第 19 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  liable to delusion or fraud; is safest and most powerful。  The
  machinery of human justice cannot guard against the remote and
  improbable doubt。  The inference is persistent in the affairs of
  men。  It is the only means by which the human mind reaches the
  truth。  If you forbid the jury to exercise it; you bid them work
  after first striking off their hands。  Rule out the irresistible
  inference; and the end of justice is come in this land; and you may
  as well leave the spider to weave his web through the abandoned
  court room。〃
  The attorney stopped; looked down at Mason with a pompous sneer;
  and retired to his place at the table。  The judge sat thoughtful
  and motionless。  The jurymen leaned forward in their seats。
  〃If your Honor please;〃 said Mason; rising; 〃this is a matter of
  law; plain; clear; and so well settled in the State of New York
  that even counsel for the People should know it。  The question
  before your Honor is simple。  If the corpus delicti; the body of
  the crime; has been proven; as required by the laws of the
  commonwealth; then this case should go to the jury。  If not; then
  it is the duty of this Court to direct the jury to find the
  prisoner not guilty。  There is here no room for judicial
  discretion。  Your Honor has but to recall and apply the rigid rule
  announced by our courts prescribing distinctly how the corpus
  delicti in murder must be proven。
  〃The prisoner here stands charged with the highest crime。  The law
  demands; first; that the crime; as a fact; be established。  The
  fact that the victim is indeed dead must first be made certain
  before anyone can be convicted for her killing; because; so long as
  there remains the remotest doubt as to the death; there can be no
  certainty as to the criminal agent; although the circumstantial
  evidence indicating the guilt of the accused may be positive;
  complete; and utterly irresistible。  In murder; the corpus delicti;
  or body of the crime; is composed of two elements:
  〃Death; as a result。
  〃The criminal agency of another as the means。
  It is the fixed and immutable law of this State; laid down in the
  leading case of Ruloff v。 The People; and binding upon this Court;
  that both components of the corpus delicti shall not be established
  by circumstantial evidence。  There must be direct proof of one or
  the other of these two component elements of the corpus delicti。
  If one is proven by direct evidence; the other may be presumed; but
  both shall not be presumed from circumstances; no matter how
  powerful; how cogent; or how completely overwhelming the
  circumstances may be。  In other words; no man can be convicted of
  murder in the State of New York; unless the body of the victim be
  found and identified; or there be direct proof that the prisoner
  did some act adequate to produce death; and did it in such a manner
  as to account for the disappearance of the body。〃
  The face of the judge cleared and grew hard。  The members of the
  bar were attentive and alert; they were beginning to see the legal
  escape open up。  The audience were puzzled; they did not yet
  understand。  Mason turned to the counsel for the People。  His ugly
  face was bitter with contempt。
  〃For three days;〃 he said;〃 I have been tortured by this useless
  and expensive farce。  If counsel for the People had been other than
  play…actors; they would have known in the beginning that Victor
  Ancona could not be convicted for murder; unless he were confronted
  in this court room with a living witness; who had looked into the
  dead face of Nina San Croix; or; if not that; a living witness who
  had seen him drive the dagger into her bosom。
  〃I care not if the circumstantial evidence in this case were so
  strong and irresistible as to be overpowering; if the judge on the
  bench; if the jury; if every man within sound of my voice; were
  convinced of the guilt of the prisoner to the degree of certainty
  that is absolute; if the circumstantial evidence left in the mind
  no shadow of the remotest improbable doubt; yet; in the absence of
  the eyewitness; this prisoner cannot be punished; and this Court
  must compel the jury to acquit him。〃
  The audience now understood; and they were dumfounded。  Surely this
  was not the law。  They had been taught that the law was common
  sense; and this;this was anything else。
  Mason saw it all; and grinned。  〃In its tenderness;〃 he sneered;
  〃the law shields the innocent。  The good law of New York reaches
