when it was empty; gathered up the mother's knitting needle; or
  ball of worsted; when it fell to the ground; stroked the sleek coat
  of the tortoise…shell cat; and replenished the teapot for the
  daughter from the bright copper kettle that sang before the fire。
  All these quiet little offices may seem of trifling import; but
  when true love is translated into Low Dutch it is in this way that
  it eloquently expresses itself。  They were not lost upon the Webber
  family。  The winning youngster found marvelous favor in the eyes of
  the mother; the tortoise…shell cat; albeit the most staid and
  demure of her kind; gave indubitable signs of approbation of his
  visits; the teakettle seemed to sing out a cheering note of welcome
  at his approach; and if the sly glances of the daughter might be
  rightly read; as she sat bridling and dimpling; and sewing by her
  mother's side; she was not a whit behind Dame Webber; or grimalkin;
  or the teakettle; in good will。
  Wolfert alone saw nothing of what was going on。  Profoundly wrapt
  up in meditation on the growth of the city and his cabbages; he sat
  looking in the fire; and puffing his pipe in silence。  One night;
  however; as the gentle Amy; according to custom; lighted her lover
  to the outer door; and he; according to custom; took his parting
  salute; the smack resounded so vigorously through the long; silent
  entry as to startle even the dull ear of Wolfert。  He was slowly
  roused to a new source of anxiety。  It had never entered into his
  head that this mere child; who; as it seemed; but the other day had
  been climbing about his knees and playing with dolls and baby
  houses; could all at once be thinking of lovers and matrimony。  He
  rubbed his eyes; examined into the fact; and really found that
  while he had been dreaming of other matters; she had actually grown
  to be a woman; and; what was worse; had fallen in love。  Here arose
  new cares for Wolfert。  He was a kind father; but he was a prudent
  man。  The young man was a lively; stirring lad; but then he had
  neither money nor land。  Wolfert's ideas all ran in one channel;
  and he saw no alternative in case of a marriage but to portion off
  the young couple with a corner of his cabbage garden; the whole of
  which was barely sufficient for the support of his family。
  Like a prudent father; therefore; he determined to nip this passion
  in the bud; and forbade the youngster the house; though sorely did
  it go against his fatherly heart; and many a silent tear did it
  cause in the bright eye of his daughter。  She showed herself;
  however; a pattern of filial piety and obedience。  She never pouted
  and sulked; she never flew in the face of parental authority; she
  never flew into a passion; nor fell into hysterics; as many
  romantic; novel…read young ladies would do。  Not she; indeed。  She
  was none such heroical; rebellious trumpery; I'll warrant ye。  On
  the contrary; she acquiesced like an obedient daughter; shut the
  street door in her lover's face; and if ever she did grant him an
  interview; it was either out of the kitchen window or over the
  garden fence。
  Wolfert was deeply cogitating these matters in his mind; and his
  brow wrinkled with unusual care; as he wended his way one Saturday
  afternoon to a rural inn; about two miles from the city。  It was a
  favorite resort of the Dutch part of the community; from being
  always held by a Dutch line of landlords; and retaining an air and
  relish of the good old times。  It was a Dutch…built house; that had
  probably been a country seat of some opulent burgher in the early
  time of the settlement。  It stood near a point of land called
  Corlear's Hook;'1' which stretches out into the Sound; and against
  which the tide; at its flux and reflux; sets with extraordinary
  rapidity。  The venerable and somewhat crazy mansion was
  distinguished from afar by a grove of elms and sycamores that
  seemed to wave a hospitable invitation; while a few weeping
  willows; with their dank; drooping foliage; resembling falling
  waters; gave an idea of coolness that rendered it an attractive
  spot during the heats of summer。
  '1' A point of land at the bend of the East River below Grand
  Street; New York City。
  Here; therefore; as I said; resorted many of the old inhabitants of
  the Manhattoes; where; while some played at shuffleboard'1' and
  quoits;'2' and ninepins; others smoked a deliberate pipe; and
  talked over public affairs。
  '1' A game played by pushing or shaking pieces of money or metal so
  as to make them reach certain marks on a board。
  '2' A game played by pitching a flattened; ring…shaped piece of
  iron; called a quoit; at a fixed object。
  It was on a blustering autumnal afternoon that Wolfert made his
  visit to the inn。  The grove of elms and willows was stripped of
  its leaves; which whirled in rustling eddies about the fields。  The
  ninepin alley was deserted; for the premature chilliness of the day
  had driven the company within doors。  As it was Saturday afternoon
  the habitual club was in session; composed principally of regular
  Dutch burghers; though mingled occasionally with persons of various
  character and country; as is natural in a place of such motley
  Beside the fireplace; in a huge; leather…bottomed armchair; sat the
  dictator of this little world; the venerable Rem; or; as it was
  pronounced; 〃Ramm〃 Rapelye。  He was a man of Walloon'1' race; and
  illustrious for the antiquity of his line; his great…grandmother
  having been the first white child born in the province。  But he was
  still more illustrious for his wealth and dignity。  He had long
  filled the noble office of alderman; and was a