第 29 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  and; ascending the high grounds on the shore of the mainland;
  proceeded in a northwesterly direction; through a tract of country
  excessively wild and desolate; where no trace of a human footstep
  was to be seen。  Legrand led the way with decision; pausing only
  for an instant; here and there; to consult what appeared to be
  certain landmarks of his own contrivance upon a former occasion。
  In this manner we journeyed for about two hours; and the sun was
  just setting when we entered a region infinitely more dreary than
  any yet seen。  It was a species of table…land; near the summit of
  an almost inaccessible hill; densely wooded from base to pinnacle;
  and interspersed with huge crags that appeared to lie loosely upon
  the soil; and in many cases were prevented from precipitating
  themselves into the valleys below; merely by the support of the
  trees against which they reclined。  Deep ravines; in various
  directions; gave an air of still sterner solemnity to the scene。
  The natural platform to which we had clambered was thickly
  overgrown with brambles; through which we soon discovered that it
  would have been impossible to force our way but for the scythe; and
  Jupiter; by direction of his master; proceeded to clear for us a
  path to the foot of an enormously tall tulip tree; which stood;
  with some eight or ten oaks; upon the level; and far surpassed them
  all; and all other trees which I had then ever seen; in the beauty
  of its foliage and form; in the wide spread of its branches; and in
  the general majesty of its appearance。  When we reached this tree;
  Legrand turned to Jupiter; and asked him if he thought he could
  climb it。  The old man seemed a little staggered by the question;
  and for some moments made no reply。  At length he approached the
  huge trunk; walked slowly around it; and examined it with minute
  attention。  When he had completed his scrutiny; he merely said:
  〃Yes; massa; Jup climb any tree he ebber see in he life。〃
  〃Then up with you as soon as possible; for it will soon be too dark
  to see what we are about。〃
  〃How far mus' go up; massa?〃 inquired Jupiter。
  〃Get up the main trunk first; and then I will tell you which way to
  goand herestop! take this beetle with you。〃
  〃De bug; Massa Will!de goole…bug!〃 cried the negro; drawing back
  in dismay〃what for mus' tote de bug way up de tree?dn if I
  〃If you are afraid; Jup; a great big negro like you; to take hold
  of a harmless little dead beetle; why you can carry it up by this
  stringbut; if you do not take it up with you in some way; I shall
  be under the necessity of breaking your head with this shovel。〃
  〃What de matter now; massa?〃 said Jup; evidently shamed into
  compliance; 〃always want for to raise fuss wid old nigger。  Was
  only funnin anyhow。  ME feered de bug! what I keer for de bug?〃
  Here he took cautiously hold of the extreme end of the string; and;
  maintaining the insect as far from his person as circumstances
  would permit; prepared to ascend the tree。
  In youth; the tulip tree; or Liriodendron tulipiferum; the most
  magnificent of American foresters; has a trunk peculiarly smooth;
  and often rises to a great height without lateral branches; but; in
  its riper age; the bark becomes gnarled and uneven; while many
  short limbs make their appearance on the stem。  Thus the difficulty
  of ascension; in the present case; lay more in semblance than in
  reality。  Embracing the huge cylinder; as closely as possible; with
  his arms and knees; seizing with his hands some projections; and
  resting his naked toes upon others; Jupiter; after one or two
  narrow escapes from falling; at length wriggled himself into the
  first great fork; and seemed to consider the whole business as
  virtually accomplished。  The RISK of the achievement was; in fact;
  now over; although the climber was some sixty or seventy feet from
  the ground。
  〃Which way mus' go now; Massa Will?〃 he asked。
  〃Keep up the largest branchthe one on this side;〃 said Legrand。
  The negro obeyed him promptly; and apparently with but little
  trouble; ascending higher and higher; until no glimpse of his squat
  figure could be obtained through the dense foliage which enveloped
  it。  Presently his voice was heard in a sort of halloo。
  〃How much fudder is got to go?〃
  〃How high up are you?〃 asked Legrand。
  〃Ebber so fur;〃 replied the negro; 〃can see de sky fru de top oh de
