第 41 节
作者:曾氏六合网      更新:2024-07-12 09:34      字数:9322
  her instead of going on with his coolly planned campaign。 As it was; he
  nearly told her that she was a most adorable boy。 But he checked all such
  wayward fancies; and held himself rigidly down to his disquisition。
  〃You can't help being yourself。         You can't help being a very desirable
  creature so far as I am concerned。           You have made me want you。              You
  didn't intend to; you didn't try to。        You were so made; that is all。         And I
  was so made that I was ripe to want you。             But I can't help being myself。
  I can't by an effort of will cease from wanting you; any more than you by
  an effort of will can make yourself undesirable to me。〃
  〃Oh; this desire! this want! want! want!〃 she broke in rebelliously。               〃I
  am not quite a fool。       I understand some things。 And the whole thing is so
  foolish and absurdand uncomfortable。             I wish I could get away from it。
  I   really   think   it   would   be   a   good   idea   for   me   to   marry   Noa   Noah;   or
  Adamu Adam;  or   Lalaperu there;  or   any  black   boy。          Then   I   could   give
  him orders; and keep him penned away from me; and men like you would
  leave me alone; and not talk marriage and 'I want; I want。'〃
  Sheldon laughed in spite of himself; and far from any genuine impulse
  to laugh。
  〃You are positively soulless;〃 he said savagely。
  〃Because I've a soul that doesn't yearn for a man for master?〃 she took
  up the gage。      〃Very well; then。      I am soulless; and what are you going to
  do about it?〃
  〃I am going to ask you why you look like a woman?                  Why have you
  the   form   of   a   woman?   the   lips   of   a   woman?   the   wonderful   hair   of   a
  … Page 148…
  woman?       And I am going to answer:           because you are a womanthough
  the woman in you is asleepand that some day the woman will wake up。〃
  〃Heaven forbid!〃 she cried; in such sudden and genuine dismay as to
  make him laugh; and to bring a smile to her own lips against herself。
  〃I've got some   more   to say  to   you;〃   Sheldon pursued。          〃I   did try  to
  protect you from every other man in the Solomons; and from yourself as
  well。    As   for   me;   I   didn't   dream   that   danger   lay   in   that   quarter。 So   I
  failed   to   protect   you   from   myself。  I   failed   to   protect   you   at   all。 You
  went     your   own     wilful   way;   just   as  though     I  didn't  existwrecking
  schooners;      recruiting    on    Malaita;    and   sailing    schooners;     one    lone;
  unprotected   girl   in   the   company   of   some   of   the   worst   scoundrels   in   the
  Solomons。         Fowler!     and    Brahms!      and   Curtis!     And      such    is  the
  perverseness of human natureI am frank; you seeI love you for that too。
  I love you for all of you; just as you are。〃
  She made a moue of distaste and raised a hand protestingly。
  〃Don't;〃 he said。      〃You have no right to recoil from the mention of my
  love for you。      Remember this is a man…talk。            From the point of view of
  the talk; you are a man。        The woman in you is only incidental; accidental;
  and irrelevant。      You've got to listen to the bald statement of fact; strange
  though it is; that I love you。〃
  〃And now I won't bother you any more about love。                   We'll go on the
  same as before。        You are better off and safer on Berande; in spite of the
  fact that I love you; than anywhere else in the Solomons。 But I want you;
  as a final item of man…talk; to remember; from time to time; that I love you;
  and that it will be the dearest day of my life when you consent to marry
  me。     I want you to think of it sometimes。           You can't help but think of it
  sometimes。       And now we won't talk about it any more。              As between men;
  there's my hand。〃
  He   held   out   his   hand。  She   hesitated;   then   gripped   it   heartily;   and
  smiled through her tears。
  〃I wish〃 she faltered; 〃I wish; instead of that black Mary; you'd given
  me somebody to swear for me。〃
  And with this enigmatic utterance she turned away。
  … Page 149…
