第 38 节
作者:曾氏六合网      更新:2024-07-12 09:34      字数:9322
  going on; he had pictured her as the woman he had always known; clad
  roughly; skirt made out of window…curtain stuff; an undersized man's shirt
  for a blouse; straw sandals for foot covering; with the Stetson hat and the
  eternal revolver completing her costume。             The ready…made clothes from
  Sydney had transformed her。           A simple skirt and shirt…waist of some sort
  of wash…goods set off her trim figure with a hint of elegant womanhood
  that   was   new   to   him。   Brown   slippers   peeped   out   as   she   crossed   the
  compound; and he once caught a glimpse to the ankle of brown open…work
  stockings。 Somehow; she had been made many times the woman by these
  mere   extraneous   trappings;   and   in   his   mind   these   wild   Arabian   Nights
  adventures of hers seemed thrice as wonderful。
  … Page 136…
  As    they   went   in  to  breakfast    he  became     aware    that  Munster     and
  Sparrowhawk had received a similar shock。                 All their air of camaraderie
  was dissipated; and they had become abruptly and immensely respectful。
  〃I've opened up a new field;〃 she said; as she began pouring the coffee。
  〃Old   Kina…Kina   will   never   forget   me;   I'm   sure;   and   I   can   recruit   there
  whenever I want。        I saw Morgan at Guvutu。           He's willing to contract for
  a thousand boys at forty shillings per head。             Did I tell you that I'd taken
  out a recruiting license for the Martha?             I did; and the Martha can sign
  eighty boys every trip。
  Sheldon   smiled   a   trifle   bitterly   to   himself。  The   wonderful   woman
  who   had   tripped   across   the   compound   in   her   Sydney   clothes   was   gone;
  and he was listening to the boy come back again。
  … Page 137…
  〃Well;〃   Joan   said   with   a   sigh;   〃I've   shown   you   hustling   American
  methods that succeed and get somewhere; and here you are beginning your
  muddling again。〃
  Five   days   had   passed;   and   she   and   Sheldon   were   standing   on     the
  veranda watching the Martha; close…hauled on the wind; laying a tack off
  shore。     During those five days Joan had never once broached the desire of
  her   heart;   though   Sheldon;   in   this   particular   instance   reading   her   like   a
  book; had watched her lead up to the question a score of times in the hope
  that he would himself suggest her taking charge of the Martha。                   She had
  wanted   him   to   say   the   word;   and   she   had   steeled   herself   not   to   say   it
  herself。    The matter of finding a skipper had been a hard one。                 She was
  jealous of the Martha; and no suggested man had satisfied her。
  〃Oleson?〃 she had demanded。             〃He does very well on the Flibberty;
  with me and my men to overhaul her whenever she's ready to fall to pieces
  through his slackness。        But skipper of the Martha? Impossible!〃
  〃Munster?       Yes; he's the only man I know in the Solomons I'd care to
  see   in   charge。   And   yet;   there's   his   record。 He   lost   the   Umbawaone
  hundred      and    forty   drowned。      He     was   first  officer   on    the  bridge。
  Deliberate disobedience to instructions。           No wonder they broke him。
  〃Christian     Young     has  never    had  any   experience     with   large   boats。
  Besides;   we   can't   afford   to   pay   him   what   he's   clearing   on   the   Minerva。
  Sparrowhawk is a good manto take orders。                He has no initiative。       He's
  an able sailor; but he can't command。           I tell you I was nervous all the time
  he had charge of the Flibberty at Poonga…Poonga when I had to stay by the
  And     so  it  had   gone。    No     name    proposed     was   satisfactory;    and;
  moreover; Sheldon had been surprised by the accuracy of her judgments。
  A   dozen     times   she   almost   drove    him   to  the  statement    that   from   the
  showing   she   made   of   Solomon   Islands   sailors;   she   was   the   only   person
  fitted   to  command       the   Martha。   But    each   time   he   restrained   himself;
  … Page 138…
  while her pride prevented her from making the suggestion。
  〃Good   whale…boat   sailors   do   not   necessarily   make   good        schooner…
  handlers;〃 she replied to one of his arguments。             〃Besides; the captain of a
  boat like the Martha must have a large mind; see things in a large way; he
  must have capacity and enterprise。〃
  〃But    with   your   Tahitians    on   board〃   Sheldon     had   begun    another
  〃There won't be any Tahitians on board;〃 she had returned promptly。
  〃My men stay with me。           I never know when I may need them。                When I
  sail; they sail; when I remain ashore; they remain ashore。               I'll find plenty
  for them  to   do right here on the   plantation。         You've seen them  clearing
  bush; each of them worth half a dozen of your cannibals。〃
  So it was that Joan stood beside Sheldon and sighed as she watched
  the   Martha   beating   out   to   sea;   old   Kinross;   brought   over   from   Savo;   in
  〃Kinross is   an old   fossil;〃 she said;  with a touch of bitterness in her
  voice。    〃Oh; he'll never wreck her through rashness; rest assured of that;
  but he's timid to childishness; and timid skippers lose just as many vessels
  as rash ones。      Some day; Kinross will lose the Martha because there'll be
  only one chance and he'll be afraid to take it。           I know his sort。      Afraid to
  take advantage of a proper breeze of wind that will fetch him in in twenty
  hours;   he'll   get   caught   out   in   the   calm   that   follows   and   spend   a   whole
  week in   getting   in。    The  Martha   will make   money  with   him;  there's   no
  doubt of   it; but   she   won't   make   near   the   money  that   she   would   under   a
  competent master。〃
  She   paused;   and   with   heightened   colour   and   sparkling   eyes       gazed
  seaward at the schooner。
  〃My! but she is a witch!         Look at her eating up the water; and there's
  no   wind   to   speak   of。  She's   not   got   ordinary   white   metal   either。   It's
  man…of…war copper; every inch of it。            I had them polish it with cocoanut
  husks when she was careened at Poonga… Poonga。                  She was a seal…hunter
  before this gold expedition got her。 And seal…hunters had to sail。               They've
  run away from second class Russian cruisers more than once up there off
  … Page 139…
  〃Honestly; if I'd dreamed of the chance waiting for me at Guvutu when
  I   bought   her   for   less   than   three   hundred   dollars;   I'd   never   have   gone
  partners with you。       And in that case I'd be sailing her right now。
  The justice of her contention came abruptly home to Sheldon。                     What
  she had done she would have done just the same if she had not been his
  partner。    And in the saving of the Martha he had played no part。                  Single…
  handed;   unadvised;   in   the   teeth   of   the   laughter   of   Guvutu   and   of   the
  competition of men like Morgan and Raff; she had gone into the adventure
  and brought it through to success。
  〃You make me feel like a big man who has robbed a small child of a
  lolly;〃 he said with sudden contrition。
  〃And   the   small   child   is   crying   for   it。〃 She   looked   at   him;   and   he
  noted that her lip was slightly trembling and that her eyes were moist。                    It
  was the boy all over; he thought; the boy crying for the wee bit boat with
  which      to  play。    And     yet   it  was    a  woman;      too。   What    a   maze    of
  contradiction she was!          And he wondered; had she been all woman and
  no boy; if he would have loved her in just the same way。                   Then it rushed
  in upon his consciousness that he really loved her for what she was; for all
  the boy in her and all the rest of herfor the total of her that would have
  been a different total in direct proportion to any differing of the parts of
  〃But the small child won't cry any more for it;〃 she was saying。 〃This
  is the last sob。     Some day; if Kinross doesn't lose her; you'll turn her over
  to your partner; I know。        And I won't