第 55 节
作者:曾氏六合网      更新:2024-07-12 09:34      字数:9322
  right and   left by  the row of palms;  with on   either hand the long   avenue
  extending。      This he could watch。          Tudor would have to come to him or
  else there would be no termination of the affair。 He wiped the sweat from
  his face and tied the handkerchief around his neck to keep off the stinging
  gnats that lurked in the grass。 Never had he felt so great a disgust for the
  thing   called   〃adventure。〃      Joan   had   been   bad   enough;   with   her   Baden…
  Powell and long…barrelled Colt's; but here was this newcomer also looking
  for   adventure;   and   finding   it   in   no   other   way   than   by   lugging   a   peace…
  loving   planter   into   an   absurd   and   preposterous   bush…whacking   duel。   If
  ever   adventure   was   well   damned;   it   was   by   Sheldon;   sweating   in   the
  windless grass and fighting gnats; the while he kept close watch up and
  down the avenue。
  Then Tudor came。         Sheldon happened to be looking in his direction at
  the moment he came into view; peering quickly up and down the avenue
  before he stepped into the open。          Midway he stopped; as if debating what
  course to pursue。       He made a splendid mark; facing his concealed enemy
  at two hundred yards' distance。           Sheldon aimed at the centre of his chest;
  then    deliberately    shifted   the  aim    to  his  right  shoulder;    and;   with   the
  thought;   〃That   will   put   him   out   of   business;〃   pulled   the   trigger。  The
  bullet; driving with momentum sufficient to perforate a man's body a mile
  distant;  struck Tudor  with   such   force   as   to pivot   him;  whirling   him  half
  around by the shock of its impact and knocking him down。
  〃'Hope I haven't killed the beggar;〃 Sheldon muttered aloud; springing
  to his feet and running forward。
  … Page 197…
  A hundred feet away all anxiety on that score was relieved by Tudor;
  who made shift with his left hand; and from his automatic pistol hurled a
  rain of bullets all around Sheldon。         The latter dodged behind a palm trunk;
  counting the shots; and when the eighth had been fired he rushed in on the
  wounded man。         He kicked the pistol out of the other's hand; and then sat
  down on him in order to keep him down。
  〃Be quiet;〃 he said。      〃I've got you; so there's no use struggling。〃
  Tudor still attempted to struggle and to throw him off。
  〃Keep quiet; I tell you;〃 Sheldon commanded。               〃I'm satisfied with the
  outcome; and you've got to be。          So you might as well give in and call this
  affair closed。〃
  Tudor reluctantly relaxed。
  〃Rather funny; isn't it; these modern duels?〃             Sheldon grinned down
  at   him   as   he  removed      his  weight。    〃Not     a  bit  dignified。    If   you'd
  struggled a moment longer I'd have rubbed your face in the earth。 I've a
  good mind to do it anyway; just to teach you that duelling has gone out of
  fashion。     Now let us see to your injuries。〃
  〃You only got me that last;〃 Tudor grunted sullenly; 〃lying in ambush
  〃Like   a   wild   Indian。  Precisely。     You've   caught   the   idea; old   man。〃
  Sheldon ceased his mocking and stood up。                〃You lie there quietly until I
  send back some of the boys to carry  you in。               You're not seriously hurt;
  and   it's   lucky   for   you   I   didn't   follow   your   example。 If   you   had   been
  struck with one of your own bullets; a carriage and pair would have been
  none too   large to   drive  through the  hole  it would   have   made。         As   it is;
  you're drilled cleana nice little perforation。          All you need is antiseptic
  washing and dressing; and you'll be around in a month。                Now take it easy;
  and I'll send a stretcher for you。〃
  … Page 198…
  When Sheldon emerged from among the trees he found Joan waiting at
  the   compound   gate;   and   he   could   not   fail   to   see   that   she   was   visibly
  gladdened at the sight of him。
  〃I can't tell you how glad I am to see you;〃 was her greeting。 〃What's