  〃Never mind the sky; but attend to what I say。  Look down the trunk
  and count the limbs below you on this side。  How many limbs have
  you passed?〃
  〃One; two; tree; four; fibeI done pass fibe big limb; massa; 'pon
  dis side。〃
  〃Then go one limb higher。〃
  In a few minutes the voice was heard again; announcing that the
  seventh limb was attained。
  〃Now; Jup;〃 cried Legrand; evidently much excited; 〃I want you to
  work your way out upon that limb as far as you can。  If you see
  anything strange let me know。〃
  By this time what little doubt I might have entertained of my poor
  friend's insanity was put finally at rest。  I had no alternative
  but to conclude him stricken with lunacy; and I became seriously
  anxious about getting him home。  While I was pondering upon what
  was best to be done; Jupiter's voice was again heard。
  〃Mos feered for to ventur pon dis limb berry far'tis dead limb
  putty much all de way。〃
  〃Did you say it was a DEAD limb; Jupiter?〃 cried Legrand in a
  quavering voice。
  〃Yes; massa; him dead as de door…naildone up for sartindone
  departed dis here life。〃
  〃What in the name of heaven shall I do?〃 asked Legrand; seemingly
  in the greatest distress。
  〃Do!〃 said I; glad of an opportunity to interpose a word; 〃why come
  home and go to bed。  Come now!that's a fine fellow。  It's getting
  late; and; besides; you remember your promise。〃
  〃Jupiter;〃 cried he; without heeding me in the least; 〃do you hear
  〃Yes; Massa Will; hear you ebber so plain。〃
  〃Try the wood well; then; with your knife; and see if you think it
  VERY rotten。〃
  〃Him rotten; massa; sure nuff;〃 replied the negro in a few moments;
  〃but not so berry rotten as mought be。  Mought venture out leetle
  way pon de limb by myself; dat's true。〃
  〃By yourself!what do you mean?〃
  〃Why; I mean de bug。  'Tis BERRY hebby bug。  Spose I drop him down
  fuss; an den de limb won't break wid just de weight of one nigger。〃
  〃You infernal scoundrel!〃 cried Legrand; apparently much relieved;
  〃what do you mean by telling me such nonsense as that?  As sure as
  you drop that beetle I'll break your neck。  Look here; Jupiter; do
  you hear me?〃
  〃Yes; massa; needn't hollo at poor nigger dat style。〃
  〃Well! now listen!if you will venture out on the limb as far as
  you think safe; and not let go the beetle; I'll make you a present
  of a silver dollar as soon as you get down。〃
  〃I'm gwine; Massa Willdeed I is;〃 replied the negro very
  promptly〃mos out to the eend now。〃
  〃OUT TO THE END!〃 here fairly screamed Legrand; 〃do you say you are
  out to the end of that limb?〃
  〃Soon be to de eend; massao…o…o…o…oh!  Lor…gol…a…marcy! what IS
  dis here pon de tree?〃
  〃Well!〃 cried Legrand; highly delighted; 〃what is it?〃
  〃Why 'taint noffin but a skullsomebody bin lef him head up de
  tree; and de crows done gobble ebery bit ob de meat off。〃
  〃A skull; you say!very well;how is it fastened to the limb?
  what holds it on?〃
  〃Sure nuff; massa; mus look。  Why dis berry curious sarcumstance;
  pon my worddare's a great big nail in de skull; what fastens ob
  it on to de tree。〃
  〃Well now; Jupiter; do exactly as I tell youdo you hear?〃
  〃Yes; massa。〃
  〃Pay attention; thenfind the left eye of the skull。〃
  〃Hum! hoo! dat's good! why dey ain't no eye lef at all。〃
  〃Curse your stupidity! do you know your right hand from your left?〃
  〃Yes; I knows datknows all about dat'tis my lef hand what I
  chops de wood wid。〃
  〃To be sure! you are left…handed; and your left eye is on the same
  side as your left hand。  Now; I suppose; you can find the left eye
  of the skull; or the place where the left eye has been。  Have you
  found it?〃
  Here was a long pause。  At length the negro asked:
  〃Is de lef eye of de skull pon de same side as de lef hand of de
  skull too?cause de skull aint got not a bit oh a hand at all
  nebber mind!  I got de lef eye nowhere de lef eye! what mus do
  wid it?〃
  Let the beetle drop through it; as far as the string will reach
  but be careful and not let go your hold of the string。〃
  〃All dat done; Massa Will; mighty easy ting for to put de bug fru
  de holelook out for him dare below!〃
  During this colloquy no portion of Jupiter's person could be seen;
  but the beetle; which he had suffered to descend; was now visible
  at the end of the string; and glistened; like a globe of burnished
  gold; in the last rays of the setting sun; some of which still
  faintly illumined the e