第 19 节
作者:淘气      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9321
  of a dead silence followed。  He said;
  〃Good evening gentlemen;〃 and sat down。
  There was no response。  He flushed to the temples but forced himself to
  maintain silence。  He sat there in this uncomfortable stillness some
  time; then got up and went out。
  The moment he had disappeared he heard a prodigious shout of laughter
  break forth。  He saw that their plain purpose had been to insult him。
  He ascended to the flat roof; hoping to be able to cool down his spirit
  there and get back his tranquility。  He found the young tinner up there;
  alone and brooding; and entered into conversation with him。  They were
  pretty fairly matched; now; in unpopularity and general ill…luck and
  misery; and they had no trouble in meeting upon this common ground with
  advantage and something of comfort to both。  But Tracy's movements had
  been watched; and in a few minutes the tormentors came straggling one
  after another to the roof; where they began to stroll up and down in an
  apparently purposeless way。  But presently they fell to dropping remarks
  that were evidently aimed at Tracy; and some of them at the tinner。
  The ringleader of this little mob was a short…haired bully and amateur
  prize…fighter named Allen; who was accustomed to lording it over the
  upper floor; and had more than once shown a disposition to make trouble
  with Tracy。  Now there was an occasional cat…call; and hootings; and
  whistlings; and finally the diversion of an exchange of connected remarks
  was introduced:
  〃How many does it take to make a pair?〃
  〃Well; two generally makes a pair; but sometimes there ain't stuff enough
  in them to make a whole pair。〃  General laugh。
  〃What were you saying about the English a while ago?〃
  〃Oh; nothing; the English are all right; onlyI〃  What was it you said
  about them?〃
  〃Oh; I only said they swallow well。〃
  〃Swallow better than other people?〃
  〃Oh; yes; the English swallow a good deal better than other people。〃
  〃What is it they swallow best?〃
  〃Oh; insults。〃  Another general laugh。
  〃Pretty hard to make 'em fight; ain't it?〃
  〃No; taint hard to make 'em fight。〃
  〃Ain't it; really?〃
  〃No; taint hard。  It's impossible。〃  Another laugh。
  〃This one's kind of spiritless; that's certain。〃
  〃Couldn't be the other wayin his case。〃
  〃Don't you know the secret of his birth?〃
  〃No! has he got a secret of his birth?〃
  〃You bet he has。〃
  〃What is it?〃
  〃His father was a wax…figger。〃
  Allen came strolling by where the pair were sitting; stopped; and said to
  the tinner;
  〃How are you off for friends; these days?〃
  〃Well enough off。〃
  〃Got a good many?〃
  〃Well; as many as I need。〃
  〃A friend is valuable; sometimes…as a protector; you know。  What do you
  reckon would happen if I was to snatch your cap off and slap you in the
  face with it?〃
  〃Please don't trouble me; Mr。  Allen; I ain't doing anything to you。〃
  You answer me!  What do you reckon would happen?〃
  〃Well; I don't know。〃
  Tracy spoke up with a good deal of deliberation and said:
  〃Don't trouble the young fellow; I can tell you what would happen。〃
  〃Oh; you can; can you?  Boys; Johnny Bull can tell us what would happen
  if I was to snatch this chump's cap off and slap him in the face with it。
  Now you'll see。
  He snatched the cap and struck the youth in the face; and before he could
  inquire what was going to happen; it had already happened; and he was
  warming the tin with the broad of his back。  Instantly there was a rush;
  and shouts of:
  〃A ring; a ring; make a ring!  Fair play all round!  Johnny's grit; give
  him a chance。〃
  The ring was quickly chalked on the tin; and Tracy found himself as eager
  to begin as he could have been if his antagonist had been a prince
  instead of a mechanic。  At bottom he was a little surprised at this;
  because although his theories had been all in that direction for some
  time; he was not prepared to find himself actually eager to measure
  strength with quite so common a man as this ruffian。  In a moment all the
  windows in the neighborhood were filled with people; and the roofs also。
  The men squared off; and the fight began。  But Allen stood no chance
  whatever; against the young Englishman。  Neither in muscle nor in science
  was he his equal。  He measured his length on the tin time and again;
  in fact; as fast as he could get up he went down again; and the applause
  was kept up in liberal fashion from all the neighborhood around。
  Finally; Allen had to be helped up。  Then Tracy declined to punish him
  further and the fight was at an end。  Allen was carried off by some of
