第 1 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  Stories by Modern American Authors
  Edited by Julian Hawthorne
  By the Waters of Paradise
  The Shadows on the Wall
  MELVILLE D。 POST (1871…)
  The Corpus Delicti
  An Heiress from Redhorse
  The Man and the Snake
  EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809…49)
  The Oblong Box
  The Gold…Bug
  Wolfert Webber; or Golden Dreams
  Adventure of the Black Fisherman
  Wieland's Madness
  FITZJAMES O'BRIEN (1828…1862)
  The Golden Ingot
  My Wife's Tempter
  The Minister's Black Veil
  Horror: A True Tale
  Edited by Julian Hawthorne
  Table of Contents
  〃Riddle Stories〃
  By the Waters of Paradise
  The Shadows on the Wall
  MELVILLE D。 POST (1871…)
  The Corpus Delicti
  An Heiress from Redhorse
  The Man and the Snake
  EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809…49)
  The Oblong Box
  The Gold…Bug
  Wolfert Webber; or Golden Dreams
  Adventure of the Black Fisherman
  Wieland's Madness
  FITZJAMES O'BRIEN (1828…1862)
  The Golden Ingot
  My Wife's Tempter
  The Minister's Black Veil
  Horror: A True Tale
  〃Riddle Stories〃
  Introduction by Julian Hawthorne
  When Poe wrote his immortal Dupin tales; the name 〃Detective〃
  stories had not been invented; the detective of fiction not having
  been as yet discovered。  And the title is still something of a
  misnomer; for many narratives involving a puzzle of some sort;
  though belonging to the category which I wish to discuss; are
  handled by the writer without expert detective aid。  Sometimes the
  puzzle solves itself through operation of circumstance; sometimes
  somebody who professes no special detective skill happens upon the
  secret of its mystery; once in a while some venturesome genius has
  the courage to leave his enigma unexplained。  But ever since
  Gaboriau created his Lecoq; the transcendent detective has been in
  favor; and Conan Doyle's famous gentleman analyst has given him a
  fresh lease of life; and reanimated the stage by reverting to the
  method of Poe。  Sherlock Holmes is Dupin redivivus; and mutatus
  mutandis; personally he is a more stirring and engaging companion;
  but so far as kinship to probabilities or even possibilities is
  concerned; perhaps the older version of him is the more
  presentable。  But in this age of marvels we seem less difficult to
  suit in this respect than our forefathers were。
  The fact is; meanwhile; that; in the riddle story; the detective
  was an afterthought; or; more accurately; a deus ex machina to make
  the story go。  The riddle had to be unriddled; and who could do it
  so naturally and readily as a detective?  The detective; as Poe saw
  him; was a means to this end; and it was only afterwards that
  writers perceived his availability as a character。  Lecoq
  accordingly becomes a figure in fiction; and Sherlock; while he was
  as yet a novelty; was nearly as attractive as the complications in
  which he involved himself。  Riddle…story writers in general;
  however; encounter the obvious embarrassment that their detective
  is obliged to lavish so much attention on the professional services
  which the exigencies of the tale demand of him; that he has very
  little leisure to expound his own personal equationthe rather
  since the attitude of peering into a millstone is not; of itself;
  conducive to elucidations of oneself; the professional endowment
  obscures all the others。  We ordinarily find; therefore; our author
  dismissing the individuality of his detective with a few strong
  black…chalk outlines; and devoting his main labor upon what he
  feels the reader will chiefly occupy his own ingenuity with;
  namely; the elaboration of the riddle itself。  Reader and writer
  sit down to a game; as it were; with the odds; of course;
  altogether on the latter's side;apart from the fact that a writer
  sometimes permits himself a little cheating。  It more often happens
  that the detective appears to be in the writer's pay; and aids the
  deception by leading the reader off on false scents。  Be that as it
  may; the professional sleuth is in nine cases out of ten a dummy by
  malice prepense; and it might be plausibly argued that; in the
  interests of pure art; that is what he ought to be。  But genius
  always finds a way that is better than the rules; and I think it
  will be found that the very best riddle stories contrive to drive
  character and riddle side by side; and to make each somehow enhance
  the effect of the other。The intention of the above paragraph will
  be more precisely conveyed if I include under the name of detective
  not only the man from the central office; but also anybody whom the
  writer may; for ends of his own; consider better qualified for that
  function。  The latter is a professional detective so far as the
  exigencies of the tale are concerned; and what becomes of him after
  that nobody need care;there is no longer anything to prevent his
  becoming; in his own right; the most fascinating of mankind。
  But in addition to the dummyship of the detective; or to the cases
  in which the mere slip of circumstance takes his place; there is
  another reason against narrowing our conception of the riddle story
  to the degree which the alternative appellation would imply。  And
  that is; that it would exclude not a few of the most captivating
  riddle stories in existence; for in De Quincey's 〃Avenger;〃 for
  example; the interest is not in the unraveling of the web; but in
  the weaving of it。  The same remark applies to Bulwer's 〃Strange
  Story〃; it is the strangeness that is the thing。  There is; in
  short; an inalienable charm in the mere contemplation of mystery
  and the hazard of fortunes; and it would be a pity to shut them out
  from our consideration only because there is no second…sighted
  conjurer on hand to turn them into plain matter of fact。
  Yet we must not be too liberal; and a ghost story can be brought
  into our charmed and charming circle only if we have made up our
  minds to believe in the ghosts; otherwise their introduction would
  not be a square deal。  It would not be fair; in other words; to
  propose a conundrum on a basis of ostensible materialism; and then;
  when no other key would fit; to palm off a disembodied spirit on
  us。  Tell me beforehand that your scenario is to include both
  worlds; and I have no objection to make; I simply attune my mind to
  the more extensive scope。  But I rebel at an unheralded ghostland;
  and declare frankly that your tale is incredible。  And I must
  confess that I would as lief have ghosts kept out altogether; their
  stories make a very good library in themselves; and have no need to
  tag themselves on to what is really another department of fiction。
  Nevertheless; when a ghost story is told with the consummate art of
  a Miss Wilkins; and of one or two others on our list; consistency
  in this regard ceases to be a jewel; art proves irresistible。  As
  for adventure stories; there is a fringe of them that comes under
  the riddle…story head; but for the most part the riddle story
  begins after the adventures have finished。  We are to contemplate a
  condition; not to watch the events that ultimate in it。  Our
  detective; or anyone else; may of course meet with haps and mishaps
  on his way to the solution of his puzzle; but an astute writer will
  not color such incidents too vividly; lest he risk forfeiting our
  preoccupation with the problem that we came forth for to study。  In
  a word; One thing at a time!
  The foregoing disquisition may seem uncalled for by such rigid
  moralists as have made up their minds not to regard detective; or
  riddle stories; as any part of respectable literature at all。  With
  that sect; I announce at the outset that I am entirely out of
  sympathy。  It is not needed to compare 〃The Gold Bug〃 with
  〃Paradise Lost〃; nobody denies the superior literary stature of the
  latter; although; as the Oxford Senior Wrangler objected; 〃What
  does it prove?〃  But I appeal to Emerson; who; in his poem of 〃The
  Mountain and the Squirrel;〃 states the nub of the argument; with
  incomparable felicity; as follows:you will recall that the two
  protagonists had a difference; originating in the fact that the
  former called the latter 〃Little Prig。〃  Bun made a very sprightly
  retort; summing up to this effect:
  〃Talents differ; all is well and wisely put;
  If I cannot carry forests on m