  Sheldon did not mention the subject again; nor did his conduct change
  from what it had always been。         There was nothing of the pining lover; nor
  of   the   lover   at   all;   in   his   demeanour。 Nor   was   there   any   awkwardness
  between them。       They were as frank and friendly in their relations as ever。
  He   had   wondered   if   his   belligerent   love   declaration   might   have   aroused
  some womanly self… consciousness in Joan; but he looked in vain for any
  sign of it。 She appeared as unchanged as he; and while he knew that he hid
  his real feelings; he was firm in his belief that she hid nothing。            And yet
  the   germ   he   had   implanted   must   be   at   work;   he   was   confident   of   that;
  though     he  was    without   confidence     as  to  the  result。   There     was   no
  forecasting this strange girl's processes。        She might awaken; it was true;
  and on the other hand; and with equal chance; he might be the wrong man
  for her; and his declaration of love might only more firmly set her in her
  views on single blessedness。
  While he devoted more and more of his time to the plantation itself;
  she took over the house and   its multitudinous affairs; and she took hold
  firmly; in sailor fashion; revolutionizing the system and discipline。              The
  labour situation on Berande was improving。 The Martha had carried away
  fifty of the blacks whose time was up; and they had been among the worst
  on the plantationfive…year men recruited by Billy Be…blowed; men who
  had gone through the old days of terrorism when the original owners of
  Berande had been driven away。           The new recruits; being broken in under
  the new regime; gave better promise。           Joan had joined with Sheldon from
  the start in the programme that they must be gripped with the strong hand;
  and   at   the   same   time   be   treated   with   absolute   justice;   if   they   were   to
  escape being contaminated by the older boys that still remained。
  〃I think it would be a good idea to put all the gangs at work close to
  the   house    this  afternoon;〃   she   announced     one   day   at  breakfast。  〃I've
  cleaned up the house; and you ought to clean up the barracks。 There is too
  much stealing going on。〃
  … Page 150…
  〃A   good   idea;〃   Sheldon   agreed。      〃Their   boxes   should   be   searched。
  I've just missed a couple of shirts; and my best toothbrush is gone。〃
  〃And   two   boxes   of   my   cartridges;〃   she   added;   〃to   say   nothing   of
  handkerchiefs;   towels;   sheets;   and   my   best   pair   of   slippers。     But   what
  they   want   with   your   toothbrush   is   more   than   I   can   imagine。   They'll   be
  stealing the billiard balls next。〃
  〃One did disappear a few weeks before you came;〃 Sheldon laughed。
  〃We'll search the boxes this afternoon。〃
  And   a   busy   afternoon   it   was。   Joan   and   Sheldon;   both   armed;   went
  through the barracks; house by house; the boss…boys assisting; and half a
  dozen messengers; in relay; shouting along the line the names of the boys
  wanted。      Each     boy    brought    the   key   to  his   particular   box;    and   was
  permitted to look on while the contents were overhauled by the boss…boys。
  A   wealth   of   loot   was   recovered。     There   were   fully   a   dozen   cane…
  knivesbig hacking weapons with razor…edges; capable of decapitating a
  man     at   a  stroke。     Towels;     sheets;    shirts;  and    slippers;   along    with
  toothbrushes; wisp…brooms; soap; the missing billiard ball; and all the lost
  and     forgotten    trifles   of   many     months;     came     to  light。    But     most
  astonishing was the quantity of ammunition…cartridges for Lee…Metfords;
  for Winchesters and Marlins; for revolvers from thirty…two calibre to forty…
  five;   shot…   gun   cartridges;   Joan's   two   boxes   of   thirty…eight;   cartridges   of
  prodigious bore for the ancient Sniders of Malaita; flasks of black powder;
  sticks of dynamite; yards of fuse; and boxes of detonators。 But the great
  find was in the house occupied by Gogoomy and five Port Adams recruits。
  The fact that the boxes yielded nothing excited Sheldon's suspicions; and
  he   gave   orders   to   dig   up