  his friends in a very much humbled condition; his face black and blue and
  bleeding; and Tracy was at once surrounded by the young fellows; who
  congratulated him; and told him that he had done the whole house a
  service; and that from this out Mr。 Allen would be a little more
  particular about how he handled slights and insults and maltreatment
  around amongst the boarders。
  Tracy was a hero now; and exceedingly popular。  Perhaps nobody had ever
  been quite so popular on that upper floor before。  But if being
  discountenanced by these young fellows had been hard to bear; their
  lavish commendations and approval and hero…worship was harder still to
  endure。  He felt degraded; but he did not allow himself to analyze the
  reasons why; too closely。  He was content to satisfy himself with the
  suggestion that he looked upon himself as degraded by the public
  spectacle which he had made of himself; fighting on a tin roof; for the
  delectation of everybody a block or two around。  But he wasn't entirely
  satisfied with that explanation of it。  Once he went a little too far and
  wrote in his diary that his case was worse than that of the prodigal son。
  He said the prodigal son merely fed swine; he didn't have to chum with
  them。  But he struck that out; and said 〃All men are equal。  I will not
  disown my principles。  These men are as good as I am。〃
  Tracy was become popular on the lower floors also。  Everybody was
  grateful for Allen's reduction to the ranks; and for his transformation
  from a doer of outrages to a mere threatener of them。  The young girls;
  of whom there were half a dozen; showed many attentions to Tracy;
  particularly that boarding house pet Hattie; the landlady's daughter。
  She said to him; very sweetly;
  〃I think you're ever so nice。〃
  And when he said; 〃I'm glad you think' so; Miss Hattie;〃 she said; still
  more sweetly;
  〃Don't call me Miss Hattie…call me Puss。〃
  Ah; here was promotion!  He had struck the summit。  There were no higher
  heights to climb in that boarding house。  His popularity was complete。
  In the presence of people; Tracy showed a tranquil outside; but his heart
  was being eaten out of him by distress and despair。
  In a little while he should be out of money; and then what should he do?
  He wished; now; that he had borrowed a little more liberally from that
  stranger's store。  He found it impossible to sleep。  A single torturing;
  terrifying thought went racking round and round in his head; wearing a
  groove in his brain: What should he doWhat was to become of him?  And
  along with it began to intrude a something presently which was very like
  a wish that he had not joined the great and noble ranks of martyrdom; but
  had stayed at home and been content to be merely an earl and nothing
  better; with nothing more to do in this world of a useful sort than an
  earl finds to do。  But he smothered that part of his thought as well as
  he could; he made every effort to drive it away; and with fair keep it
  from intruding a little  success; but he couldn't now and then; and when
  it intruded it came suddenly and nipped him like a bite; a sting; a burn。
  He recognized that thought by the peculiar sharpness of its pang。  The
  others were painful enough; but that one cut to the quick when it calm。
  Night after night he lay tossing to the music of the hideous snoring of
  the honest bread…winners until two and three o'clock in the morning;
  then got up and took refuge on the roof; where he sometimes got a nap and
  sometimes failed entirely。  His appetite was leaving him and the zest of
  life was going along with it。  Finally; owe day; being near the imminent
  verge of total discouragement; he said to himselfand took occasion to
  blush privately when he said it; 〃If my father knew what my American name
  is;hewell; my duty to my father rather requires that I furnish him my
  name。  I have no right to make his days and nights unhappy; I can do
  enough unhappiness for the family all by myself。  Really he ought to know
  what my American name is。〃  He thought over it a while and framed a
  cablegram in his mind to this effect:
  〃My American name is Howard Tracy。〃
  That wouldn't be suggesting anything。  His father could understand that
  as he chose; and doubtless he would understand it as it was meant; as a
  dutiful and affectionate desire on the part of a son to make his old
  father happy for a moment。  Continuing his train of thought; Tracy said
  to himself; 〃Ah; but if he should cable me to come home!  IIcouldn't
  do thatI mustn't do that。  I've started out on a mission; and I mustn't
  turn my back on it in cowardice。  No; no; I couldn't go home; atat
  least I shouldn't