第 35 节
作者:淘气      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  of his blood。
  Late one night when the sweethearts had been having a flawless visit
  together; Sally's interior devil began to work his specialty; and soon
  the conversation was drifting toward the customary rock。  Presently; in
  the midst of Tracy's serene flow of talk; he felt a shudder which he knew
  was not his shudder; but exterior to his breast although immediately
  against it。  After the shudder came sobs; Sally was crying。
  〃Oh; my darling; what have I donewhat have I said?  It has happened
  again!  What have I done to wound you?〃
  She disengaged herself from his arms and gave him a look of deep
  〃What have you done?  I will tell you what you have done。  You have
  unwittingly revealedoh; for the twentieth time; though I could not
  believe it; would not believe it!that it is not me you love; but that
  foolish sham my father's imitation earldom; and you have broken my
  〃Oh; my child; what are you saying!  I never dreamed of such a thing。〃
  〃Oh; Howard; Howard; the things you have uttered when you were forgetting
  to guard your tongue; have betrayed you。〃
  〃Things I have uttered when I was forgetting to guard my tongue?  These
  are hard words。  When have I remembered to guard it?  Never in one
  instance。  It has no office but to speak the truth。  It needs no guarding
  for that。〃
  〃Howard; I have noted your words and weighed them; when you were not
  thinking of their significanceand they have told me more than you meant
  they should。〃
  〃Do you mean to say you have answered the trust I had in you by using it
  as an ambuscade from which you could set snares for my unsuspecting
  tongue and be safe from detection while you did it?  You have not done
  thissurely you have not done this thing。  Oh; one's enemy could not do
  This was an aspect of the girl's conduct which she had not clearly
  perceived before。  Was it treachery?  Had she abused a trust?  The
  thought crimsoned her cheeks with shame and remorse。
  〃Oh; forgive me;〃 she said; 〃 I did not know what I was doing。  I have
  been so torturedyou will forgive me; you must; I have suffered so much;
  and I am so sorry and so humble; you do forgive me; don't you? don't
  turn away; don't refuse me; it is only my love that is at fault; and you
  know I love you; love you with all my heart; I couldn't bear tooh;
  dear; dear; I am so miserable; and I sever meant any harm; and I didn't
  see where this insanity was carrying me; and how it was wronging and
  abusing the dearest heart in all the world to meandandoh; take me
  in your arms again; I have no other refuge; no other home and hope!〃
  There was reconciliation again…immediate; perfect; all…embracingand
  with it utter happiness。  This would have been a good time to adjourn。
  But no; now that the cloud…breeder was revealed at last; now that it was
  manifest that all the sour weather had come from this girl's dread that
  Tracy was lured by her rank and not herself; he resolved to lay that
  ghost immediately and permanently by furnishing the best possible proof
  that he couldn't have had back of him at any time the suspected motive。
  So he said:
  〃Let me whisper a little secret in your eara secret which I have kept
  shut up in my breast all this time。  Your rank couldn't ever have been an
  enticement。  I am son and heir to an English earl!〃
  The girl stared at him…one; two; three moments; maybe a dozenthen her
  lips parted:
  〃You?〃 she said; and moved away from him; still gazing at him in a kind
  of blank amazement。
  〃Whywhy; certainly I am。  Why do you act like this?  What have I done
  〃What have you done?。  You have certainly made a most strange statement。
  You must see that yourself。〃
  〃Well;〃 with a timid little laugh; 〃it may be a strange enough statement;
  but of what consequence is that; if it is true?〃
  〃If it is true。  You are already retiring from it。〃
  〃Oh; not for a moment!  You should not say that。  I have not deserved it。
  I have spoken the truth; why do you doubt it?〃
  Her reply was prompt。
  〃Simply because you didn't speak it earlier!〃
  〃Oh!〃 It wasn't a groan; exactly; but it was an intelligible enough
  expression of the fact that he saw the point and recognized that there
  was reason in it。
  〃You have seemed to conceal nothing from me that I ought to know
  concerning yourself; and you were not privileged to keep back such a
  thing as this from me a moment afterafterwell; after you had
  determined to pay your court to me。〃
  〃Its true; it's true; I know it!  But there were circumstancesin
  in the waycircumstances which〃
  She waved the circumstances aside。
  〃Well; you see;〃 he said; pleadingly; 〃you seemed so bent on our
  traveling the proud path of honest labor and honorable poverty; that I
  was terrifiedthat is; I was afraidofofwell; you know how you
  〃Yes; I know how I talked。  And I also know that before the talk was
  finished you inquired how I stood as regards aristocracies; and my answer
  was calculated to relieve your fears。〃
  He was silent a while。  Then he said; in a discouraged way:
  〃I don't see any way out of it。  It was a mistake。  That is in truth all
  it was; just a mistake。  No harm was meant; no harm in the world。
  I didn't see how it might some time look。  It is my way。  I don't seem to
  see far。〃
  The girl was almost disarmed; for a moment。  Then she flared up again。
  〃An Earl's son!  Do earls' sons go about working in lowly callings for
  their bread and butter?〃
  〃God knows they don't!  I have wished they did。〃
  〃Do earls' sons sink their degree in a country like this; and come sober
  and decent to sue for the hand of a born child of poverty when they can
  go drunk; profane; and steeped in dishonorable debt and buy the pick and
  choice of the millionaires' daughters of America?  You an earl's son!
