第 30 节
作者:曾氏六合网      更新:2024-07-12 09:34      字数:9320
  Lalaperu brought out the glasses and cigarettes and the eternal whisky
  and   soda;   and   before   the   five   minutes   were   past   the   gate   clicked   and
  Christian Young;   tawny   and   golden;   gentle   of   voice   and   look   and   hand;
  came up the bungalow steps and joined them。
  … Page 108…
  News;   as   usual;   Christian   Young   broughtnews   of   the   drinking     at
  Guvutu; where the men boasted that they drank between drinks; news of
  the new rifles adrift on Ysabel; of the latest murders on Malaita; of Tom
  Butler's sickness on Santa Ana; and last and most important; news that the
  Matambo had gone on a reef in the Shortlands and would be laid off one
  run for repairs。
  〃That    means    five  weeks    more    before   you   can   sail  for  Sydney;〃
  Sheldon said to Joan。
  〃And that we are losing precious time;〃 she added ruefully。
  〃If you want to go to Sydney; the Upolu sails from Tulagi to…morrow
  afternoon;〃 Young said。
  〃But I thought she was running recruits for the Germans in   Samoa;〃
  she   objected。    〃At   any   rate;   I   could   catch   her   to   Samoa;   and   change   at
  Apia to one of the Weir Line freighters。         It's a long way around; but still it
  would save time。〃
  〃This time   the Upolu   is   going straight   to Sydney;〃 Young   explained。
  〃She's going to dry…dock; you see; and you can catch her as late as five to…
  morrow afternoonat least; so her first officer told me。〃
  〃But I've got to go to Guvutu first。〃         Joan looked at the men with a
  whimsical   expression。      〃I've   some   shopping   to   do。   I   can't   wear   these
  Berande   curtains   into   Sydney。     I   must   buy   cloth   at   Guvutu   and   make
  myself a dress during the voyage down。           I'll start immediatelyin an hour。
  Lalaperu;   you   bring   'm   one   fella Adamu Adam   along   me。      Tell   'm   that
  fella Ornfiri make 'm kai…kai take along whale…boat。〃            She rose to her feet;
  looking   at   Sheldon。    〃And   you;   please;   have   the   boys   carry   down   the
  whale…boatmy boat; you know。           I'll be off in an hour。〃
  Both Sheldon and Tudor looked at their watches。
  〃It's an all…night row;〃 Sheldon said。       〃You might wait till morning〃
  … Page 109…
  〃And miss my shopping?           No; thank you。       Besides; the Upolu is not
  a regular passenger steamer; and she is just as liable to sail ahead of time
  as on time。     And from what I hear about those Guvutu sybarites; the best
  time to shop will be in the morning。           And now you'll have to excuse me;
  for I've got to pack。〃
  〃I'll go over with you;〃 Sheldon announced。
  〃Let me run you over in the Minerva;〃 said Young。
  She shook her head laughingly。
  〃I'm   going    in  the   whale…boat。     One     would    think;   from   all  your
  solicitude; that I'd never been away from home before。              You; Mr。 Sheldon;
  as my partner; I cannot permit to desert Berande and your work out of a
  mistaken   notion   of   courtesy。     If   you   won't   permit   me   to   be   skipper;   I
  won't permit your galivanting over the sea as protector of young women
  who   don't   need   protection。    And   as   for   you;   Captain Young;   you   know
  very well that you just left Guvutu this morning; that you are bound for
  Marau; and that you said yourself that in two hours you are getting under
  way again。〃
  〃But may I not see you safely across?〃 Tudor asked; a pleading note in
  his voice that rasped on Sheldon's nerves。
  〃No; no; and again no;〃 she cried。           〃You've all got your work to do;
  and so have I。      I came to the Solomons to work; not to be escorted about
  like a doll。    For that matter; here's my escort; and there are seven more
  like him。〃
  Adamu   Adam   stood   beside   her;   towering   above   her;   as   he   towered
  above the three white men。         The clinging cotton undershirt he wore could
  not hide the bulge of his tremendous muscles。
  〃Look at his fist;〃 said Tudor。       〃I'd hate to receive a punch from it。〃
