第 17 节
作者:淘气      更新:2024-07-17 14:41      字数:9322
  bouquet than was necessary; though nobody commented upon that fact or
  seemed in any way disturbed by it。  The main feature of the feast was a
  piping hot Irish stew made of the potatoes and meat left over from a
  procession of previous meals。  Everybody was liberally supplied with this
  dish。  On the table were a couple of great dishes of sliced ham; and
  there were some other eatables of minor importancepreserves and New
  Orleans molasses and such things。  There was also plenty of tea and
  coffee of an infernal sort; with brown sugar and condensed milk; but the
  milk and sugar supply was not left at the discretion of the boarders; but
  was rationed out at headquartersone spoonful of sugar and one of
  condensed milk to each cup and no more。  The table was waited upon by two
  stalwart negro women who raced back and forth from the bases of supplies
  with splendid dash and clatter and energy。  Their labors were
  supplemented after a fashion by the young girl Puss。  She carried coffee
  and tea back and forth among the boarders; but she made pleasure
  excursions rather than business ones in this way; to speak strictly。
  She made jokes with various people。  She chaffed the young men pleasantly
  and wittily; as she supposed; and as the rest also supposed; apparently;
  judging by the applause and laughter which she got by her efforts。
  Manifestly she was a favorite with most of the young fellows and
  sweetheart of the rest of them。  Where she conferred notice she conferred
  happiness; as was seen by the face of the recipient; and; at the same
  time she conferred unhappinessone could see it fall and dim the faces
  of the other young fellows like a shadow。  She never 〃Mistered〃 these
  friends of hers; but called them 〃Billy;〃 〃Tom;〃 〃John;〃 and they called
  her 〃Puss〃 or 〃Hattie。〃
  Mr。 Marsh sat at the head of the table; his wife sat at the foot。  Marsh
  was a man of sixty; and was an American; but if he had been born a month
  earlier he would have been a Spaniard。  He was plenty good enough
  Spaniard as it was; his face was very dark; his hair very black; and his
  eyes were not only exceedingly black but were very intense; and there was
  something about them that indicated that they could burn with passion
  upon occasion。  He was stoop…shouldered and lean…faced; and the general
  aspect of him was disagreeable; he was evidently not a very companionable
  person。  If looks went for anything; he was the very opposite of his
  wife; who was all motherliness and charity; good will and good nature。
  All the young men and the women called her Aunt Rachael; which was
  another sign。  Tracy's wandering and interested eye presently fell upon
  one boarder who had been overlooked in the distribution of the stew。
  He was very pale and looked as if he had but lately come out of a sick
  bed; and also as if he ought to get back into it again as soon as
  possible。  His face was very melancholy。  The waves of laughter and
  conversation broke upon it without affecting it any more than if it had
  been a rock in the sea and the words and the laughter veritable waters。
  He held his head down and looked ashamed。  Some of the women cast glances
  of pity toward him from time to time in a furtive and half afraid way;
  and some of the youngest of the men plainly had compassion on the young
  fellowa compassion exhibited in their faces but not in any more active
  or compromising way。  But the great majority of the people present showed
  entire indifference to the youth and his sorrows。  Marsh sat with his
  head down; but one could catch the malicious gleam of his eyes through
  his shaggy brows。  He was watching that young fellow with evident relish。
  He had not neglected him through carelessness; and apparently the table
  understood that fact。  The spectacle was making Mrs。 Marsh very
  uncomfortable。  She had the look of one who hopes against hope that the
  impossible may happen。  But as the impossible did not happen; she finally
  ventured to speak up and remind her husband that Nat Brady hadn't been
  helped to the Irish stew。
  Marsh lifted his head and gasped out with mock courtliness; 〃Oh; he
  hasn't; hasn't he?  What a pity that is。  I don't know how I came to
  overlook him。  Ah; he must pardon me。  You must indeed MrerBaxter
  Barker; you must pardon me。  Iermy attention was directed to some
  other matter; I don't know what。  The thing that grieves me mainly is;
  that it happens every meal now。  But you must try to overlook these
  little things; Mr。 Bunker; these little neglects on my part。  They're
  always likely to happen with me in any case; and they are especially