  Show me the signs。〃
  〃I thank God I am not ableif those are the signs。  But yet I am an
  earl's son and heir。  It is all I can say。  I wish you would believe me;
  but you will not。  I know no way to persuade you。〃
  She was about to soften again; but his closing remark made her bring her
  foot down with smart vexation; and she cried out:
  〃Oh; you drive all patience out of me!  Would you have one believe that
  you haven't your proofs at hand; and yet are what you say you are?
  You do not put your hand in your pocket nowfor you have nothing there。
  You make a claim like this; and then venture to travel without
  credentials。  These are simply incredibilities。  Don't you see that;
  He cast about in his mind for a defence of some kind or otherhesitated
  a little; and then said; with difficulty and diffidence:
  〃I will tell you just the truth; foolish as it will seem to you
  to anybody; I supposebut it is the truth。  I had an idealcall it
  a dream; a folly; if you willbut I wanted to renounce the privileges
  and unfair advantages enjoyed by the nobility and wrung from the nation
  by force and fraud; and purge myself of my share of those crimes against
  right and reason; by thenceforth comrading with the poor and humble on
  equal terms; earning with my own hands the bread I ate; and rising by my
  own merit if I rose at all。〃
  The young girl scanned his face narrowly while he spoke; and there was
  something about his simplicity of manner and statement which touched her
  touched her almost to the danger point; but she set her grip on the
  yielding spirit and choked it to quiescence; it could not be wise to
  surrender to compassion or any kind of sentiment; yet; she must ask one
  or two more questions。  Tracy was reading her face; and what he read
  there lifted his drooping hopes a little。
  〃An earl's son to do that!  Why; he were a man!  A man to love!oh;
  more; a man to worship!〃
  〃But he never lived!  He is not born; he will not be born。  The self…
  abnegation that could do thateven in utter folly; and hopeless of
  conveying benefit to any; beyond the mere examplecould be mistaken for
  greatness; why; it would be greatness in this cold age of sordid ideals!
  A momentwaitlet me finish; I have one question more。  Your father is
  earl of what?〃
  〃Rossmoreand I am Viscount Berkeley!〃
  The fat was in the fire again。  The girl felt so outraged that it was
  difficult for her to speak。
  〃How can you venture such a brazen thing!  You know that he is dead;
  and you know that I know it。  Oh; to rob the living of name and honors
  for a selfish and temporary advantage is crime enough; but to rob the
  defenceless deadwhy it is more than crime; it degrades crime!〃
  〃Oh; listen to mejust a worddon't turn away like that。  Don't go
  don't leave me; sostay one moment。  On my honor〃
  〃Oh; on your honor!〃
  〃On my honor I am what I say!  And I will prove it; and you will believe;
  I know you will。  I will bring you a messagea cablegram〃
  〃To…morrow…next day〃
  〃Signed 'Rossmore'?〃
  〃Yessigned Rossmore。〃
  〃What will that prove?〃
  〃What will it prove?  What should it prove?〃
  〃If you force me to say itpossibly the presence of a confederate
  This was a hard blow; and staggered him。  He said; dejectedly:
  〃It is true。  I did not think of it。  Oh; my God; I do not know any way
  to do; I do everything wrong。  You are going?and you won't say even