  out its hand and lifts the prisoner out of the clutches of the
  fierce jury that would hang him。〃
  Mason sat down。  The room was silent。  The jurymen looked at each
  other in amazement。  The counsel for the People arose。  His face
  was white with anger; and incredulous。
  〃Your Honor;〃 he said; 〃this doctrine is monstrous。  Can it be said
  that; in order to evade punishment; the murderer has only to hide
  or destroy the body of the victim; or sink it into the sea?  Then;
  if he is not seen to kill; the law is powerless and the murderer
  can snap his finger in the face of retributive justice。  If this is
  the law; then the law for the highest crime is a dead letter。  The
  great commonwealth winks at murder and invites every man to kill
  his enemy; provided he kill him in secret and hide him。  I repeat;
  your Honor;〃the man's voice was now loud and angry and rang
  through the court room〃that this doctrine is monstrous!〃
  〃So said Best; and Story; and many another;〃 muttered Mason; 〃and
  the law remained。〃
  〃The Court;〃 said the judge; abruptly; 〃desires no further
  The counsel for the People resumed his seat。  His face lighted up
  with triumph。  The Court was going to sustain him。
  The judge turned and looked down at the jury。  He was grave; and
  spoke with deliberate emphasis。
  〃Gentlemen of the jury;〃 he said; 〃the rule of Lord Hale obtains in
  this State and is binding upon me。  It is the law as stated by
  counsel for the prisoner: that to warrant conviction of murder
  there must be direct proof either of the death; as of the finding
  and identification of the corpse; or of criminal violence adequate
  to produce death; and exerted in such a manner as to account for
  the disappearance of the body; and it is only when there is direct
  proof of the one that the other can be established by
  circumstantial evidence。  This is the law; and cannot now be
  departed from。  I do not presume to explain its wisdom。  Chief…
  Justice Johnson has observed; in the leading case; that it may have
  its probable foundation in the idea that where direct proof is
  absent as to both the fact of the death and of criminal violence
  capable of producing death; no evidence can rise to the degree of
  moral certainty that the individual is dead by criminal
  intervention; or even lead by direct inference to this result; and
  that; where the fact of death is not certainly ascertained; all
  inculpatory circumstantial evidence wants the key necessary for its
  satisfactory interpretation; and cannot be depended on to furnish
  more than probable results。  It may be; also; that such a rule has
  some reference to the dangerous possibility that a general
  preconception of guilt; or a general excitement of popular feeling;
  may creep in to supply the place of evidence; if; upon other than
  direct proof of death or a cause of death; a jury are permitted to
  pronounce a prisoner guilty。
  〃In this case the body has not been found and there is no direct
  proof of criminal agency on the part of the prisoner; although the
  chain of circumstantial evidence is complete and irresistible in
  the highest degree。  Nevertheless; it is all circumstantial
  evidence; and under the laws of New York the prisoner cannot be
  punished。  I have no right of discretion。  The law does not permit
  a conviction in this case; although every one of us may be morally
  certain of the prisoner's guilt。  I am; therefore; gentlemen of the
  jury; compelled to direct you to find the prisoner not guilty。〃
  〃Judge;〃 interrupted the foreman; jumping up in the box; 〃we cannot
  find that verdict under our oath; we know that this man is guilty。〃
  〃Sir;〃 said the judge; 〃this is a matter of law in which the wishes
  of the jury cannot be considered。  The clerk will write a verdict
  of not guilty; which you; as foreman; will sign。〃
  The spectators broke out into a threatening murmur that began to
  grow and gather volume。  The judge rapped on his desk and ordered
  the bailiffs promptly to suppress any demonstration on the part of
  the audience。  Then he directed the foreman to sign the verdict
  prepared by the clerk。  When this was done he turned to Victor
  Ancona; his face was hard and there was a cold glitter in his eyes。
  〃Prisoner at the bar;〃 he said; 〃you have been put to trial before
  this tribunal on a charge of cold…blooded and atrocious murder。
  The evidence produced against you was of such powerful and
  overwhelming character that it seems to have left no d