  become of Tudor?        That last flutter of the automatic wasn't nice to listen
  to。   Was it you or Tudor?〃
  〃So you know all about it;〃 he answered coolly。           〃Well; it was Tudor;
  but he was doing it left…handed。        He's down with a hole in his shoulder。〃
  He looked at her keenly。       〃Disappointing; isn't it?〃 he drawled。
  〃How do you mean?〃
  〃Why; that I didn't kill him。〃
  〃But I didn't want him killed just because he kissed me;〃 she cried。
  〃Oh;   he   did  kiss  you!〃   Sheldon    retorted;  in  evident   surprise。   〃I
  thought you said he hurt your arm。〃
  〃One could call it a kiss; though it was only on the end of the nose。〃
  She laughed at the recollection。       〃But I paid him back for that myself。         I
  boxed   his   face   for   him。 And   he   did   hurt   my   arm。   It's   black   and   blue。
  Look at it。〃
  She pulled up the loose sleeve of her blouse; and he saw the bruised
  imprints of two fingers。
  Just then a gang of blacks came out from among the trees carrying the
  wounded man on a rough stretcher。
  〃Romantic; isn't   it?〃 Sheldon   sneered; following Joan's startled   gaze。
  〃And     now   I'll  have  to  play  surgeon    and  doctor   him   up。  Funny;    this
  twentieth…century duelling。       First you drill a hole in a man; and next you
  set about plugging the hole up。〃
  They had stepped aside to let the stretcher pass; and Tudor; who had
  heard the remark; lifted himself up on the elbow of his sound arm and said
  … Page 199…
  with a defiant grin; …
  〃If you'd got one of mine you'd have had to plug with a dinner… plate。〃
  〃Oh; you wretch!〃 Joan cried。          〃You've been cutting your bullets。〃
  〃It was according to agreement;〃 Tudor answered。                 〃Everything went。
  We could have used dynamite if we wanted to。〃
  〃He's   right;〃   Sheldon   assured   her;   as   they   swung   in   behind。   〃Any
  weapon was permissible。           I lay in the grass where he couldn't see me; and
  bushwhacked him in truly noble   fashion。              That's what comes of   having
  women on the plantation。           And now it's antiseptics and drainage tubes; I
  suppose。      It's a nasty mess; and I'll have to read up on it before I tackle
  the job。〃
  〃I don't see that it's my fault;〃 she began。          〃I couldn't help it because
  he kissed me。       I never dreamed he would attempt it。〃
  〃We   didn't   fight   for   that   reason。 But   there   isn't   time   to   explain。   If
  you'll get dressings and bandages ready I'll look up 'gun…shot wounds' and
  see what's to be done。〃
  〃Is he bleeding seriously?〃 she asked。
  〃No; the bullet seems to have missed the important arteries。                 But that
  would have been a pickle。〃
  〃Then there's no need to bother about reading up;〃 Joan said。                   〃And
  I'm    just  dying   to  hear   what    it  was   all  about。   The     Apostle    is  lying
  becalmed   inside   the   point;   and   her   boats   are   out   to   wing。 She'll   be   at
  anchor in five minutes; and Doctor Welshmere is sure to be on board。                     So
  all we've got to do is to make Tudor comfortable。               We'd better put him in
  your   room   under   the   mosquito…netting;   and   send   a   boat   off   to   tell   Dr。
  Welshmere to bring his instruments。〃
  An   hour   afterward;   Dr。   Welshmere   left   the   patient   comfortable   and
  attended   to;   and   went   down   to   the   beach   to   go   on   board;   promising   to
  come      back   to  dinner。    Joan     and   Sheldon;     standing    on   the  veranda;
  watched him depart。
  〃I'll never have it in for the missionaries again since seeing them here
  in the Solomons;〃 she said; seating herself in a steamer… chair。
  She looked at Sheldon and began to laugh。
  〃That's right;〃 he said。      〃It's the way I feel; playing the fool and trying
  … Page 200…
  to murder a guest。〃
  〃But you haven't told me what it was all about。〃
  〃You;〃 he answered shortly。
  〃Me?     But you just said it wasn't。〃
  〃Oh;   it   wasn't   the   kiss。〃 He   walked   over   to   the   railing   and   leaned
  against it; facing