第 14 节
作者:僻处自说      更新:2024-05-31 15:57      字数:9320
  however   perfect   or   happily   circumstanced;   which   can   do   the   like。       Nor
  does     this  inability   arise   from    want    of  organs:     for   we    observe    that
  magpies and parrots can utter words like ourselves; and are yet unable to
  speak as we do; that is; so as to show that they understand what they say;
  in place of which men born deaf and dumb; and thus not less; but rather
  more than the brutes; destitute of the organs which others use in speaking;
  are   in   the   habit   of   spontaneously   inventing   certain   signs   by   which   they
  discover their thoughts to those who; being usually in their pany; have
  leisure   to   learn   their   language。 And   this   proves   not   only   that   the   brutes
  have less reason than man; but that they have none at all:                 for we see that
  very   little   is   required   to   enable   a   person   to   speak;   and   since   a   certain
  inequality of capacity is observable among animals of the same species; as
  well as among men; and since some are more capable of being instructed
  than others; it is incredible that the most perfect ape or parrot of its species;
  should not in this be equal to the most stupid infant of its kind or at least to
  one   that   was   crack…brained;   unless   the   soul   of   brutes   were   of   a   nature
  wholly different from ours。           And we ought not to confound speech with
  the natural movements which indicate the passions; and can be imitated by
  machines as well as manifested by animals; nor must it be thought with
  … Page 44…
  certain     of   the   ancients;    that   the   brutes    speak;    although      we   do    not
  understand   their   language。         For   if   such   were   the   case;   since   they   are
  endowed        with   many     organs     analogous      to  ours;   they    could    as  easily
  municate   their   thoughts   to   us   as   to   their   fellows。        It   is   also   very
  worthy   of   remark;   that;   though   there   are   many   animals   which   manifest
  more industry than we in certain of their actions; the same animals are yet
  observed to show none   at all in many  others:                  so that the   circumstance
  that   they   do   better   than   we   does   not   prove   that   they   are   endowed   with
  mind; for it would thence follow that they possessed greater reason than
  any   of   us;   and   could   surpass   us   in   all   things;   on   the   contrary;   it   rather
  proves that they are destitute of reason; and that it is nature which acts in
  them according to the disposition of their organs:                   thus it is seen; that a
  clock   posed   only   of   wheels   and   weights   can   number   the   hours   and
  measure time more exactly than we with all our skin。
  I had after this described the reasonable soul; and shown that it could
  by no means be educed from the power of matter; as the other things of
  which I had spoken; but that it must be expressly created; and that it is not
  sufficient that it be lodged in the human body exactly like a pilot in a ship;
  unless perhaps to move its members; but that it is necessary for it to be
  joined and united more closely to the body; in order to have sensations and
  appetites similar to ours; and thus constitute a real man。 I here entered; in
  conclusion; upon the subject of the soul at considerable length; because it
  is   of   the   greatest   moment:      for   after   the   error   of   those   who   deny   the
  existence of God; an error which I think I have already sufficiently refuted;
  there is none that is more powerful in leading feeble minds astray from the
  straight path of virtue than the supposition that the soul of the brutes is of
  the   same   nature   with   our   own;   and   consequently   that   after   this   life   we
  have   nothing   to   hope   for   or   fear;   more   than   flies   and   ants;   in   place   of
  which; when we know how far they differ we much better prehend the
  reasons which establish that the soul is of a nature wholly independent of
  the body; and that consequently it is not liable to die with the latter and;
  finally; because no other causes are observed capable of destroying it; we
  are naturally led thence to judge that it is immortal。
  … Page 45…
  Three years have now elapsed since I finished the treatise containing
  all these matters; and I was beginning to revise it; with the view to put it
  into the hands of a printer; when I learned that persons to whom I greatly
  defer; and whose authority over my actions is hardly less influential than is
  my   own   reason   over   my   thoughts;   had   condemned   a   certain   doctrine   in
  physics; published a short time previously by another individual to which I
  will not say that I adhered; but only that; previously to their censure I had
  observed   in   it   nothing   which   I   could   imagine   to   be   prejudicial   either   to
  religion or to the state; and nothing therefore which would have prevented
  me from giving expression to it in writing; if reason had persuaded me of
  its   truth;   and   this   led   me   to   fear   lest   among   my  own   doctrines   likewise
  some     one    might    be   found    in  which    I  had   departed     from    the  truth;
  notwithstanding the great care I have always taken not to accord belief to
  new opinions of which I had not the most certain demonstrations; and not
  to give expression to aught that might tend to the hurt of any one。                    This
  has been sufficient to make me alter my purpose of publishing them; for
  although the reasons by which I had been induced to take this resolution
  were   very   strong;   yet   my   inclination;   which   has   always   been   hostile   to
  writing   books;   enabled   me   immediately  to   discover  other   considerations
  sufficient to excuse me for not undertaking the task。 And these reasons; on
  one side and the other; are such; that not only is it in some measure my
  interest here to state them; but that of the public; perhaps; to know them。
  I have never made much account of what has proceeded from my own
  mind;   and   so   long   as   I   gathered   no   other   advantage   from   the   method   I
  employ   beyond   satisfying   myself   on   some   difficulties   belonging   to   the
  speculative sciences; or endeavoring to regulate my actions according to
  the   principles    it  taught   me;   I  never   thought    myself    bound     to  publish
  anything respecting it。        For in what regards manners; every one is so full
  of his own wisdom; that there might be found as many reformers as heads;
  if any  were   allowed   to  take upon   themselves  the task of   mending   them;
  except those whom God has constituted the supreme rulers of his people
  or   to   whom   he   has   given   sufficient   grace   and   zeal   to   be   prophets;   and
  … Page 46…
  although   my   speculations   greatly   pleased   myself;   I   believed   that   others
  had theirs; which perhaps pleased them still more。                    But as soon as I had
  acquired some general notions respecting physics; and beginning to make
  trial of them in various particular difficulties; had observed how far they
  can carry us; and how much they differ from the principles that have been
  employed   up   to   the   present   time;   I   believed   that   I   could   not   keep   them
  concealed   without   sinning   grievously   against   the   law   by   which   we   are
  bound to promote; as far as in us lies; the general good of mankind。                         For
  by them I perceived it to be possible to arrive at knowledge highly useful
  in   life;   and   in   room   of   the   speculative   philosophy   usually   taught   in   the
  schools; to discover a practical; by means of which; knowing the force and
  action of fire; water; air the stars; the heavens; and all the other bodies that
  surround us; as distinctly as we know the various crafts of our artisans; we
  might also apply them in the same way to all the uses to which they are
  adapted;   and   thus   render   ourselves   the   lords   and   possessors   of   nature。
  And this is a result to be desired; not only in order to the invention of an