第 2 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  〃Talents differ; all is well and wisely put;
  If I cannot carry forests on my back;
  Neither can you crack a nut。〃
  Andes and Paradises Lost are expedient and perhaps necessary in
  their proper atmosphere and function; but Squirrels and Gold Bugs
  are indispensable in our daily walk。  There is as fine and as true
  literature in Poe's Tales as in Milton's epics; only the elevation
  and dimensions differ。  But I would rather live in a world that
  possessed only literature of the Poe caliber; than shiver in one
  echoing solely the strains of the Miltonian muse。  Mere human
  beings are not constructed to stand all day a…tiptoe on the misty
  mountain tops; they like to walk the streets most of the time and
  sit in easy chairs。  And writings that picture the human mind and
  nature; in true colors and in artistic proportions; are literature;
  and nobody has any business to pooh…pooh them。  In fact; I feel as
  if I were knocking down a man of straw。  I look in vain for any
  genuine resistance。  Of course 〃The Gold Bug〃 is literature; of
  course any other story of mystery and puzzle is also literature;
  provided it is as good as 〃The Gold Bug;〃or I will say; since
  that standard has never since been quite attained; provided it is a
  half or a tenth as good。  It is goldsmith's work; it is Chinese
  carving; it is Daedalian; it is fine。  It is the product of the
  ingenuity lobe of the human brain working and expatiating in
  freedom。  It is art; not spiritual or transcendental art; but solid
  art; to be felt and experienced。  You may examine it at your
  leisure; it will be always ready for you; you need not fast or
  watch your arms overnight in order to understand it。  Look at the
  nice setting of the mortises; mark how the cover fits; how smooth
  is the working of that spring drawer。  Observe that this bit of
  carving; which seemed mere ornament; is really a vital part of the
  mechanism。  Note; moreover; how balanced and symmetrical the whole
  design is; with what economy and foresight every part is fashioned。
  It is not only an ingenious structure; it is a handsome bit of
  furniture; and will materially improve the looks of the empty
  chambers; or disorderly or ungainly chambers that you carry under
  your crown。  Or if it happen that these apartments are noble in
  decoration and proportions; then this captivating little object
  will find a suitable place in some spare nook or other; and will
  rest or entertain eyes too long focused on the severely sublime and
  beautiful。  I need not; however; rely upon abstract argument to
  support my contention。  Many of the best writers of all time have
  used their skill in the inverted form of story telling; as a glance
  at our table of contents will show; and many of their tales depend
  for their effect as much on character and atmosphere as on the play
  and complication of events。
  The statement that a good detective or riddle story is good in art
  is supported by the fact that the supply of really good ones is
  relatively small; while the number of writers who would write good
  ones if they could; and who have tried and failed to write them; is
  past computation。  And one reason probably is that such stories;
  for their success; must depend primarily upon structurea sound
  and perfect plotwhich is one of the rare things in our
  contemporary fiction。  Our writers get hold of an incident; or a
  sentiment; or a character; or a moral principle; or a hit of
  technical knowledge; or a splotch of local color; or even of a new
  version of dialect; and they will do something in two to ten
  thousand words out of that and call it a short story。  Magazines
  may be found to print itfor there are all manner of magazines;
  but nothing of that sort will serve for a riddle story。  You cannot
  make a riddle story by beginning it and then trusting to luck to
  bring it to an end。  You must know all about the end and the middle
  before thinking; even; of the beginning; the beginning of a riddle
  story; unlike those of other stories and of other enterprises; is
  not half the battle; it is next to being quite unimportant; and;
  moreover; it is always easy。  The unexplained corpse lies weltering
  in its gore in the first paragraph; the inexplicable cipher
  presents its enigma at the turning of the opening page。  The writer
  who is secure in the knowledge that he has got a good thing coming;
  and has arranged the manner and details of its coming; cannot go
  far wrong with his exordium; he wants to get into action at once;
  and that is his best assurance that he will do it in the right way。
  But O! what a labor and sweat it is; what a planning and trimming;
  what a remodeling; curtailing; interlining; what despairs succeeded
  by new lights; what heroic expedients tried at the last moment; and
  dismissed the moment after; what wastepaper baskets full of
  futilities; and what gallant commencements all over again!  Did the
  reader know; or remotely suspect; what terrific struggles the
  writer of a really good detective story had sustained; he would
  regard the final product with a new wonder and respect; and read it
  all over once more to find out how the troubles occurred。  But he
  will search in vain; there are no signs of them left; no; not so
  much as a scar。  The tale moves along as smoothly and inevitably as
  oiled machinery; obviously; it could not have been arranged
  otherwise than it is; and the wise reader is convinced that he
  could have done the thing himself without half trying。  At that;
  the weary writer smiles a bitter smile; but it is one of the spurns
  that patient merit of the unworthy takes。  Nobody; except him who
  has tried it; will ever know how hard it is to write a really good
  detective story。  The man or woman who can do it can also write a
  good play (according to modern ideas of plays); and possesses force
  of character; individuality; and mental ability。  He or she must
  combine the intuition of the artist with the talent of the master
  mechanic; but will seldom be a poet; and will generally care more
  for things and events than for fellow creatures。  For; although the
  story is often concerned with righting some wrong; or avenging some
  murder; yet it must be confessed that the author commonly succeeds
  better in the measure of his ruthlessness in devising crimes and
  giving his portraits of devils an extra touch of black。  Mercy is
  not his strong point; however he may abound in justice; and he will
  not stickle at piling up the agony; if thereby he provides
  opportunity for enhancing the picturesqueness and completeness of
  the evil doer's due。
  But this leads me to the admission that one charge; at least; does
  lie against the door of the riddle…story writer; and that is; that
  he is not sincere; he makes his mysteries backward; and knows the
  answer to his riddle before he states its terms。  He deliberately
  supplies his reader; also; with all manner of false scents; well
  knowing them to be such; and concocts various seeming artless and
  innocent remarks and allusions; which in reality are diabolically
  artful; and would deceive the very elect。  All this; I say; must be
  conceded; but it is not unfair; the very object; ostensibly; of the
  riddle story is to prompt you to sharpen your wits; and as you are
  yourself the real detective in the case; so you must regard your
  author as the real criminal whom you are to detect。  Credit no
  statement of his save as supported by the clearest evidence; be
  continually repeating to yourself; 〃Timeo Danaos et dona
  ferentes;〃nay; never so much as then。  But; as I said before;
  when the game is well set; you have no chance whatever against the
  dealer; and for my own part; I never try to be clever when I go up
  against these thimble…riggers; I believe all they tell me; and
  accept the most insolent gold bricks; and in that way I
  occasionally catch some of the very ablest of them napping; for
  they are so subtle that they will sometimes tell you the truth
  because they think you will suppose it to be a lie。  I do not wish
  to catch them napping; however; I cling to the wisdom of ignorance;
  and childishly enjoy the way in which things work themselves out
  the cul…de…sac resolving itself at the very last moment into a
  promising corridor toward the outer air。  At every rebuff it is my
  happiness to be hopelessly bewildered; and I gape with admiration
  when the Gordian knot is untied。  If the author be old…fashioned
  enough to apostrophize the Gentle Reader; I know he must mean me;
  and docilely give ear; and presently tumble head…foremost into the
  treacherous pit he has digged for me。  In brief; I am there to be
  sold; and I get my money's worth。  No one can thoroughly enjoy
  riddle stories unless he is old enough; or young enough; or; at any
  rate; wise enough to appreciate the value of the faculty of being
  surprised。  Those sardonic and omniscient persons who know
  everything beforehand; and smile compassionately or scornfully at
  the artless outcrie