第 17 节
作者:僻处自说      更新:2024-05-31 15:57      字数:9322
  for any one to convict them of error。              In this they seem to me to be like a
  blind man; who; in order to fight on equal terms with a person that sees;
  should have made him descend to the bottom of an intensely dark cave:
  and   I   may   say   that   such   persons   have   an   interest   in   my   refraining   from
  publishing the principles of the philosophy of which I make use; for; since
  these are of a kind the simplest and most evident; I should; by publishing
  them;   do   much   the   same   as   if   I   were   to   throw   open   the   windows;   and
  allow   the   light   of   day   to   enter   the   cave   into   which   the   batants   had
  descended。        But even superior men have no reason for any great anxiety
  to know these principles; for if what they desire is to be able to speak of
  all things; and to acquire a reputation for learning; they will gain their end
  more easily by remaining satisfied with the appearance of truth; which can
  be found without much difficulty in all sorts of matters; than by seeking
  the   truth   itself   which   unfolds   itself   but   slowly   and   that   only   in   some
  departments; while it obliges us; when we have to speak of others; freely
  to   confess   our     ignorance。      If;   however;     they   prefer    the   knowledge      of
  some   few   truths   to   the   vanity   of   appearing   ignorant   of   none;   as   such
  knowledge   is   undoubtedly   much   to   be   preferred;   and;   if   they   choose   to
  follow a course similar to mine; they do not require for this that I should
  say anything more than I have already said in this discourse。                       For if they
  are   capable of   making   greater   advancement   than   I   have   made;  they  will
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  much more be able of themselves to discover all that I believe myself to
  have   found;   since   as   I   have   never   examined   aught   except   in   order;   it   is
  certain   that   what   yet   remains   to   be   discovered   is   in   itself   more   difficult
  and recondite; than that which I have already been enabled to find; and the
  gratification would be much less in learning it from me than in discovering
  it   for   themselves。    Besides   this;   the   habit   which   they   will   acquire;   by
  seeking first what is easy; and then passing onward slowly and step by step
  to   the   more   difficult;   will   benefit   them   more   than   all   my   instructions。
  Thus; in my own case; I am persuaded that if I had been taught from my
  youth all the truths of which I have since sought out demonstrations; and
  had    thus   learned    them    without    labour;   I  should    never;   perhaps;    have
  known any beyond these; at least; I should never have acquired the habit
  and the facility which I think I possess in always discovering new truths in
  proportion as I give myself to the search。 And; in a single word; if there is
  any work in the world which cannot be so well finished by another as by
  him who has menced it; it is that at which I labour。
  It   is   true;   indeed;   as   regards   the   experiments   which   may   conduce   to
  this end; that one man is not equal to the task of making them all; but yet
  he can advantageously avail himself; in this work; of no hands besides his
  own; unless those of artisans; or parties of the same kind; whom he could
  pay;    and   whom     the   hope    of  gain   (a  means     of  great   efficacy)    might
  stimulate to accuracy in the performance of what was prescribed to them。
  For as to those who; through curiosity or a desire of learning; of their own
  accord;   perhaps;   offer   him   their   services;   besides   that   in   general   their
  promises exceed their performance; and that they sketch out fine designs
  of which not one is ever realized; they will; without doubt; expect to be
  pensated for their trouble by the explication of some difficulties; or; at
  least; by pliments and useless speeches; in which he cannot spend any
  portion of his time without loss to himself。              And as for the experiments
  that   others   have    already   made;    even   although     these   parties   should    be
  willing of themselves to municate them to him (which is what those
  who esteem them secrets will never do); the experiments are; for the most
  part; acpanied with so many circumstances and superfluous elements;
  as   to   make    it  exceedingly     difficult   to  disentangle     the   truth  from    its
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  adjuncts… besides; he will find almost all of them so ill described; or even
  so false (because those who made them have wished to see in them only
  such facts as they deemed conformable to their principles); that; if in the
  entire number there should be some of a nature suited to his purpose; still
  their value could not pensate for the time what would be necessary to
  make the selection。        So that if there existed any one whom we assuredly
  knew to be capable of making discoveries of the highest kind; and of the
  greatest possible utility to the public; and if all other men were therefore
  eager by all means to assist him in successfully prosecuting his designs; I
  do not   see that   they  could do   aught else   for   him beyond   contributing to
  defray the expenses   of the experiments that might be necessary; and   for
  the   rest;   prevent   his   being   deprived   of   his   leisure   by   the   unseasonable
  interruptions   of   any   one。     But   besides   that   I   neither   have   so   high   an
  opinion      of  myself     as   to  be   willing    to   make    promise     of   anything
  extraordinary; nor feed on imaginations so vain as to fancy that the public
  must be much interested in my designs; I do not; on the other hand; own a
  soul so mean as to be capable of accepting from any one a favor of which
  it could be supposed that I was unworthy。
  These considerations taken together were the reason why; for the last
  three years;  I  have been unwilling   to publish the treatise I had   on   hand;
  and why I even resolved to give publicity during my life to no other that
  was     so  general;    or  by  which     the  principles    of  my    physics    might    be
  understood。       But since then; two other reasons have e into operation
  that have determined me here to subjoin some particular specimens; and
  give    the   public   some    account     of  my    doings    and   designs。     Of    these
  considerations;      the   first  is;  that  if  I  failed  to  do  so;  many   who     were
  cognizant of my previous intention to publish some writings; might have
  imagined   that   the   reasons   which   induced   me   to   refrain   from   so   doing;
  were     less  to  my    credit   than   they   really   are;  for   although     I  am   not
  immoderately   desirous         of  glory;   or  even;   if  I  may   venture    so  to  say;
  although I am averse from it in so far as I deem it hostile to repose which I
  hold in greater account than aught else; yet; at the same time; I have never
  sought   to   conceal   my   actions   as   if   they   were   crimes;   nor   made   use   of
  many precautions that I might remain unknown; and this partly because I
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  should have thought such a course of conduct a wrong against myself; and
  partly   because     it  would    have   occasioned      me   some    sort  of   uneasiness
  which   would   again have   been   contrary  to   the perfect   mental   tranquillity
  which   I   court。  And   forasmuch   as;   while   thus   indifferent   to   the   thought
  alike of fame or of forgetfulness; I have yet been unable to prevent myself
  from acquiring some sort of reputation; I have thought it incumbent on me
  to do my best to save myself at least from being ill…spoken of。                  The other
  reason   that   has   determined   me   to   mit   to   writing   these   specimens   of
  philosophy is; that I am being daily more and more alive to the delay
  which   my   design   of   self…instruction   suffers;   for   want   of   the   infinity   of
  experiments I require; and which it is impossible for me to make without
  the   assistance   of   others:   and;   without   flattering   myself   so   much   as   to
  expect the public to take a large share in my interests; I am yet un