  likely to happen where a person haserwell; where a person is; say;
  about three weeks in arrears for his board。  You get my meaning?you get
  my idea?  Here is your Irish stew; anderit gives me the greatest
  pleasure to send it to you; and I hope that you will enjoy the charity as
  much as I enjoy conferring it。〃
  A blush rose in Brady's white cheeks and flowed slowly backward to his
  ears and upward toward his forehead; but he said nothing and began to eat
  his food under the embarrassment of a general silence and the sense that
  all eyes were fastened upon him。  Barrow whispered to Tracy:
  〃The old man's been waiting for that。  He wouldn't have missed that
  chance for anything。〃
  〃It's a brutal business;〃 said Tracy。  Then he said to himself; purposing
  to set the thought down in his diary later:
  〃Well; here in this very house is a republic where all are free and
  equal; if men are free and equal anywhere in the earth; therefore I have
  arrived at the place I started to find; and I am a man among men; and on
  the strictest equality possible to men; no doubt。  Yet here on the
  threshold I find an inequality。  There are people at this table who are
  looked up to for some reason or another; and here is a poor devil of a
  boy who is looked down upon; treated with indifference; and shamed by
  humiliations; when he has committed no crime but that common one of being
  poor。  Equality ought to make men noble…minded。  In fact I had supposed
  it did do that。〃
  After supper; Barrow proposed a walk; and they started。  Barrow had a
  purpose。  He wanted Tracy to get rid of that cowboy hat。  He didn't see
  his way to finding mechanical or manual employment for a person rigged in
  that fashion。  Barrow presently said:
  〃As I understand it; you're not a cowboy。〃
  〃No; I'm not。〃
  〃Well; now if you will not think me too curious; how did you come to
  mount that hat?  Where'd you get it?〃
  Tracy didn't know quite how to reply to this; but presently said;
  〃Well; without going into particulars; I exchanged clothes with a
  stranger under stress of weather; and I would like to find him and re…
  〃Well; why don't you find him?  Where is he?〃
  〃I don't know。  I supposed the best way to find him would be to continue
  to wear his clothes; which are conspicuous enough to attract his
  attention if I should meet him on the street。〃
  〃Oh; very well;〃 said Barrow; 〃the rest of the outfit; is well enough;
  and while it's not too conspicuous; it isn't quite like the clothes that
  anybody else wears。  Suppress the hat。  When you meet your man he'll
  recognize the rest of his suit。  That's a mighty embarrassing hat; you
  know; in a centre of civilization like this。  I don't believe an angel
  could get employment in Washington in a halo like that。〃
  Tracy agreed to replace the hat with something of a modester form; and
  they stepped aboard a crowded car and stood with others on the rear
  platform。  Presently; as the car moved swiftly along the rails; two men
  crossing the street caught sight of the backs of Barrow and Tracy; and
  both exclaimed at once; 〃There he is!〃  It was Sellers and Hawkins。
  Both were so paralyzed with joy that before they could pull themselves
  together and make an effort to stop the car; it was gone too far;
  and they decided to wait for the next one。  They waited a while; then it
  occurred to Washington that there could be no use in chasing one horse…
  car with another; and he wanted to hunt up a hack。  But the Colonel said:
  〃When you come to think of it; there's no occasion for that at all。
  Now that I've got him materialized; I can command his motions。  I'll have
  him at the house by the time we get there。〃
  Then they hurried off home in a state of great and joyful excitement。
  The hat exchange accomplished; the two new friends started to walk back
  leisurely to the boarding house。  Barrow's mind was full of curiosity
  about this young fellow。  He said;
  〃You've never been to the Rocky Mountains?〃
  〃You've never been out on the plains?〃
  〃How long have you been in this country?〃
  〃Only a few days。〃
  〃You've never been in America before?〃
  Then Barrow communed with himself。  〃Now what odd shapes the notions of
  romantic people take。  Here's a young; fellow who's read in England about
  cowboys and adventures on the plains。  He comes here and buys a cowboy's
  suit。  Thinks he can play himself on folks for a cowboy;
  all inexperienced as he is。  Now the minute he's caught in this poor
  little game; he's ashamed of it and ready to retire from it。  It is that
  exchange that he has put up as an explanation。  It's rather thin;
  too thin altogether