第 12 节
作者:曾氏六合网      更新:2024-07-12 09:34      字数:9313
  the big revolver; the Baden…Powell; and all the rest。               But what right; the
  next thought in his brain would whisper; had such a girl to swagger around
  like    a  man    and    exult   that  adventure     was    not   dead?     Woman       that
  adventured       were    adventuresses;      and   the   connotation      was    not   nice。
  Besides;   he   was   not   enamoured   of   adventure。      Not   since   he   was   a   boy
  had it appealed to himthough it would have driven him hard to explain
  what had   brought him  from  England to   the Solomons   if   it had   not   been
  Sheldon certainly was not happy。            The unconventional state of affairs
  was    too   much    for   his  conservative     disposition    and   training。   Berande;
  inhabited by one lone white man; was no place for Joan Lackland。                    Yet he
  racked his brain for a way out; and even talked it over with her。                   In the
  first place; the steamer from Australia was not due for three weeks。
  〃One thing is evident:        you don't want me here;〃 she said。            〃I'll man
  the whale…boat to…morrow and go over to Tulagi。〃
  〃But as I told you before; that is impossible;〃 he cried。               〃There is no
  one   there。    The   Resident   Commissioner   is   away   in   Australia。   Them   is
  only    one   white    man;   a  third   assistant   understrapper     and   ex…   sailora
  common sailor。        He is in charge of the government of the Solomons; to
  say  nothing   of   a hundred   or  so   niggersprisoners。  Besides; he   is   such   a
  fool that he would fine you five pounds for not having entered at Tulagi;
  which is the port of entry; you know。 He is not a nice man; and; I repeat; it
  is impossible。〃
  … Page 41…
  〃There is Guvutu;〃 she suggested。
  He shook his head。
  〃There's nothing there but fever and five white men who are drinking
  themselves to death。     I couldn't permit it。〃
  〃Oh thank you;〃 she said quietly。      〃I guess I'll start to…day。 Viaburi!
  You go along Noa Noah; speak 'm come along me。〃
  Noa Noah was her head sailor; who had been boatswain of the Miele。
  〃Where are  you going?〃   Sheldon   asked in   surprise。〃Vlaburi!      You
  〃To Guvutuimmediately;〃 was her reply。
  〃But I won't permit it。〃
  〃That is why I am going。      You said it once before; and it is something
  I cannot brook。〃
  〃What?〃      He   was   bewildered    by  her  sudden   anger。   〃If  I  have
  offended in any way〃
  〃Viaburi;    you   fetch   'm   one   fella  Noa   Noah    along   me;〃   she
  The black boy started to obey。
  〃Viaburi!    You no stop I break 'm head belong you。        And now; Miss
  Lackland; I insistyou must explain。      What have I said or done to merit
  〃You have presumed; you have dared〃
  She choked and swallowed; and could not go on。
  Sheldon looked the picture of despair。
  〃I confess my head is going around with it all;〃 he said。      〃If you could
  only be explicit。〃
  〃As explicit as you were when you told me that you would not permit
  me to go to Guvutu?〃
  〃But what's wrong with that?〃
  〃But you have no rightno man has the rightto tell me what he will
  permit or not permit。    I'm too old to have a guardian; nor did I sail all the
  way to the Solomons to find one。〃
  〃A gentleman is every woman's guardian。〃
  〃Well; I'm not every womanthat's all。       Will you kindly allow me to
  … Page 42…
  send your boy for Noa Noah?            I wish him to launch the whale… boat。           Or
  shall I go myself for him?〃
  Both were now on their feet; she with flushed cheeks and angry eyes;
  he;   puzzled;   vexed;   and   alarmed。    The   black   boy   stood   like   a   statuea
  plum…black       statuetaking     no   interest   in   the   transactions     of   these
  incomprehensible whites; but dreaming with calm eyes of a certain bush
  village high on the jungle slopes of Malaita; with blue smoke curling up
  from     the  grass   houses    against   the  gray   background      of  an   oncoming
  〃But you won't do anything so foolish〃 he began。
  〃There you go again;〃 she cried。