  〃I don't blame you。〃       Joan laughed reminiscently。         〃I saw him hit the
  captain of a Swedish bark on the beach at Levuka; in the Fijis。 It was the
  captain's fault。    I saw it all myself; and it was splendid。          Adamu only hit
  him once; and he broke the man's arm。 You remember; Adamu?〃
  The big Tahitian smiled and nodded; his black eyes; soft and deer… like;
  seeming to give the lie to so belligerent a nature。
  〃We start in an hour in the whale…boat for Guvutu; big brother;〃 Joan
  … Page 110…
  said to him。      〃Tell your brothers; all of them; so that they can get ready。
  We catch the Upolu for Sydney。             You will all come along; and sail back
  to   the   Solomons      in  the  new    schooner。     Take     your    extra  shirts   and
  dungarees along。        Plenty cold weather down there。            Now run along; and
  tell  them   to   hurry。   Leave     the   guns   behind。    Turn    them   over    to  Mr。
  Sheldon。      We won't need them。〃
  〃If you are really bent upon going〃 Sheldon began。
  〃That's settled   long   ago;〃 she   answered   shortly。       〃I'm  going   to   pack
  now。     But I'll tell you what you can do for meissue some tobacco and
  other stuff they want to my men。〃
  An hour later the three men had shaken hands with Joan down on the
  beach。     She gave the signal; and the boat shoved off; six men at the oars;
  the seventh man for'ard; and Adamu Adam at the steering… sweep。                       Joan
  was    standing    up   in  the  stern…sheets;    reiterating   her  good…byesa      slim
  figure of a woman in the tight…fitting jacket she had worn ashore from the
  wreck;     the  long…barrelled     Colt's   revolver   hanging     from   the   loose   belt
  around her waist; her clear…cut face like a boy's under the Stetson hat that
  failed to conceal the heavy masses of hair beneath。
  〃You'd   better   get   into   shelter;〃   she   called   to   them。 〃There's   a   big
  squall coming。       And I hope you've got plenty of chain out; Captain Young。
  Good…bye!       Good…bye; everybody!〃
  Her last words came out of the darkness; which wrapped itself solidly
  about   the   boat。    Yet   they   continued   to   stare   into   the   blackness   in   the
  direction in which the boat had disappeared; listening to the steady click of
  the oars in the rowlocks until it faded away and ceased。
  〃She   is   only   a   girl;〃   Christian Young   said   with   slow   solemnity。   The
  discovery seemed to have been made on the spur of the moment。 〃She is
  only a girl;〃 he repeated with greater solemnity。
  〃A   dashed   pretty   one;   and   a   good   traveller;〃   Tudor   laughed。    〃She
  certainly has spunk; eh; Sheldon?〃
  〃Yes; she is brave;〃 was the reluctant answer for Sheldon did not feel
  disposed to talk about her。
  〃That's   the   American      of  it;〃  Tudor   went   on。   〃Push;     and   go;  and
  energy; and independence。          What do you think; skipper?〃
  … Page 111…
  〃I think she is young; very young; only a girl;〃 replied the captain of
  the Minerva; continuing to stare into the blackness that hid the sea。
  The    blackness     seemed     suddenly     to  increase    in  density;   and   they
  stumbled up the beach; feeling their way to the gate。
  〃Watch out for nuts;〃 Sheldon warned; as the first blast of the squall
  shrieked through the palms。          They joined hands and staggered up the path;
  with   the   ripe   cocoanuts   thudding   in   a   monstrous   rain   all   around   them。
  They gained the veranda; where they sat in silence over their whisky; each
  man staring straight out to sea; where the wildly swinging riding…light of
  the Minerva could be seen in the lulls of the driving rain。
  Somewhere out there; Sheldon reflected; was Joan Lackland; the girl
  who had not grown up; the woman good to look upon; with only a boy's
  mind   and   a   boy's   desires;   leaving   Berande   amid   storm   and   conflict   in
  much the same manner that she had first arrived; in the stern…sheets of her
  whale…boat; Adamu Adam steering; her savage crew bending to the oars。
  And she was taking her Stetson hat with her; along with the cartridge…belt