  〃I didn't mean it that way; and you know I didn't。〃             He was speaking
  slowly and gravely。        〃And that other thing; that not permittingit is only
  a   manner   of   speaking。    Of   course   I   am  not   your   guardian。  You   know
  you   can   go   to   Guvutu   if   you   want to〃〃or to   the   devil;〃   he   was   almost
  tempted to add。       〃Only; I should deeply regret it; that is all。          And I am
  very sorry that I should have said anything that hurt you。                Remember; I
  am an Englishman。〃
  Joan smiled and sat down again。
  〃Perhaps I have been hasty;〃 she admitted。             〃You see; I am intolerant
  of restraint。    If you only knew how I have been compelled to fight for my
  freedom。      It is a sore point with me; this being told what I am to do or not
  do   by   you   self…constituted   lords   of   creation。…Viaburi   I   You   stop   along
  kitchen。     No bring 'm Noa Noah。And now; Mr。 Sheldon; what am I to
  do?     You don't want me here; and there doesn't seem to be any place for
  me to go。〃
  〃That is unfair。     Your being wrecked here has been a godsend to me。 I
  was very lonely and very sick。           I really am not certain whether or not I
  should have pulled through had you not happened along。 But that is not
  the point。    Personally; purely selfishly personally; I should be sorry to see
  you go。     But I am not considering myself。           I am considering you。        Itit
  is   hardly   the   proper   thing;   you   know。 If   I   were   marriedif   there   were
  some woman of your own race herebut as it is〃
  She threw up her hands in mock despair。
  … Page 43…
  〃I cannot follow you;〃 she said。          〃In one breath you tell me I must go;
  and in the next breath you tell me there is no place to go and that you will
  not permit me to go。        What is a poor girl to do?〃
  〃That's the trouble;〃 he said helplessly。
  〃And the situation annoys you。〃
  〃Only for your sake。〃
  〃Then let me save your feelings by telling you that it does not annoy
  me at allexcept for the row you are making about it。               I never allow what
  can't be changed to annoy me。            There is no use in fighting the inevitable。
  Here is the situation。        You are here。       I am here。      I can't go elsewhere;
  by   your   own   account。      You   certainly   can't   go   elsewhere   and   leave   me
  here alone with a whole plantation and two hundred woolly cannibals on
  my hands。       Therefore you stay; and I stay。         It is very simple。      Also; it is
  adventure。      And furthermore; you needn't worry for yourself。                 I am not
  matrimonially  inclined。        I   came   to   the  Solomons   for  a   plantation;  not   a
  Sheldon flushed; but remained silent。
  〃I know what you are thinking;〃 she laughed gaily。                〃That if I were a
  man you'd wring my neck for me。               And I deserve it; too。        I'm so sorry。
  I ought not to keep on hurting your feelings。〃
  〃I'm   afraid   I   rather   invite   it;〃   he   said;   relieved   by   the   signs   of   the
  tempest subsiding。
  〃I have it;〃 she announced。         〃Lend me a gang of your boys for to… day。
  I'll build a grass house for myself over in the far corner of the compound
  on piles; of course。      I can move in to…night。        I'll be comfortable and safe。
  The Tahitians can keep an anchor watch just as aboard ship。                 And then I'll
  study    cocoanut     planting。    In   return;   I'll  run  the  kitchen    end   of  your
  household   and   give   you   some   decent   food   to   eat。    And   finally;   I   won't
  listen to any of your protests。         I know all that you are going to say and
  offer your giving the bungalow up to me and building a grass house for
  yourself。     And   I   won't   have   it。  You   may   as   well   consider   everything
  settled。    On the other hand; if you don't agree; I will go across the river;
  beyond   your   jurisdiction;   and   build   a   village   for   myself   and   my   sailors;
  whom I shall send in the whale…boat to Guvutu for provisions。                   And now
  … Page 44…